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Honk if you don't like the Shores speed bumps
@Robin Hood, entertain the idea this was the goal in electing the folks who currently serve. For some time there has been a growing number of members asking why there is an association since no matter who is 'in power' there is always conflict. It appears the strategy is working based on the members comments here! Electing the folks who are currently on the board, at least by some last year, was a means to facilitate a faster demise through dissolution than was going to happen otherwise. I resisted that logically. I now yield to the Borg -- I have been assimilated.

@Afwjam, I appreciated the fresh bold perspective you brought to the discussion. I think the behest for all to work as a community last night by one of the Members who spoke to the Board is the sentiment that may be resonant most prominently through out the community.

@Greg, what a coincidence, that exact idea was recently kicked around.

@Apple, yes, it is the case. Reckless lawlessness does visit sad consequences upon the majority.

"Q might have done the right thing for the wrong reason, perhaps we need a good kick in our complacency to get us ready for what's ahead" -- Captain Picard, to Guinan (Q Who?)
"Q might have done the right thing for the wrong reason, perhaps we need a good kick in our complacency to get us ready for what's ahead" -- Captain Picard, to Guinan (Q Who?)
The survey results from the few people that took the time to do them show that people in the community want to be less involved in the politics of it, that vast majority are already uninvolved. I think its great that we have our own water, parks and roads. However, maybe it is time to eliminate the rule makers in favor of a direct democracy and make the HSCA a utility company. We can keep the rules and all the benefits of a private community, but at the same time eliminate the political drama.
power to the people

Use power for detour sign or automatic horn.


The main people who pushed through the speed bumps were: Eileen O'Hara and Pat Kellogg. Look them up in the book.
Bunny Young/Swallow Swift
On the election: If the Board refuses to act democratically---vote them out, or recall them. If you don't get involved the fascist types will feel emboldened.
Bunny Young/Swallow Swift
That is the only way, vote them out. It was obvious from the last board meeting that the current board is out of touch with reality in addition to just down right incompetence in what they are doing. They were voting on things without even understanding what they were talking about. We have to vote them out. Im sure the trucks slamming over bumps might be helping them with their second thoughts... Its louder then ever in this neighborhood now. I would love to see the power and responsibility of the board greatly reduced or eliminated. Make it a utility company and handle the politics through direct democracy.
Board meeting tonight at 6 PM, I will be bringing some popcorn. Seriously.
7 thousand dollars for their private park, in front of their house.....
80 thousand dollars for solar water heating for the pool.... No repairs for the water tank.... I guess they will asses us the charges for that when it breaks....
There will be no money reserve for the HSCA in the budget, which the previous board maintained. Where are all the savings? I am starting to think it would be nice to have a beach park along the Mauka side of Papio st.
The Keynesian economic training of the President is very apparent, same sort of policies that are destroying our country. Spend spend spend, for your personal benefit.
I could not make it to the board meeting, would someone with the correct prospective update me on what happened?
Sounds like this is getting close to maybe being moved to the Politics section. peace
i think something is getting forgotten here.
i saw this in lake tahoe years ago when valley people started moving up into what 'we' considered 'our little town'. interestingly enough the reasons the valley people were moving to tahoe for, was exactly what they started dismantling and 'improving'.
these speed bumps have a purpose ... to slow cars down.
the people may have paid for the bumps and their installation, but first they had to prove to the HOA that there was a need for the bumps ... people were speeding!
and no matter how many people think they are parnelli jones, dave unser or speed racer, the truth is there is no room in a residential neighborhood for speeding. not everyone in the shores, shores rec, beaches and parks(or any other,, subdivision) is an old goat(like me). there are families with kekei, kids on bikes, kids in the street playing ball, just being kids. the roads are not just for driving like its all yours, parnelli!
yes, there is a boatload(choke) retirees from the mainland with no kids and possibly feeling 'the right' ... maybe because they paid cash for their piece of paradise and 'deserve' to have unfettered use of the roads ... remember, so do the families.
im a ha'ole, im a guest. i wasnt born here and if the people that were(and are) are kind enough ... ill die here. but before i came here, it wasnt my home, it was someone elses. can we, the late comers show a little respect for our surroundings?
honking horns??? are you kidding me? what is this, the 3rd grade? lets slow it down about 50%. its a freakin island, where you going that you need to drive so fast? leave earlier! just slow down ... take a deep breath and remember the paradise you fell in love with. quiet and slow, warm and friendly. 'dont be so mainland!'.
ask yourself, are you starting the same stuff you left the mainland about? relax, drop the car into 3rd gear and chill, enjoy the view and remember the reason you moved here.
speed bumps??? who cares!?!?!
remember folks, when you get off pavement ... its all speed bumps!

da dude
da dude

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