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Hawaiian Shore's speed bumps
@ Joe. Unabashed fairy tales. The disservice you accomplish upon the very place you chose to call home causes me and our neighbors irremediable pain and injury as you share on the world wide web the vitriol you have toward some individuals who also chose to call Hawaiian Shores Recreational Estates home.
You would have far greater successes channeling those energies in a positive, non-divisive, nurturing and community building endeavor.
@ Likeable. We need to talk! Seriously. Email me.
Trying to control people with laws will accomplish nothing. The speed bumps are a waste of time and money and will make things worse overall. You need to influence people to do the right thing, not force them.
Originally posted by afwjam

Trying to control people with laws will accomplish nothing. The speed bumps are a waste of time and money and will make things worse overall. You need to influence people to do the right thing, not force them.

Sandy: What about the disserivce that the former BOD has done and the pain and injury they have in flicked on it neighhors and employees. You don't mention them at all. Is that because you don't want anyone to know outside of HSCA. How righteous of you. So if you want to cry me a river fell free it's you right. I am shocked that you would think that freedom of speech is a disservice. Not all members think it's a disservice to voice an opinion. I have not heard anyone from the former BOD of HSCA dispute what I have said or correct anything I have wrote in the last year. Not a peep. You are so easy to condemn me for vitriol but you say nothing about likeable vitriol remarks. Did you stop to think that likeable word hurt to? Or is that a differnt story. QUOTE FROM LIKEABLE: THIS LADY IS SELFISH AND HAS HER NOISE IN THE AIR. How can you be likeable with vitriol remarks like this. Unless you like the kind of behavior. So don't ask the membership to chime in and voice an opinion if you can't take it or don't like what you hear. As they say, the truth hurts. If my word hurt you and your neighbors don't read them. I hope you all have a full and speedy recovery and good health.
@Lokahi, Did you ever see the movie 'Knight & Day' with Tom Cruise and Cameron Diaz? There is a part where Tom Cruise's character tries to explain her survival rate...he gestures with his hand above her head and then his hand down really low 'with me, without me'. It is hilarious yet it is what came to my mind first when reading your comment. It appears more are 'with you' than 'without you.' Personally, I think there is room for civil discourse in all matters but it seems our world is quickly becoming one of outrageous statements just for the sake of saying them; hurtful or otherwise. I sure hope Hawaii fares better than other places. I love what your moniker stands for in Hawaiian.

It is interesting the topic started here with someone stating an opinion about speed bumps and how placement of the bumps have redirected traffic away from some and toward others. Perhaps an unintended consequence. In the daily melee of discordant sounds uttered by those dismayed with the bumps long time friends and neighbors are feeling the stress. Sometimes the blissful sounds of isolation and hermit living beckons those wishing to live a 'quiet and peaceful' existence.

@Ishkabibble; I did a search for the FB page.I read a few comments. Abraham Lincoln came to mind: "You can fool some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you can not fool all of the people all of the time" Everyone is entitled to an opinion but most people will explore and research veracity of statements before swallowing another's opinion like KoolAid. It appears there will never be twain between some.

Just so I am clear, you assert that because your statements stand uncontested they must be true? Sort of like how does one respond to the question: "When did you stop beating your wife?" The logical fallacy with that presupposition is akin to your assertion. The simplicity of Lokahi's statements speak to the effect of such discourse relative to property values; it bears much wisdom for all. The world is not shrinking but we are thrust together in tighter and tighter quarters through many a medium. Leaning towards positive and encouraging intercourse engenders a calmer heart and disposition. Aspirational goals that oft times pop up like 'be the change you want to see' or the old fashioned 'do onto others as you would have them do unto you' tend to soothe the personalities who seek peace in their own little hale. Leadership in all things good is sorely lacking in the world; wouldn't it be nice to see it demonstrated robustly in Puna's little corner of the world. It seems the literal bumps in the road may be analogous and symptomatic of the animus which may act as "bumps" in the road to a cohesive and flourishing community. I support the concept that 'Truth has no agenda'. It just is! Existentially speaking.

Question Authority!
"Q might have done the right thing for the wrong reason, perhaps we need a good kick in our complacency to get us ready for what's ahead" -- Captain Picard, to Guinan (Q Who?)
@ critterlover: Thank you for your input and your interest in HSCA. I hope you do more research on what has happened in HSCA and what the former BOD has done. Please take the time to read all of the post and not just a few. Then you will see I don't stand by myself. Maybe than you will get a better grasp on what has transpire in HSCA. Or take the time and come to are BOD meeting and ask question and talk to the members yourself about what has taken place in are community and see for yourself if you don't believe what I say. Then you can judge for yourself what I say is fallacy or not. If you don't want to take the time to do the research and get that facts than please don't pass judgement on me and on issue you know nothing about. Or just come for the fire work. It's always a good show. I invite all of Puna to come as my guest. Second Saturday of the month @10:00 a.m. Aloha.
@ishkabibble - went to the open space. Looks like a bunch of disgruntleds! Only 6 or 7 people spewing the same old stuff. What makes you the keeper of the "facks"(sic)?

@Lokahi and critterlover - nicely said...

@Likeable - forgot to mention previously that HSCA is now responsible for maintaining those stupid speed bumps/humps! I too feel sorry for the people living on Kuna and Coastal Puna Parkway, they are the recipients of increased traffic without having a say in the matter. How democratic and neighborly !?!

Has anyone noticed that the speed bumps were placed so that none of the residents of Papio have to go over them to get home? Interesting...
"Any intelligent fool can make things bigger and more complex... It takes a touch of genius - and a lot of courage to move in the opposite direction." - Albert Einstein
@ Whitey: A whole lot of maintains there. LOL. Mother nature will clean them off with her rain and keep them clean for us and we don't have to pay her for doing it. Free maintenance. Other than that I don't see any other maintenance. At least we do not have to pay 9 employee to maintain them.

No I'm not keeper of the fact. That would be the BOD. Thank you for admitting they are facts and not fallacy.
Nothing wrong with the park, I hope they are not finished.... Parks are just the type of thing that encourage people to slow down. The speed bumps are a disaster, they are already driving around on the grass LOL Of course costal puna is no longer a safe neighborhood street anymore.... I hope they realize the error of their ways and fix it soon and fix it. The cellphone tower is a great idea, hope they do that....

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