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Public Statement on U.S. militarism & occupation
Originally posted by PaulW

If deaths from Three Mile Island are so "well-documented" then let's see a link. That reality is that there was not a single death. This is because there was hardly any radiation. Here's a quote from wikipedia on the subject:

wikipedia can be edited by anyone. Just saying something is from wikipedia doesn't make it true.
don't use wikipedia to substantiate facts, it will disappoint.
How was Kamehameha not an occupier? He went to someone else's land and took it by force so he could have it. You mean the thousands of warriors on Oahu who got thrown to their deaths off the Pali cliffs after they were cornered in a take-no-prisoners battle against Kamehameha's invading forces were OK with being brutally killed by invaders? It never ceases to amaze me when someone implies that conflict between native peoples is less an injustice than stuff white folks do. I guess it follows that black people don't mind getting violently assaulted as long as it is other black people from their neighborhood that are doing it.
Originally posted by Orchidlandguy

Originally posted by PaulW

If deaths from Three Mile Island are so "well-documented" then let's see a link. That reality is that there was not a single death. This is because there was hardly any radiation. Here's a quote from wikipedia on the subject:

wikipedia can be edited by anyone. Just saying something is from wikipedia doesn't make it true.
don't use wikipedia to substantiate facts, it will disappoint.

Substantiated by the Nuclear Regulatory Comittee

Direct from the .gov

Now if you really want what helps the Hawaiian peoples, seriously consider what wi happen, should the US leave.

No more money coming in from the Feds, and a lack of industry to support the population. Not to mention utilities, etc. How long do you think people will live on ideals before they turn on each other to survive.

A long time ago, Hawaii would have survived. Now a days, considering people (all over the world) are out of touch with their roots, nearly anywhere is doomed to fail, or at least become a 3rd world overnight. Take Oahu, for example. Do you think that the population could feed itself before rioting starts?

Again, what happened was a travesty, BUT this is a vastly different world now.
What is a Hawaiian anyway, they arrived from another place?

Will a 4th generation kamaaina Irish man be a Hawaiian if they were born here, no they would still be Irish right?
The Hawaiian culture is more complex and important than race issues. The Ha'ole is as essential in the perpetuation of Hawaiian culture.
The original post on this thread, is very confrontational.
If someone does not want to hear any arguments against their post, they should not make it in the first place.
This is a forum that Rob has created - where disagreements are allowed to be voiced, despite silverpenny and orchidlandguy's sentiments to the contrary. It isn't "their way or else".
Orchidlandguy:"Just saying something is from wikipedia doesn't make it true."
Amazing how some will take wikipedia or snopes (opinions of 2 people) as gospel. Cross referencing from many sources is always a good idea.

"mdd7000 continually tries to hijack this thread to attack you. He is a baiting troll and has done this to anyone who asks him to admit he is wrong as you can see when he ans posted lies about me. Don't let him do his twisting and lying. Stand up to him. I support you. Let's get this thread back on track and off of mdd7000 obsession with cattle ranching which is not the topic."
Mahalo for calling out the bullies. Not cool at all and definitely NOT conducive to intelligent discussions. It's OK to disagree, NOT OK to attack someone because we don't agree with them.
just ignore them? some sites, like zappa forum has a block feature. or just read and if it finds you pissed off and wanting to rant, (or defend) just ignore. if it is valid, then state you're opinion. just enjoy life. going to TRY to make this my last post for this type of stuff. i dont know, maybe I'M outta line. aloha.
mdd7000:"The original post on this thread, is very confrontational."
The original post was quoted directly from Malu `Aina Center for Non-violent Education & Action, yet you went on to attack me because you don’t like the message. You attack Dugger because he/she agrees with the message. You make false assumptions and accusations that you cannot substantiate. You have nothing to stand on, yet you continue to create pilikia. I happen to think Jim Albertini sacrifices much to fight for what’s just/right and stand with him. He’s got enough cahones to stand up for others, even at a detriment to himself. You could learn a thing or two from Mr. Albertini.
abe:"just ignore them...just enjoy life"
Mahalo for the great suggestions, not out of line at all. Takes a saint sometimes though. What's your secret? Smile

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