Originally posted by Orchidlandguy
...Kat, what is the story with the road blocked at the tidepools parcking area? Does that construction going on there have permission to block off the road? The building looks very close to the parking spaces, is that legal? Will the parking spaces be moved?
Thanks for any information you might share.
Also, kudos on the new porta pots.
*** Porta potties: We need to support Dov - who is providing the $$$ support for the porta potties along with general contractor Michael Barton.
http://lovestarrecords.com/earthharmonyf...rmony.html Buy his new CD!
Every time something new in construction happens (especially on one of the sites in particular) my phone blows up so here is the contacts if you have a complaint:
Planning Dept 961-8288 - ask for Bethany
Engineering - ask for Carter
Building - 961-8331 ask for Neil Erickson / insp is Doris, of course Warren Lee is the dept head.
DLNR - Andy Bohlander
SOH Dept of Health - Jerry Chang in Hilo
The road access has been blocked on 4 occasions since Oct 2011 - 4 concrete pours, 2 on each property. Since the roads are private, it is not required to provide access to the tide pools on one specific road. There was access from the other side of Waiopae Rd to the tide pool parking. We are required by the MLCD to provide 16 spaces but those spaces do not have to be right in front of the tide pools. There was overflow parking on Kapoho Kai where it meets Waiopae Rd and then people had to walk about 300 ft on the concrete pour days. There is also parking allowed out by the mailboxes but then you have to walk about 600 ft.
Just FYI to everyone: If you have a complaint, do not express outrage to the VHCA, or the other residents of Vacationland. The complaints need to go to the departments mentioned above.
As for the setbacks being legal, the setback issue is again part of the Planning Dept's kuleana. The property pins are marked and visible last time I checked. Planning Dept is supposed to check those items. There has been some question recently (besides you OLG) if the setbacks met the requirements. I have no idea what was decided. These lots have 15 ft setbacks on the front, and either deck or overhang (but not both) can encroach 1/2 the distance or 5' which ever is less. The side setbacks are 8' and have the same requirements. The building height must be less than 35' on average across the roof. I do not know if Plan Dept differentiates between median and average.
On the road - The optical illusions is that the "road" is set in what is grassy areas next to the pavement in other parts of the neighborhood. The right of way is 40' from the property owners pins across the "road/parking" to the other side. IMHO much of the other side is not utilized as parking. But it would require grading to make it more usable. I also am opposed to the parking as it is. It is difficult to main the fire dept's minimum of 20' clear.
This is the same group that wants to park a container... in front of our rental property. I am deferring to the wishes of the board on this one.
ETA: Deleting just the frustration parts expressed.