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Look out below! (Puu Oo)
FYI, looks like the lava lake has crested the east side of the crater, and appears to be flowing out with quite a bit of volume. See in the webcam how it's all just going off to the left (east) and no counter flow? It's going downhill now.

Just look at the cam,(about 4:00) and what a picture with all the dark clouds, the steam in the center of the crater, and the shinny gray of the lava. I saved that shot....


Hale O Na Mea Pa`ani

Better check it out quick, because if history is any indicator it will bust out the bottom somewhere again soon. I spotted a few new/bigger steam plumes on the webcams that show the flanks in the last few days. I wonder if those are bulges indicating weak spots?

If you look at the new pics that just went up on the website, on one of them you can see the silhouettes of 2 tiny people standing on the edge of the far rim, it gives a whole new sense of scale. What a place to be a volcano scientist!


Every time you feel yourself getting pulled into other people's nonsense, repeat these words: Not my circus, not my monkeys.
Polish Proverb
Now it's really happening! Tiltmeter went almost off the scale this morning, and looks like a very large flow rolling out of the east side of Puu Oo, heading for the ocean. Check out the east webcam here:

Breaking news, it is pointed towards Royal Gardens again.
Should I go see it tonight or wait? Is there anything that can be seen? Where can I view it and would it be just a glow from farrr away?

( The last couple of times that I heard on the news about some bit of lava flowing, I called the Park and the hotline said there's nothing to be seen. And then the next day I would read on the news and it would say lava has stopped flowing but it could have been seen last night from end of Chain of Crater road. )
your best view is on the live cam. No real way to get close to it in the park.
Damn. So bright you can see the plant in the webcam in the middle of the night. It's FLOWING.
I was at the Kalapana Lava Viewing Site tonight. You can see the reflection of the glow off the clouds. But the clouds come and go so you don't always get vibrant glow.
Lower HPP can see the lava clear as a bell. Not going to say where, not fair to those people on
that street. However, for those who know which street, I was just there at 7:30PM and couldn't
believe it. Much better than the Viewing Site.

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