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Geez... 52, OLD guy!!! Hells Bells. I'll be 63 this month, and now I really feel old!!! LOL
Hale O Na Mea Pa`ani
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Safety in numbers when going there I guess. Out number the bastards!
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Royall!! No more "old" kine talk! You are in better shape and look much younger than your years. It's not fair for someone like you to claim OLD! You are disqualified from any old talk heretofore!
"Even the smallest person can change the course of the future..." Galadriel LOTR
Carrie Rojo
"Even the smallest person can change the course of the future..." Galadriel LOTR
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Obie makes something up - in this case claiming that the prescription meds mentioned actually refers to pot - and lots of people follow off on a tangent. The police report said nothing about MM. I am guessing there are a few people on here who don't realize just how prevalent the theft and resale of prescription drugs is. When one of my relatives was dying from cancer and at home under hospice care, some of her so called "friends" were actually caught stealing some of her meds (in her case painkillers). Just look at the armed robbery of the pharmacy in Hilo a year or so ago...... And when police issue a press release about a robbery they mention the items that were stolen.....just saying.
I certainly get that about painkillers. They are like currency ...
For many people they would be more desirable than some pot.
Thanks for keeping it on topic, spunky ...
I don't mind tangents related to the original topic, but the age one is called old is not remotely related to Kehena beach and I was hoping to keep this somewhat tied to the incident.
I also don't like having facts made up. Legitimate rumor is one thing, if labeled for what it is, but making something up and speaking it as a fact is really unhelpful to a good discussion.
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I took Obie's comment to be a "tongue in cheek" comment on the Puna culture (rather than a news flash). Agree or disagree, nothing to get riled about.
The issue is the drug motivated thugs that hang at Kehena. I think a sting would be effective (for awhile).
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Obie made a joke,I now admit a bad joke.
Everyone else did what they did.
I made the joke because Kehena is a known place to go to buy drugs.Ever since weed and seed put up the cameras in Pahoa,the drug dealers moved to Kehena.
Sorry for the bad{misunderstood} joke.
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Thanks for getting my joke Greg !!