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Honk if you don't like the Shores speed bumps
I drove the WaaWaa road on Saturday,just so I could find out what all of this whining and crying is about.After crawling along at 15 mph so my vehicle wasn't destroyed by the endless pot holes I came out on Papio.

I was expecting speed bumps the size of Mauna Loa.Looked fairly normal to me.Did it ruin my whole day to have to drive over them? NO !!!

You people really need to chill out.I have never seen such an overblown non issue.

The fact that the WaaWaa road needs repair does tick me off.It is a public road and should be maintained.
Before we bought our house we looked at lots of property in this subdivision. I think I am really glad not to be living in the neighborhood. The only place I've ever seen this kind of nitpicking, backstabbing, finger pointing, name calling drama was when I lived in a condo.

It is not a badge of honor to be behaving like condo association board members.


Every time you feel yourself getting pulled into other people's nonsense, repeat these words: Not my circus, not my monkeys.
Polish Proverb
Originally posted by Obie

I drove the WaaWaa road on Saturday,just so I could find out what all of this whining and crying is about.After crawling along at 15 mph so my vehicle wasn't destroyed by the endless pot holes I came out on Papio.

I was expecting speed bumps the size of Mauna Loa.Looked fairly normal to me.Did it ruin my whole day to have to drive over them? NO !!!

You people really need to chill out.I have never seen such an overblown non issue.

The fact that the WaaWaa road needs repair does tick me off.It is a public road and should be maintained.

Ok, I must be crazy. So even though you cant think of a reason for why they should be there, you think we should just let it be, its not that bad.... Might as well let them turn my property into a private park for them as well. Let them do whatever they want, gated community and all.
I see nothing wrong with honking the horn when we pass the speed bumps. It is obvious little Ms. Snotty redirected traffic to other neighbors and had no consideration so, why not give her back a taste of her own darn medicine!

Wake up and smell the damn coffe. It was wrong. How would you want to be living on Coastal Puna PKWY and have crackheads now scoping your home?

Or what about the noise from those scummy lowrider cars revving their engines at 3 in the morning. You need to chill out. People have a right to say what they want.

Who died and made you the President???
They would love to have only their kind living here in the shore's. A gate, oh they would if they could. The BOD and President here are so full of themselves. They are all nothing but a bunch of drunks
@critterlover, I think the bigger question is why are the 7 nomimees using HSCA "NAME" to indorse there candidaties? Did they ask permission from HSCA membership (who own the name) for there support and indorsement. If not, these 7 candidates are implying that the whole HSCA membership or one member support them, when some members do not. Me being one. VERY MIS-LEADING. Sound like there not telling the truth about who there supporter really are. I guess I'll have to look into that. Who gave them the right to take it upon themself to decide for me or HSCA membership who we should support and endorse. As part of HSCA membership I don't not and never will support these 7 candidates for this vary reason. My or HSCA endorsement and support isn't there to do as they please. These 7 candidates don't own HSCA WE ALL DO. I don't appreciate being use in there dirty politics. If they want to destroy there reputation feel free and leave mind alone. I don't want anyone to think I associate with these 7 candidate after this stunt. Some member do care about the reputation. Might be hard to win a election when you deceive the membership like this. I like to know if these 7 candidate used there employer Company name to endorse themself without the company permission. I wonder what they would do? Most company have a strick policy againt using there company name in this fashion. I would like to know why and what there purpose was for doing this. The olny reason I can think of is that Da R O C is going to do a mailing to the lot owner on the mainland so it look like HSCA has indorse these 7 candidate and not the other 3 candidate knowing that most of the lot owner don't pay attention or don't care what is going on hopping they will get there vote because HSCA has indorse them and not the other 3. How else will the mainlander know about there indorsemen if they don't tell them. VERY SNEAKIE. I don't think HSCA membership is going to like being played a fool. Do you think the membership is going to trust them to be a BOD after this. Will see. Maybe we should drive by there home and honk in disapproval HONK, HONK. Just kidding, your not worth the gas! I would like to hear from some business owner on this topic.
as they say in the north land "be a goose and honk with your bad self". hope it works out in the long run. peace
Originally posted by ishkabibble

@critterlover, I think the bigger question is why are the 7 nomimees using HSCA "NAME" to indorse there candidaties? Did they ask permission from HSCA membership (who own the name) for there support and indorsement. If not, these 7 candidates are implying that the whole HSCA membership or one member support them, when some members do not. Me being one. VERY MIS-LEADING. They are not telling the truth about who there supporter really are. Who gave them the right to take it upon themself to decide for me or HSCA membership who we should support and endorse. As part of HSCA membership I don't not and never will support these 7 candidates for this vary reason. My or HSCA endorsement and support isn't there to do as they please. These 7 candidates don't own HSCA WE ALL DO. I don't appreciate being use in there dirty politics. If they want to destroy there reputation feel free and leave mind alone. I don't want anyone to think I associate with these 7 candidate after this stunt. Some member do care about the reputation. Might be hard to win a election when you deceive the membership like this. I like to know if these 7 candidate used there employer Company name to endorse themself without the company permission. I wonder what they would do? Most company have a strick policy againt using there company name in this fashion. I would like to know why and what there purpose was for doing this. The olny reason I can think of is that Da R O C is going to do a mailing to the lot owner on the mainland so it look like HSCA has indorse these 7 candidate and not the other 3 candidate knowing that most of the lot owner don't pay attention or don't care what is going on hopping they will get there vote because HSCA has indorse them and not the other 3. How else will the mainlander know about there indorsement if they don't tell them. VERY SNEAKIE. Wait till the lot owners on the mainland find out the truth. I don't think HSCA membership is going to like being played a fool. Do you think the membership is going to trust them to be a BOD after this. Will see. Maybe we should drive by there home and honk in disapproval HONK, HONK. Just kidding, your not worth the gas! I would like to hear from some business owner on this topic.

Wow Ishkababble, such insight[Wink]

Have you ever filled out a form for the county? Right at the top is the County of Hawaii seal with the department name and address following. Hmmm...does that mean the county is endorsing the information you place on the form?

Interesting how you take such umbrage at a candidate nomination form that no one but the office, board and committee will see, but you are not at all upset that the President used the mid-year mailing to the ENTIRE membership to announce her candidacy, the candidacy of the Secretary and the candidacy (and education) of another member on her street without the permission of the membership! Try to explain how that doesn't appear to be at least a Board endorsement of those 3 candidates. What happened to fair play?

Further, the President didn't take that opportunity to remind the membership that any other members choosing to run for election needed to have THEIR nominations in by September 30th.

What about those 7 candidates? Who are they? The members still don't know 5 weeks after the deadline for submission of nominations! But they have known about the 3 BOARD endorsed candidates now for 10 weeks! Isn't that "dirty politics" on the members dime?

Smear tactics won't work this time JB!

ยป Any intelligent fool can make things bigger and more complex... It takes a touch of genius - and a lot of courage to move in the opposite direction. - Albert Einstein
"Any intelligent fool can make things bigger and more complex... It takes a touch of genius - and a lot of courage to move in the opposite direction." - Albert Einstein
"be a goose and honk with your bad self"

Nothing on Google, I'm clueless!
Puna: Our roosters crow first

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