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when jokes are taken too far, Punaweb related

four punaweb members are being slandered in a public forum website run by a former punaweb member who was recently banned from punaweb.
Two of the 4 slandered punaweb members have never written anything anywhere but on punaweb (myself and hawaiideborah).
These attacks are coming toward punaweb members about what we have posted on punaweb.

This is a public website and this is criminal activity that we should all take very seriously. This is cyber bullying at it's worst.
You can go to this site and see the comments on these threads starting with the warm and fuzzy threads and working forward in dates.
Several current punaweb members are encouraging these continued attacks and joining in on the attacks and sexual degrading lies.

So, yes this is very puna related.

1. I have been accused of a child molester on another website run by a former punaweb member. This has gone too far. There are still links to this website on punaweb. These links are after this persons signoff name on most (but not all) of the posts he made while a member of punaweb.
I am requesting that all links to this website be removed from punaweb.

2. Mauka has also been accused of being a child molester on this public web site.
3. KathyH has been portrayed tied up and accused of many things on this same website.
4. hawaiideborah is called a slut with ongoing discussions of her doing sexual things.
Gawd, what an ass.

Don't worry guys, strong winds don't blow forever.

This tripe is so over the top, only a like minded person would not be able to see through the pathetic-ness of it all.

Let him have it, wallow in his own _____________ and flame out.

Go make a police report if you want ... Get it all on record.

Outside looking in / that said :

If this lame stuff REALLY DOES bother you, maybe you DO have a problem.


I had NO IDEA my fellow Punawebbers were having soooooooooooo much fun. Let the slander begin! Start me up! Tie me up! Make me drink unsweetened pineapple juice!
I am at a loss as to what Orchidlandguy wants to accomplish with this here.

A good way to build a fire is to fan the flames. Every Boy Scout knows that.

I will concern myself with the operation of this web site and no other.

Assume the best and ask questions.

Punaweb moderator
Assume the best and ask questions.

Punaweb moderator

Your angst is understandable, but you are being goaded. There are little boys who will never grow up, despite their age. Let their wives handle them. Don't waste your energy.
Kelena, I expected better of you.
My family and friends are very upset about seeing a depiction of me being kidnaped and assaulted, which is what it is. The pictures and text about the other Punaweb members are even more disturbing.

People have been bothered by defamation for centuries. That's why there are laws about it. New legislation dealing with cyber-harassment too. Trolling is one thing, Rob. Harassment is another. Today he demanded my full name and my signature be delivered to him before he would consider stopping. I don't think so.

This campaign of harassment has nothing to do with jokes. Jokes relate to groups of people. These are specific personal attacks intended to damage reputation in the community, to humiliate, to intimidate, and to cause emotional distress and even fear.

I have been advised by people who don't know me to laugh at it and ignore it. Perhaps it is difficult to understand if you are not the one attacked. Defamation and harassment are against the law, and we no more should be told to ignore these things than I would tell any of you to ignore it if someone breaks in your house or assaults you. As I have a good imagination, when someone draws an image of himself assaulting me, I feel assaulted.

It's really an eye opener how many people think it's OK to say whatever you want to people under the guise of free speech and the world of the internet. Defamation and harassment are not protected speech under the First Amendment.

I asked him to stop, and the reply was that my punishment for asking would be an escalation.

Is this Puna related? Yes, the energy is emanating from Puna and mostly towards other Puna residents. (Apparently I'm fair game because I live in South Hilo and not Puna?) I'm wondering now if this attitude represents the people of Puna and of Punaweb.

Note on terms:
It's libel, not slander.
Cyber-bullying involves one minor bullying another. When adults are involved, it's called cyber-harassment.
I will concern myself with the operation of this web site and no other.

Assume the best and ask questions.

Punaweb moderator
Assume the best and ask questions.

Punaweb moderator
Rob, mahalo for all you do.

I don't think this needs to be another big Punaweb discussion, and I wouldn't have started this topic. I only responded because of the snide remark that was incredibly insensitive.

I'll deal with this. As I said on the blog, it's my personal belief that women should be encouraged to stand up to men who are trying to bully them. In this case a man who feels entitled to talk about made-up sexual scenarios drawn from his own crude mentality. This blogger is no better than the sicko who trolls the phone book looking for women's names and makes obscene phone calls while jerking off.

I get to decide what is unacceptable to me, and if someone else gets harassed, it's up to that person to decide. There are Punaweb members who find it easy to mock anyone who has the self-respect to set limits on how creeps can behave ... who mock away with the "oh, it's all about ME" mantra.

I don't know where that behavior comes from, but I can't respect it. We should all respect ourselves enough to set boundaries. Sometimes the right thing is to say "Whatever, dude." Other times the right thing is to say STOP, you can't do that to me.

Thank you Rob for being a reasonable and kind person. No beef with you! [Smile]
When Orchidlandguy and KathyH and OTHERS, get all offended and need to post on and on about how their indignations are justified, it just gives these guys what they want! Don't you get it? These guys are having a blast and you are just giving them exactly what they want with EVERY post you make.
My posts here are not for them. I'm talking to a few people who get it, and we are emailing.

My posts on the blog were following the procedure laid out by a complaint process. It was not my choice to go that way, but there are certain things you have to do, such as make a formal objection and ask for them to stop.

Sure they love that because they get to be all mocking and rude, but nevertheless there are rules about not ambushing someone. I've told Tom everything he needs to know now and he is on notice. I was not under any illusion that I was going to impress him or get him to be reasonable. What I did was give him a fair chance to stay out of hot water, which he blew off.

With all due respect, DanielP, you are a man and have no understanding of this particular situation for me, so I would ask you to stop telling me how to feel and what I have to put up with. You asked if I see. Yes, I understand the bully mentality and what feeds it, but passive acquiescence feeds it too.

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