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KTA looking to place a new market at Auli`i Dr.
There is another new commercial development one block from the wiki wiki which will be another new center, along with the one planned on aulii will already make it three centers in orchidland alone which seems to already be more than enough.

I sense a trend of people throwing Orchidland under the bus in terms of development. As Noel points out, we already host the Blaine's, the General Store/Hardware store, the Wiki Wiki Gas station/mini mart, and now the new development that is going in, so we've done our share. It is an easy drive for Orchidland residents to go to Hilo or to Keaau to shop for groceries, so the KTA is not a necessity for us. Getting out of Orchidland, onto the highway is difficult and dangerous enough as it is without adding the additional traffic of another major commercial attraction in our neighborhood. If people are so inclined to create a centrally located commercial zone, why not put it in Pahoa (with realistic traffic management improvements) closer to the police and fire stations and Pahoa Village Center.
As the PCDP was written a 30,000 sf commercial building should go to Pahoa or Keaau. The village center proposals called for three levels of village centers. Regional, community and neighborhood. The big stuff goes to regional centers. Middle sized stuff to community centers, small stuff to neighborhood centers.

They aren't looking to put it in Pahoa or Keaau because they want the old model of a corner on a highway. Personally I think that people would shop at the market on the highway or off the highway. Off the highway is better.

The last council watered down the PCDP with a raft of amendments. J Yoshimoto's work with assistance from Guy Enriques and Emily Naeole. There will be work on council this summer to reverse the worst of Yoshimoto's bill. The opening is there though at the moment and KTA will try to slip though the loophole Yoshimoto created.
Assume the best and ask questions.

Punaweb moderator
They are just trying to tap the money that's in HPP before it heads off to Pahoa or Keaau or Hilo. As of the 2010 census..Hawaiian Paradise Park is practically tied with Kailua Kona as the second largest population center on the island. If I were someone with financial means and wanted to make money in a new grocery store business venture...I would want to build as close to the source of that population center as possible and be seen from the highway....not down some side street hidden by tropical foliage that would have unknowing motorists drive right past.

Everyone's gotta eat and spend money on food! But they don't want to spend what money they have left on gasoline to get there.

BTW...If anyone is interested in a Papa Johns Pizza venture (or better Olive Garden) on the HPP side of Hwy 130....let me know!...(just kidding)
then put it on one of the 20 acre lots in hpp, anymore people trying to cross 130 without a light and its going to be a meat grinder
I like the idea of a large grocery close by. And I don't see what all the fuss about it being visable from the Hwy. It's not like the hwy is so beautiful that this will mess it up. There's lots of tacky businesses and homes already visible from the road. So I don't get it???
It would help us in the local area save gas and time. As far as the development sprawl...I just don't see that happening. Hwy 130 doesn't go anywhere but to an active lava flow. There will never be the through traffic to entice developers to build it out. IMHO
One Thing I can always be sure of is that things will never go as expected.
If anyone wants to give feedback directly to KTA they can be contacted at this email address:

In today's paper a company representative said they would take into account community input when deciding where to locate in Puna, so tell them what you think.


Every time you feel yourself getting pulled into other people's nonsense, repeat these words: Not my circus, not my monkeys.
Polish Proverb
aloha all,

just wanted to say how nice it is to read 4 pages worth of content with varying opinions, and to see folks intelligently discuss and debate a topic and keep the aloha...

I have to say that I have altered my opinion somewhat.
After sitting in on Orchidland's association general
meeting on the 30th.

Some valid points with concerns
about the placement of the store not fitting into the

Traffic concerns. Impact on Orchidland roads.
Lots of people against the current proposed location.

I can see the Developer's side though. There's not
enough room for the store location anywhere else in
the area. And The cost bringing in the plumbing main
pipe is prohibitive anywhere else. And If the developer
can't get the traffic light there the whole project will
be abandoned. Lots of issues must be addressed if this
is going to be a reality. The developer will have to
bring a lot of incentive to the community if this is
ever to happen. Like including upgrading the roads surrounding
the area in Orchidland subdivision and maybe even a
contribution to the development of a community center for the
subdivision. The developer seemes dissapointed with the
reception they received. How can you blame them. They have
done a ton of research and work to bring this proposal to
the community. I just don't feel like they even got enough
time at the meeting to present all the information that
they wanted to. If we are ever to have a decent grocery
store close by we need to make some concessions too.
One Thing I can always be sure of is that things will never go as expected.
It is not as if KTA would place a store like pasting on a postage stamp. Obviously there would be plenty of infrastructure needed for it to blend in properly; Traffic, aesthetics, noise,etc. There are plenty of shopping centers located within a block of residences without negative impacts.
There are plenty of NIMBY's who feel that now they have theirs that all growth should stop. How self-centered. Growth happens and steering growth is important and productive; resisting growth is not.
As Orchidland grows, who will address traffic problems? The County? Right.


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