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For those of you who think or have been told that the situation in Japan is under control, I strongly suggest and urge you to inform yourself and bring this to the attention of your local govt.

Living on the side of creation.
First link gets killed by Avast! saying it's a malicious web site.

For another source, but this hit a number of reputable news sources this week, this is real, and a really big mess. All you have to do is Google fukushima and you will find many recent stories on the problems they are having, and are going to have while they try to clean it all up.


Every time you feel yourself getting pulled into other people's nonsense, repeat these words: Not my circus, not my monkeys.
Polish Proverb
Not being [to] cynical but what can we do about this?

Is there a general disaster relief fund, or even better given our location a clean-up fund that we can donate to? I've not heard of such a thing...seems like we're (county/state/everybody) all broke so any significant contribution would have to be on a federal level i'm guessing.

Added: >scratches head< come to think of it you think china would be funding some fixes isn't that pretty much their backyard?
We are downstream from what goes in the ocean and I just don't accept the premise of "dilution is the solution to pollution." There needs to be real international pressure on Japan to make sure the clean up happens and happens right.


Every time you feel yourself getting pulled into other people's nonsense, repeat these words: Not my circus, not my monkeys.
Polish Proverb
The corporations that run the the world (What! You still think that WE run things in the not free anymore world?) have a simple Modus operandi — keep the bad stuff out of the mainstream press as much as possible. And ... they're very good at it.

"Oh, Uncle Bill's got cancer? That's too bad."
Let's face it, we are ALL screwed. My heart goes out to the kids. I freak every time I see a young family and pregnant mom to be.I want to scream, DON'T YOU GET IT? However, I just smile. All the worlds fish eat plastic or become radioactive.The food is altered with GMO.
Pretty damn sad. We may just be better off living in the Matrix...We know the steak is not real but the truth is just so bad we can't deal with it. FYI, there is no way to "Clean Up" the damage from Japan. Sorry everyone...
I have a friend in Tokyo who posts about the ongoing Fukushima disaster. Here are a few of his more recent links...

I find it frightening, but completely out of my control, so I try to stay informed and not panic. Kind of the same helpless feeling I had during the BP oil spill.

I am so much more like I am today than I ever was before!
I don't know how I got over the hill without getting to the top.
Sadly there is a lot of misinformation on this as there is "REAL" information. I hope our government and the Japanese government can clean this up quickly and do it right and not make a worse situation any more worse than it already is. It's no doubt going to be a hot spot for many years sadly.

All we can do is hope that of the rest of the thousands of nuclear reactors around the world ... They don't fail for unforeseen circumstances. If this happened in China it probably wouldn't have even made the news.

Sadly there isn't much anyone can do. But spreading rumors and false information like this site is just down right wrong.


I've seen this image posted and passed around facebook/twitter too many times.
Zerohedge, is a VERY good website and has entries from every walk of life, but mostly economics and govt stuff. A great resource.

The bottom line is the copany that is handling the clean up. They're already BK, so they're in a position to 1. go in to more debt and clean up properly/safely or 2. do it haphazard and don't go that far into debt. The govt. should've handled this from day 1. There should've been international pressure from day 1.

I've seen posts online in forum saying " no worries" I dive everyday and I haven't noticed anything. okkkkkay.

Me, I've built my home on the Big Island in a n attempt to raise my family there in a few years... That might not be in my best interest anymore. Sad
Living on the side of creation.

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