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Mauna Kea, the Sacred
I think first you should cover Uranus.
Best wishes to Pam, I hope technology triumphs again.
We had several discussions with international bleeding-edge chemical company CEOs and decided that conquering Uranus would only lead to too many puns, so gave that idea up a few months ago. The atmospheric winds also meant the chemtrails would have been dispersed too quickly and government mind-control was unlikely to work given the alien nature of the planet.

The TMT is great though, all the lawsuits will distract everyone from the plans the rest of the MK observatories have to colonize and poison the universe. I just hope no-one sees through the plan though otherwise we'll be scuppered.

Tom, thanks again, you take care of Pam as I feel the conspiracies are well launched and the pre-launch cover-up has been all but flawless.

I think educating people about the Hawaiian cultural aspect is great.

As for the SUV's, I see, they go off sides and rarely have an encounter i.e. collision.

Which planet to aim for, I'd say go for another star system. Forget about Uranus, show mankind that we're ready to get Sirius.

Kaor, Barsoomians. Footage of the secret project being carried out on Mauna Kea.

"Sometimes it's not enough to know what things mean, sometimes you have to know what things don't mean." — Bob Dylan
Originally posted by silverpenny10

Please correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe what anthonyf meant by "individualistic", is divisiveness, separatism. We live in a society where me and mine supercedes the good of the whole. We're taught to "win" at any cost. We tend to have tunnel vision and are unable to see the broad picture. We think we are so much more intelligent with our gizmos that we can out do nature. Really??? Technology is fine, but at what COST? Irradiate the masses with EMF's and destroy bird's migratory/homing system so we can have better cell phone reception and get broadcast from asia? No thanks, I'll stick with land lines. Spray and fumigate pesticides, herbicides, fungicides on tens of thousands of acres and allow it to drift and run into the oceans so we MIGHT have access to biofuel? No thanks, I'll reduce use, walk and bike, use public transportation, hitch hike. Drink water laden with toxic flouride? No thanks, we were lied to. Eat GMO frankenfoods that are bigger, shinier, prettier that are manipulated, processed in fancy boxes, cans, packages? No thanks, I'll grow and raise my own REAL food. Free from preventable diseases caused by choking on pollution from pesticides, herbicides, fungicides, chem trails, GMO's, flouride, vaccines, and the endless list of assaults? We can only hope and dream. Desecrate more pristine land to study the stars and planets so that when we poison and burn up this planet beyond repair, those with the $billions and $trillions made from selling pesticides, herbicides, fungicides, chem trails, GMO's, flouride, vaccines will have a place to go do it all over again. Of this I'm sure: it WON'T me or you.

Technology is great. The big question is: what is the price to pay? I'm not talking about money.

Thanks for helping translate for the not so well read here silverpenny. I thought there were adults here but having to explain every single word I use is tiring.

I, me, me, mine. That is all I see in Puna. Go into the shops and they treat you with suspicion first and then extort you because they can. Look at the land all all you see is "KAPU!"

Technology, modern "comfort", and medicine depend on the powerful lever of cheap oil. Things like the telescope will be the first to be cut. These people do not see what is coming and the importance of preparing for the new way of living.

And then we have climate change, do you any of you know how it has already changed the islands? I did not realize it until talking with some farmers, but they see it. Diseases, unpredicable climate.

Well, all I can do is keep talking and ignore thouse who infuse doubt into certainty to keep their delusions alive.
Originally posted by TomK

OK, enough for now, I'm thinking about Pam despite someone here suggesting I should just let her die. I'm also busy dealing with the final checks for our interstellar warp-drive engines designed for planetary colonization but we're still trying to figure out how to deliver chemtrails to an alien planet's surface from the vacuum of space. Mark just made me realise we forgot to load the flouride, so have to do some more balance and weight calculations.

Anyone have a suggestion for the first planet we should have a go at? I'm considering a shot at delivering some fungicides to Saturn.


I do not know what you do at the telescope Tom, but you certainly are not a scientist. It might be your title, but it is not who you are. You are more like a technician who follows than a scientist who questions.

How can you observe if your bias clouds what you see? I did not say you should let Pam die. I was questioning your assumption that to die is a bad thing. Go back and read what I wrote and show me where I said you should let her die and then ask yourself why you interprited it that way.

And your insertion of comdey, like those idiotic uranus jokes from 1977 by others, is a nervous reaction. A defensive sheild. "Look over here! It is a clown! Life is happy again!"

You say Pam is your loved one but you sit at work and cannot be at her side. What kind of life and love is that? You love your technology and job more than Pam it seems. Technology before the person.
Alright!! They approved the telescope!

Alright! More income disparity! More hungry unhealthy kids! More evironmental degradation! Alright! Yeah! Cool!

Added this for those with a faster internet connection:
anthonyf..... You sound more and more like someone that was just 86ed off this site.. Hmmmmmmm your style and manners are just like him Hmmmmm and at this pace you won't last long on this site...... Again

good reading at 27 below zero. Tom what is the temp like on other planets past mars? Seems like livng where I do is another planet.
Flouride and vaccines? EMFs? You don't understand science or evidence I guess.

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