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Is this a "Haole Special Oil Change Offer"?
I believe every tradesman has the right to set their own rate and you can accept it or not. In this case the mechanic stated his rate clearly. It was not a case of billing after the fact. You might think $95 a hour is high. I am assuming it includes the costs of the facilities, investment in tools, insurance and experience.
Assume the best and ask questions.

Punaweb moderator
and this is why my mechanic I absolutely adore.

*Prices run about $65 an hour.
*Charges for parts exactly what he pays. No upcharge.
*He gives me a ride home if he is going to have my car for a day, or loans us one of his cars - and some beauties they are - one time I drove a purple toyota truck for a day.
*Rescued my nephew's car from saddle rd/mauna kea access rd for only $75, and advised the broke student what he needed to fix it and to get on the internet to order the part off island to save my nephew money. (Every one else was $150-200 to tow.)
*Comes to job site and picks up Robert's car if it needs work, or if he can fix it right there, he does. Rescued Robert one day in Malama parking lot in pouring rain when the Bronco had an issue.
*Let us borrow a tire when Robert had TWO flats in one week and Lex Brodie or any of the others in Pahoa couldnt fit him in and R&G (who we prefer) were waiting for the bronco type tires to come in a couple of days later.
*Putters on our cars and lets us know when something is necessary but not immediate.
*If we were low on cash that week, he put it on account for a week.
*He always asks when my last oil change was, when i take my car in. He already knows Robert's trucks info, and says I threw in an oil change since it had been xxxx miles since I did it last.
*If I am in town, and he needs a part, he has it called in, and ready and I just pick it up for him. No need for me to answer questions from parts dept that I have no clue on.

Originally posted by pog

Your tone and assumptions lead me to believe you don't 'get it' on some level and are mad about other things.

myomy, you might not care a whit, but I do. It's the primary reason I'm reluctant to post here anymore. (Or gee, maybe I just don't "get it." I must be mad about other things.)

I'm sick to death of some people making assumptions about others (the other day I got, "you must be new to Hawaii," whatever that meant) and feeling the need to call them on it.

myomy wondered if it was possible they were being given a high price because they are haole. It's not an unreasonable question. (I myself have often felt I was being quoted higher prices, have even heard locals say, "what? you can afford it.") So myomy wondered and he (she?) came to the good folks here at punaweb to ask if it was a valid one. People answered no, the mechanic's a haole himself, blah blah blah.

But then comes the criticizing of tone. And the implication that myomy's got some other "problem" going on and he (or she) doesn't "get it." Hell, not "imply," to outright say it. Seriously? That's helping? Wouldn't it have been kinder to say, "yeah, sometimes it feels that way, but trust me, it's not"?

Do you come here to exchange information and to help others, or do you come here to pound your chest and stick your nose in the air and make aspersions? Good God, where's the aloha?

I apologize for this going in this thread and not in the one about how punaweb's fallen into this rude pit, but I couldn't let the comments go. Seriously. Can't you just assume others mean well when they ask a question? They've come to you for answers and help, not comments about how you think they're behaving.

At least everybody else answered the question with aloha. And I thank myomy for letting me know this place charges a lot for an oil change. The only place I've seen prices that high are at dealers, and even they give you discount coupons.
One more thought as I just had an experience with PAS.

My friend's Mercedes was left at our house for me to drive when I wanted while she was gone for 5 months. The fuel pump went out. I made the mistake of calling them myself to check pricing for her.

The clerk was rude as if i was just some rich haole with a Mercedes.

I just wanted to say this isnt my mercedes, and it was not an expensive purchase even for my friend (2000 ML 320 she bought last year for $6K in really good shape with low miles!). My mechanic mentioned above nor Paul's service works on them so thats how I called them. $900 for fuel pump. Yes special tools required. Yes the part is expensive. And my friend is willing to pay it as the car will run probably 3-400,000 miles over its life she hopes. But I just wanted to tell her - cant you at least be nice when you are taking the $900??

My mechanic here on the mainland charges $95 an hour--and I'm happy to pay it. He's an expert on sixties and early 70's Mustangs and treats my '65 like it's his.

If this guy is a great, honest mechanic may be worth it to pay that much per hour, especially because his costs are probably a lot higher than here. But for an oil change? I'd probably go somewhere else.

But if your car is vintage, take care. I took my car to a cheap place for a lube and oil change and they didn't replace/tighten stuff correctly and it leaked.

You think that is bad the BMW dealer tried to talk me into having my Mini's oil changed there (they sell and service Minis) for $160!
DIY, pay ( or not ) a qualified shop what they ask, or trust your engine's longevity into the hands of those to whom "its just a job. "

But DON'T come on the internet naming and making accusations about a shop you have never yet done business with.

edit: to change an n to a r
$75 for an oil change might be about right since Toyota quoted me $110 to change my air filter. It took me a minute to install the $28 filter.

To invoke the "haole" card was totally unnecessary. There are better ways to discuss issues like this. See "What is a kamaaina?" thread -- a polite discussion.
It appears you've committed an unpardonable punaweb transgression. Sadly, your only option now is to hurl yourself into Pu#699;u #699;Ô#699;ô.

Big Islander to be.
Big Islander to be.
DT and Myomy,

Sounds like you should get together and talk story. Figure things out kine.


Edit to add ,,,, arrite Kapohocat ... Who the hell is your guy ??? We all need to support this kind of business.


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