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Hawaii Health Connector
Anyone else think this is a joke? Typical government inefficiency, red tape and hoop jumping. Started the process in early October, faxed in documentation, DL, passport, SS card (why???), even asks for "incarceration status". Website's "next step" is to wait for a call back. Still waiting. Tried calling numerous times, no answer. Left msg. no call back. Recording says it takes THREE days for a call back. Anyone in business that takes that long to return calls will no longer be in business.

Is this yet another example of how government THINKS it can do it better and cheaper than the private sector? Socialized health care, the beginning of the end of America.

Same boat, no call back either[Sad!]

If you think health care is expensive now, wait until you see what it cost when it’s here come the taxes.....
If you think health care is expensive now, wait until you see what it cost when it’s here come the taxes.....
The ACA is "universal insurance", not "universal healthcare".

Most people confuse the two; they are not equivalent.
We started trying to get signed up in October also. First we had to apply for Med Quest. We were amazed when they said we qualified. If it sounds too good to be true, it is. Though we filled out the form properly, they didn't include our total income. We told them this when we found out. Then we had to wait for the official Med Quest denial. That took many weeks. We have finally applied for Obamacare. But it is taking forever for the communication between Hawaii Connect and Kaiser Permanente. Now we are past the deadline. I heard that some of the heads of the Obamacare state agencies had quit, including the one for Hawaii.

Jon in Keaau/HPP
Jon in Keaau/HPP
Healthcare or insurance the site or program still doesn't work

If you think health care is expensive now, wait until you see what it cost when it’s here come the taxes.....
If you think health care is expensive now, wait until you see what it cost when it’s here come the taxes.....
I also signed up at the Hawaii Health Connector. Didn't really think we qualified for subsidized health care insurance but wanted to be on record as having inquired. I was correct, we didn't qualify for subsidized health care insurance. So I did my own research and found a good plan that costs me a ton of money but hey, now I've got health insurance. Through the private sector. Only thing is, I'm SERIOUSLY glad that the ACA is in place, to prevent the all-benevolent private sector from charging me twice what I'm paying and disqualifying my wife for having preexisting conditions.

So here's where I'm not understanding the previous posters: you guys are trying to sign up for SUBSIDIZED health care insurance, and you're bitching about it. While standing in line for your handout, you're bitchng about how bad it is that you are being forced to get health insurance that is partially paid for by your fellow taxpayers, when what you'd rather be doing is getting turned down for insurance by an unfettered private sector insurance underwriter because of that mole you had removed last summer. Or getting charged triple what the ACA is asking you to pay. Or whatever.

Is that about right?
See above: I don't want "subsidized" insurance, what I need is healthcare.

Other countries seem to be able to provide universal healthcare to their citizens, but the US economy is bought-and-paid-for by the banks, lawyers, and insurance companies...
Some of us have been bending over over - er I mean buying health insurance for longer than we can remember. ((we have a prior rates are over the top.)

Some of us do qualify for subsidy We don't want to be part of that system. Nothing is free - thank you very much

Its kind of like the sobriety guys pontificating on sobriety - yup we get it......

mean while the insurance industry is still driving..... two words - single payer

Originally posted by DaVinci

I also signed up at the Hawaii Health Connector. Didn't really think we qualified for subsidized health care insurance but wanted to be on record as having inquired. I was correct, we didn't qualify for subsidized health care insurance. So I did my own research and found a good plan that costs me a ton of money but hey, now I've got health insurance. Through the private sector. Only thing is, I'm SERIOUSLY glad that the ACA is in place, to prevent the all-benevolent private sector from charging me twice what I'm paying and disqualifying my wife for having preexisting conditions.

So here's where I'm not understanding the previous posters: you guys are trying to sign up for SUBSIDIZED health care insurance, and you're bitching about it. While standing in line for your handout, you're bitchng about how bad it is that you are being forced to get health insurance that is partially paid for by your fellow taxpayers, when what you'd rather be doing is getting turned down for insurance by an unfettered private sector insurance underwriter because of that mole you had removed last summer. Or getting charged triple what the ACA is asking you to pay. Or whatever.

Is that about right?

Wrong. You assume too much.
I already have health insurance through Kaiser for the last 20 years. NO pre-existing or any significant health issues other than an occasional kidney stone. Further, I do not qualify for subsidies anyway so your argument that I am complaining about getting a "handout" is absolute rubbish.

The problem is two fold:
1. The lack of reasonable free market choices.
2. Government trying to act like a business which we all know is an utter train wreck.

My premium went up from $198 to $324 in less than 2 years. I am NOT looking for subsidized insurance, I'm looking for a better deal. The fact that Kaiser themselves refers you to HHC for alternate, lower cost plans drastically limits my options. Their (Gov.) inefficiency just compounds the problem.

You yourself say you are paying a ton of money yet you advocate government health care? How is it that the "ACA" prevents the private sector from charging you triple? What do you think drives up prices in the private sector in the first place? Can you think of ONE entity that screws with the economy only to make it worse? You are advocating the very thing you complain about.

If someone has been turned down because of health issues, why do I have to pay for it? You are bitter because of pre-existing conditions which I agree, sucks. So your answer is to make people like me that don't qualify for subsidies, PAY for SUBSIDIES! Am I bitching, damn right I am.

All I ask is that if the government wants to screw us, do it in a timely, efficient manner.

After finding out that my premium would be almost $300 a month and would only cover 70% of hyper inflated costs, I have decided not to get it. It was a mess finding it out, took two months. The website is completely broken. From what I understand the IRS does not have a legal mechanism in place to collect the "fee"(sounds like a tax doesn't it?) So I will see how long I can go without having to pay for this bull ****. I am young, male and very healthy, I will continue to negotiate a cash price for my healthcare and pay for any hospital visits with a payment plan as I have done in the past.

Thanks Obama. Criminal Crony Ass Hole, just like his buddy Bush before him and all the rest of the lot in DC.

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