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Outside water heater close to the ocean
Originally posted by Carey

I think that this is the instruction manual for the unit you have (the L-5)... if it is, this is a portable unit that has the warning not to be left unattended:

If this is the unit, the instructions seem to indicate it is for occasional, attended use... & probably should be upgraded to a household unit, like the L-10

I agree that this unit is probably more designed for occasional use, but I'm guessing the "don't leave unattended" warning is primarily related to the danger of kids getting scalded by hot water if they turn the unit on fiddle with the dials.

Stillhope, is this unit your only source of hot water? Ours is set up as an outdoor shower (the primary designed purpose for this unit) -- does yours route water back into your house for general hot water usage?
Yes,whole house unit.It was supposed to be Paloma which was recommended on this forum as the type.Right from the very beginning it was shutting off often .Later I found out that it's because of the wind.With the time some shelter from growing plants and practice (the builder advised to wait for 10 sec. and turn it on again- "works for me" )made it easier.Since I had much more important things to worry about -I got used to it.
The neighbor who said he had the same one is actually satisfied with the unit but his house is in between other houses from all sides -much less windy.A while ago I had a chance to talk to a professional plumber who said that Eccotemp L-5 is no longer permitted by the building dep. because of poor performance.
I called the plumbing inspector to find out if it was true ,left a message but never got a call back.I might still make another attempt
but it's not going to do much good at this point.
I thought with the solar water heater requirements for the new dwelling the propane units price would go down.But it looks like it's not going to happen.

Whatever you assume,please
just ask a question first.
Simple way to avoid corrosion is to wipe it down with liquid car wax and let it sit for 1/2 hour then rinse. I have done this with my water catchment, propane tank, water heater, pressure tank and refrigerator. I've had my appliance over 8 years, and they still look new by doing this. If it does start to rust, just spray vinegar on it, sand it down after it dries, then paint it. Just like a car, if you wax and wash it, it last longer Smile
No idea about the warranty. I wouldn't expect the plumbing inspector to call you back unless you are awaiting an inspection from an open permit.
I have an ecotemp l-5 at my cabin use it couple of weeks a year. I did an indoor installation as the unit does not generate much exhaust heat or carbon monoxide - crack a window or door and all will be well

I Have used the 1/2 liter per minute (30 degree rise) L-5 type units for years and years without issue in tiny, tiny showers on cruising boats where water and energy savings as well as safety is paramount.

Its perfect for those "navy showers" - get it all done on two gallons of water and an ounce or two of propane.

Larger unit installation methods:

Outside in a well vented metal cabinet single wall exhaust riser

Or well vented indoor w/stainless double wall exhaust tube - pricey

"Aquastar" by Bosch

My big boy recommendation - For more of a suburban hot water experience....on 4 gallons of propane a month per person for those half hour - 45 minute showers, while doing the laundry.

oem reconditioned units - good pricing

edited for clarity - on the phone and typing again......

Thank you,Bullwinkle,you are the best!
The problem was a corroded wire from the water pressure switch -too much salt deposit.I ordered the on/off switch too.The bottom of the unit rusted horribly.
It would be nice to have a unit with less wires and better type of ignition (less depended on the water pressure).I am not going to do inside ones.
Whatever you assume,please
just ask a question first.

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