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Military buldup and invasive species
An interesting story at I would post the link if I could.
Wasn't it a marine who recently brought a snake to Oahu? not attacking military people here, but many if not most of them don't know how damaging this can be and many if not most could care less about Hawaii. Can you imagine how a young person would feel being told he is being deployed to Hawaii and then winding up in the desert at 6,000 feet? I have met service people here who tell me they hate Hawaii and can't wait to leave.
There currently is no draft. You can act normal now.
Excuse me? I don't know how that relates to an article brought to my attention by the Hawaii Committee Against Invasive Species. By citing an article am I acting crazy? Please explain.
OK invasive species

In yesterdays trib 2 photos and two stories one above the other

1) rescued bunny makes a new home in hawaii- all warm and fuzzy

2) nasty alligator lizard found on island - kill the damn thing!

who decides what is invasive? what are the guide lines?

-just thinkin out loud

Bullwinkle, I think the guidelines are fairly simple and have to do with danger to the way of life here. An invasive species is one that poses great danger to native species. Over 50% of the world's endangered species are native to Hawaii. I for one greatly enjoy walking barefoot in the forest without fear of poisonous snakes. I love that I don't to fear rabies for my pets. Snakes can also decimate our native bird populations as can mosquitoes. It's kind of like the aliens in War of the Worlds being brought down by the common cold.
You may say no species are native but that would be false. Actual native species are very small in number, but are those that found their way here many centuries ago and made it home. Some mutated to new species upon arrival and some mutated along the way but they have become unique to Hawaii. Did you know that Ohia also grow in Australia, but that our Ohia are capable of turning off "breathing" during times of high SO2 concentrations in the air during high volcanic activity? Apapane, elepaio and other birds exist no other place on earth. The Hawaiian goose is also unique due to adaptation or evolution to our environment. Yes, a bunny or cats are invasive but they have shown to pose little threat to native populations. We have made many mistakes in the past but I would hope we can learn from those and thus protect what remains.
but who sets the agenda? decides what are the guidelines?

when does an invasive become naturalized?

"Snakes can also decimate our native bird populations" - house cats do a good job of destroying native bird population as is...... but they are "O.K" - confusing

edit - house cats

Good question, Bullwinkle. There is a coordinated effort by many statewide and regional organizations. Go to to see some. The scope of agencies is very easily researched on Google or your favorite search engine.
As far as when a species becomes naturalized, I can see why this is a question. Fact is there are very, very few native species. Ohia Lehua, ulue, hapuu, koa, kamapua, sandalwood. These are the plants which come easily to mind. Nene, elepaio, apapane are some of the animals which come easily to mind. I Know I am leaving some out. These are plants and animals which found their way here without the help of humans. Many of the plants came in bird poop and some found their way on the jetstream, no one really knows how long ago and the odds of them finding their way here are remarkably small. These are the species that were here before the first polynesians arrived. Thus pigs are not native even though they have been here for a long time.
again .... who sets the agenda - it is really murky in Hawaii

In a past life on the mainland I spent years on the other side of the table negotiating with the feds about this very same issue

Bottom line - it was at that table these very same decisions were made not evolution that decided what was invasive and what was not.

That is where we a citizens can make an impact inmho, lets start by shipping all the cats off island - get ready for the howling - grin

off to the lot - see ya
While I am on this rant ...

rat poison - may work well in keeping the population down - but also works it way right up the food chain to the Io - just breaks my heart to see it used indiscriminately
There is a product that kills rats but has no "secondary kill" if the dead rat is eaten by another animal. I think it was called Ramik Green. Its been awhile so I am not sure if the name is completely accurate. In a previous life I was an Estate Director for a large Winery and Estate in the Napa Valley, N. Ca. It was something I used out of neccesity, but didn't want to poison anything else.
It was a long time ago...
Like Dugger, I too enjoy walking through the woods without the worry of snakes. enjoy.


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