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Is this a "Haole Special Oil Change Offer"?
Originally posted by pog...
Edit to add ,,,, arrite Kapohocat ... Who the hell is your guy ??? We all need to support this kind of business.

Nevah gonna happen. I give out a good source and I can never get my car fixed!!!! He does work in the Kurtistown/Hi Acres area in case you run into him.
Originally posted by pog

DT and Myomy,

Sounds like you should get together and talk story. Figure things out kine.


I have figured things out. Some people here just aren't nice. Btw, where did you get your psychology degree?

Originally posted by pog...
Edit to add ,,,, arrite Kapohocat ... Who the hell is your guy ??? We all need to support this kind of business.

Nevah gonna happen. I give out a good source and I can never get my car fixed!!!! He does work in the Kurtistown/Hi Acres area in case you run into him.

You go on and on about this great mechanic you have for paragraphs singing his praises and now you are going to thumb your nose at us?
Why even mention this guy? Is it to boast or brag?
It is surely not to help any of your fellow punaweb members.
and it is surely not to help this wonderful mechanic get new business.

Gee, thanks for the gloating and no referral. Really helpful.[V]
edited to add good referral for oil changes/lube:
Stan's Fast Lube in Hilo just past Walmart.
Honest and good. Also an inspection station.

Originally posted by Kapohocat

You, sir, will pick at almost anything I post.

I don't read all your posts, let alone respond to them.
Move on, it is not all about you. Get over me.
look at all your posts you have done snce my last response to you.
What an inflated sense of importance you have. Move on.

I am just saying it is odd to go on (and on) BRAGGING that you have a great mechanic and then when asked to share your resources you say NO.
That is the spirit of gloating. "look what I have and you don't"
Why even post how great your mechanic is if you aren't going to give him as a resource?

Since you have lots of time on your hands to post so often, maybe you should look at all your posts I do not respond to.
Not everything is all about you.

If you want to share resources, that is the spirit of punaweb.
You want to brag at how good you have it, and not give your mechanic any new business. Pretty selfish, but that is no surprise.
I have given out his name to Punawebbers. Just not on this open forum.

Have a nice day.
Originally posted by Kapohocat

I have given out his name to Punawebbers. Just not on this open forum.

well then, what does this mean (quote from kapahacat):

Nevah gonna happen. I give out a good source and I can never get my car fixed!!!!

Any time I can give a great resource to others I do.
It helps to give great recommendations and then to let others in on the treasure. Greed to keep him for yourself is such scarcity thinking.
Being in a small business yourself you should know how much a good recommendation on punaweb (open forum) would help a business person.

I will always be glad for the majority of punaweb members who generously have shared their recommendations and resources with the rest of the punaweb forum. This is the spirit of punaweb, not forcing someone to email you directly for the information.

Thanks for telling us how great you have it and not sharing who this mechanic is. NO, I don't think sharing on punaweb is having each individual member email you to get your special info.
Besides, given what has happened on the other puna sites you frequently post on, how am I to know my internet ip and email address will not be shared there (this has happened on those sites previously).

I am done with this topic and you defending how it is ok to brag about your good fortune and then withhold the resource from the punaweb forum.

I have realized you do not let things go, and will most likely obsess on me again and most likely post on your other puna forums again about me, so I am sure you will have the last word as you always have done.

I am moving on now, bye bye kapahacat
Get over me.

(edited only for typos)
I for one, was in no way offended or put off by Kapohocat's statement. Auwe / ah you and laughed.

No doubt her guy is already swamped and he is probably working too late + drawing from family time because he loves what he does and his customers that much.

If you knew where a money tree was, would you tell the world ?

Actually Pog you nailed it. The "nevah gonna happen" I thought was funny but... I called and asked my mechanic before I was gonna post his name and number and he said please dont. He is leaving for the mainland for a month in August too for a much needed vacation. I didnt realize it was going to offend but if any one wants it - you are welcome to email me as two others already did.

Cant please all the people all the time, and some none of the time.
I want to say, got a kick out of your classy response there, kapohocat! "You, sir, will pick at anything I post". I love it, got to remember that one! Isn't it fascinating how this mostly anonymous banter can turn into such a tar ball of people's personal emotions? This place is a field of diamonds for research on human behavior.

But I think we share the same mechanic!

It's kind of a rite of passage, isn't it... You know you're living right or have finally moved up some ladder rungs when you finally find a great mechanic who does you right every time. Its not information that comes easily, and that's been my experience everywhere I've lived and drove. So I, too, only share my mechanic's name with my favorite kind of person.
Melissa Fletcher
"Make yurts, not war" Bill Coperthwaite, 1973

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