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ratlung worm on the rise again
thought i should pass this on.
It is a common myth here among people I know that rinsing leafy greens in things like vinegar water, alkaline water, salt water or distilled water will keep you safe. None of these have been demonstrated to kill the nematode which lives inside slugs and snails. They can kill the slugs but the lungworm lives inside. It may be that the slime keeps the solution from penetrating. The microscopic lungworm can live in baby slugs and snails which are only 2 mm in length and, therefore, very hard to see. The lungworm will then grow up to 1 inch long in the human body.

The only way to be completely safe from this parasite is by not eating raw vegetables, especially leafy greens grown in Hawaii. Or to reduce your risk, all leaves should be very carefully inspected while washing.
why washing in alkaline solution is a common myth? i put everything in a bowl of water with food grade hydrogen peroxide 17% ( i get 35% hydro perxo from health food store and dilute it) and let the greens sit for 10 minutes in the mixture. it kills everything i can see. i have dropped a couple of ants and a slug into this mixture and watched them die quickly. i would imagine a small nematode would perish just as quickly?
Here are a couple of downloadable publications by CTAHR, College of Tropical Agriculture and Human Resources in Manoa. They tell how to
avoid getting rat lungworm.

you are right Mary. food grade Peroxide works great. So does keeping slugs out of your food.

Daniel R Diamond
Daniel R Diamond
how long will that mixture of food grade hydro and water remain effective ,in a bowl , in the fridge?
One Thing I can always be sure of is that things will never go as expected.

If you keep hydro peroxo in a tight container diluted, it will last for a really long time,months really. I buy 35% hydro peroxo in a store, keep it in a fridge, sometimes freezer if i have space, and it stays good for months. the key is to keep it air tight and very cold.

Also, there is a company in hilo that sells hydro peroxo 35% food grade for much cheaper then the health food store, but you have to buy 15 gallons at a time. Would be great if there were a group of people who wanted to buy it and split the gallons amongst each other, each gallon would cost around $25 dollars instead of $65 that the health food store charges, and diluted would last for a really long time.

I also use hydro peroxo in a washing machine to wash clothes instead of bleach, it does a superb job. Use it in cleaning everything actually, its safe, none toxic food grade,and really cleans well, especially backed on food in frying pans, the stuff lifts it right off. Also, you can use it to wash out chicken coop, and clean up any smells, it eliminates any kind of nasty smell very quickly.

If anyone interested to go in and split the 15 gallon purchase, please let me know. i could use 3 gallons at a time, since i use it on everything that needs cleaning, sterilization.

The problem with the rat lungworm nematode is that it lives INSIDE the slug. Killing the slug will not immediately kill the nematode inside which is protected by the slime around the slug. I don't know of any research that has been done specifically with peroxide and the rat lungworm. Judging from the research that has been done with bleach, vinegar and distilled water, I would hypothesize the results may be the same.
Thank you Markie for those publications. Those are the best I have ever seen on rat lungworm. The one that discusses the infection cases in Puna in 2009 does not go far enough in my opinion. It states that those people who were in comas could take months or even years to recover. It seems to me that the damage caused was permanent and those individuals will never fully recover. I have also heard from other people in Puna who had been infected who still are dealing with symptoms years afterward.
So is vinegar just as good for washing veggies?
Do you dilute it with water too?
What's the ratio?
One Thing I can always be sure of is that things will never go as expected.

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