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Hawaiian Shore's speed bumps
The Hawaiian Shore's Association is just to much for me. The head of the association lives on the last road in the shores this road leads to waa waa AKA the back road. Traffic is fierce there ranging from crakheads to scum. So the head decides to put in speedbumps to detour the scum with the low rider cars and trucks away form passing her house and redirects them to pass other peoples homes that deserve there peace and quiet too. This lady is selfish and has her nose up in the air.[}Smile]

What ever neighborhood it is, there will always be the NIMBY folks.
I own property in HPP and there is a lot of NIMBY going on with the decisions on which streets to pave.
Nobody wants the traffic, so put speed bumps on one road, then it moves to the next, they say NIMBY and put speed bumps there also.

I think the NIMBY issue is a fun one to watch on the sidelines, but not so fun to be invested in.
Nobody wants the crackheads on their street. Moving them to another street doesn't help. what helps with this problem is a strict neighborhood watch like the one Jerry Carr has really working like a well oiled machine in HPP.

BTW, I think speed bumps on the back road is rediculous, but that is just me.
Also, I love slowly cruisin that road. It is beautiful.
Personally, I would like to see speed bumps along the full length of Kahakai Blvd. Yes, it would be a pain in the ass for those living on the lower end, but a lot safer for the rest of us. Are you listening, Fred?

Dear Newbie, FYI the head of HSCA did not decide to put in speed bumbs the BOD did at their own cost. I think you should know that the head of HSCA has done a great deal of improvement to our community since she has been in office. Unlike the last BOD President,2010 and 2011. Better known as the HSCA WATCHDOG. When she was President of HSCA her and the BOD that she appointed(7 out of 9) spent over $100,000 on water meters and a water meter reading system the membership did not want or need and did not ask the membership for there input, or debate. A back room deal. Because HSCA membership own the water system and the rights to the well. This action was a total wast of money because we pay a flat fee for water each month. Why did the former BOD do this? So she could hire her friends and family members to do the installation. She even PUT A BOD on the payroll. Not to mention the $170,000 spent on lawyer fee's a couple of years ago on a stupid law suit she dreamed up so she could get in power. Please read HSCA FACEBOOK to get more informed. Thank you.
Sure am glad I don't live on a street with speed bumps. Out of curiosity, I drove down to look at the bumps that brought a conversation to this area. Looks like a giant bird went 'kerplatt' on a couple of them. While I was there, saw a few turn on Puna Street and drive up to the next road to drive out to the blvd. Bet the people who live on those roads are loving life right now.

Kahakai Blvd with speed bumps. Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh the nightmares that would present. Fortunately, it is a county road and that would require a lot! Mostly about 7000 individual property owners to really be asleep at the wheel when it came time for public testimony.

So, the president put a 'BOD' on the payroll? The idea of a 'BOD', assuming that is someone's shorthand for Board of Directors, is being paid seems a bit far fetched, not to mention perhaps a little illegal. Dreamed up a law suit? That must have died in the Judges chambers or was he in the president's dreams too?

I think you are confusing your pronouns. 'Why did the former BOD do this?' 'So she'. Is there only one director? If so, it hardly makes a 'board'.

Just for grins I did a search to see if hawaiian shores has a facebook page. They don't. There are a couple of facebook pages created by people but not one for hawaiian shores.

There was no discussion of a water meter system ever with members? Ever? Really? Just willy nilly badda bang badda boom POOF: A bunch of meters just happen to appear.

The 'BOD' put in the speed bumps 'at their own cost'? Really?

@Orchidland guy; I agree, NIMBY is prevalent in all things in all areas. Everyone wants better cell service but no tower to provide it. The nice things about those bumps down there is it is forcing the drivers to slow down and take in the view. The hideous boulders are a nice touch!

Question Authority!
"Q might have done the right thing for the wrong reason, perhaps we need a good kick in our complacency to get us ready for what's ahead" -- Captain Picard, to Guinan (Q Who?)
I would have to agree with Likeable! This new President and her right-hand man have done alot of stuff, for themselves! A new "ocean park" HA! It is a grassy (kinda) field with a picnic table surrounded by big ugly boulders and new signs! No garbage cans, no bathrooms, no parking, no cover and NO native vegetation! When you consider this "park" is right across the street from her house, you begin to understand the whole thing was to improve HER VIEW! (read increased property value) It doesn't sound like the membership got much out of the deal, except another park to maintain!
"Any intelligent fool can make things bigger and more complex... It takes a touch of genius - and a lot of courage to move in the opposite direction." - Albert Einstein
Thanks whitey! The Pres is a joke. That park looks like a part of the bushes along the backroad. I have seen parts of the backroad that looks nicer. Yes she wants her property value to go up. That park is a sorry excuse. It will not increase her property because the parK looks to amatuer. All of this will backfire on her and BOD!
FYI The property along the ocean has always been a park. The last BOD President and her right-hand man never maintain it and look like crap. How HSCA membership has a ocean park that we can use. More green space means propery values go up. I sure if you live across from the ocean you would want to see it instead of a over grown plot of land that was not useable. As a member of HSCA I'm pleased that they fix up that park after all these year. The last BOD did nothing to imporve are community. The last BOD President and her appointed BOD did nothing but raise water rates by 72% in one pop and spent the membership money and did no impovement to your community. That is way the last BOD were all voted out.
Whitey, HSCA BOD President could have put all of those things in that you mention if the last BOD Pressident watchdog hadn't spent over $107,000 on water meters the membership did not want or need, and around $170,000 in legal fees on a boguss law suit. Hire 9 employees to do the work of 4 employee we had before President watchdog took over. Writing check for cash for bonuses for employee's. The park is still work on progress. Isn't it better to have a park that some people can use than a park that no one can use? Maybe you should not be so quick to judge other until you know all the facks.

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