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Bill takes aim at medical pot
Call and email those concerned.

Lee Eisenstein
Lee Eisenstein

"Be kinder than necessary, as everyone you meet is engaged in some kind of strudel."
Originally posted by Bullwinkle

good read - from sometimes a slow loading site

That is a good read..sent that to many friends who hopefully write or call also...

“It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society.” " Krishnamurti "
“It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society.” " Krishnamurti "
Originally posted by Bullwinkle

good read - from sometimes a slow loading site

very good read Bullwinkle. It's a shame that 8 states this year will be going for some form of cannabis legalization, and Hawaii, a Democratic State seems to be running the other way. Why?
The state politicans know the state has a fiscal crisis on it's hands. So what do these "jerk offs" do? They rekindle the idea of legalized gambling for revenue?!?! Are you frigg'in kidding me? Gambling would do way more harm than medical cannabis would to the state by far.
Why does the federal government play this game of ignorance & hypcorisy when it comes to medical cannabis. Like me, I know our federal Government see the value in medical cannabis too! Here is the hypcrocisy. Check out [US Patent 6630507 "Cannabinoids as Antitoxidants and Neuroprotectants] If cannabis holds no medical value whatsoever as DEA claims, why does the US Gov have this patent? So I truly believe our Gov., and Big Pharma have a plan for medical cannabis. Again, what do we do, we follow the money!

In the end I could be wrong, but I believe the new drug Sativex holds the answers to why the 180 degree turn around by Obama admin. with dealing with medical cannabis.


Support the 'Jack Herer Initiative'NOW!!

Support the 'Jack Herer Initiative'NOW!!
The only way this issue will finally get nipped in the bud once and for all is when Dr. Ron Paul is in the white house. He will end the FED, end the useless 'War on Drugs' and restore America, then the world, as thes are global issues. We, in HI caucus on March 13. If we really believe in peace and personal liberty, we must make our voices heard and come out in droves to vote March 13. If we don't, then be happy with the status quo because if Ron Paul is not president in 2012, nothing will change and will only worsen.
War on Drugs

"For liberty to be upheld, we must collectively uphold individuals' rights to do as they wish with their own bodies so long as they aren't hurting others. It isn't the role of some people to dictate forcefully the behavior of others. Who gets to decide what is moral? Ron Paul knows that this adherence to the cause of liberty is what is important.

Additionally, the war on drugs has failed. Government attempts at mandating specific morality has only eroded away at civil liberties while generating a black market full of violence.

"The federal war on drugs has proven costly and ineffective, while creating terrible, violent crime. But if you question policy, you are accused of being pro-drug. That is preposterous. As a physician, father, and grandfather, I abhor drugs. I just know that there is a better way — through local laws, communities, churches, and families — to combat the very serious problem of drug abuse than a massive federal-government bureaucracy." - Ron Paul

As President, Ron Paul will halt the Drug Enforcement Administration from infringing on states' rights, allowing states to effectively govern themselves. Ron Paul on Marijuana @ CNN GOP Debate Ron Paul: End Marijuana Prohibition Now! Ron Paul - War on Drugs a "Complete Failure"
Originally posted by liskir

The only way this issue will finally get nipped in the bud once and for all is when Dr. Ron Paul is in the white house. He will end the FED, end the useless 'War on Drugs' and restore America, then the world, as thes are global issues. We, in HI caucus on March 13. If we really believe in peace and personal liberty, we must make our voices heard and come out in droves to vote March 13. If we don't, then be happy with the status quo because if Ron Paul is not president in 2012, nothing will change and will only worsen.
War on Drugs

"For liberty to be upheld, we must collectively uphold individuals' rights to do as they wish with their own bodies so long as they aren't hurting others. It isn't the role of some people to dictate forcefully the behavior of others. Who gets to decide what is moral? Ron Paul knows that this adherence to the cause of liberty is what is important.

Additionally, the war on drugs has failed. Government attempts at mandating specific morality has only eroded away at civil liberties while generating a black market full of violence.

"The federal war on drugs has proven costly and ineffective, while creating terrible, violent crime. But if you question policy, you are accused of being pro-drug. That is preposterous. As a physician, father, and grandfather, I abhor drugs. I just know that there is a better way — through local laws, communities, churches, and families — to combat the very serious problem of drug abuse than a massive federal-government bureaucracy." - Ron Paul

As President, Ron Paul will halt the Drug Enforcement Administration from infringing on states' rights, allowing states to effectively govern themselves. Ron Paul on Marijuana @ CNN GOP Debate Ron Paul: End Marijuana Prohibition Now! Ron Paul - War on Drugs a "Complete Failure"

Listen, I feel somewhat bratrayed by Obama. But Ron Paul is truly wasting your vote. He has as much as chance of going to the White House as "Pogo & Mr Checkers" do.

Besides, I have issues with a guy who names his kid after Ayn Rand. Plus he's a racist old man.

Oh, he wants to do away with the Federal Reserve, and I do to. But that **** won't happen in our lifetime. Last time a president messed with the Federal Reserve,...JFK, and look where that got him?

On the other hand, I think President Obama needs to be "bitch slapped", at every campaign stop, and be asked what he's doing for 'Medical Cannabis'? If this is put to him at every stop. I truly believe he'd no longer be able to blow the subject off. These past three years made me realize that Obama is not a liberal like myself. But he's more a moderate than anything. A moderate who doesn't like confrontation. He feels better being a capitulators, rather than a problem solver?
Realistically speaking Obama is the only thing us progressives have going into the 2012 elections. Ron Paul won't ever finish second in his nomination & party. It's a wasted vote.


Support the 'Jack Herer Initiative'NOW!!

Support the 'Jack Herer Initiative'NOW!!
Beachboy, During the last campaign, some friends here introduced me to the historian, analyst, Webster Tarpley. He pointed out that Obama was surrounded by Bush/Clinton advisors, includeing Zbig, who signed on the Cheney's notorious, "Rebuilding America's Defenses" policy paper. Obama is worse than Bush on civil rights, according to the ACLU and has violated almost all his campaign promises. He is a worse marijuana drug warrior than Bush.

It's hard to win in a crooked card game and that's our situation. The Dems move to the Right and the Repugs move to the far right, always moving us to the right. That's not how democracy works, unless it's a fake democracy.

I respect freedom of choice, of course, but going forward, I will only vote for peace candidates. Obama does not care what the American people want, any more than Cheney did. Fool me once...
Lee Eisenstein

"Be kinder than necessary, as everyone you meet is engaged in some kind of strudel."

"Synthetic Cannabinoid Halts Progression Of Multiple Sclerosis, Study Says

Thursday, 01 March 2012

Madrid, Spain: The administration of a cannabinoid agonist halts the advancement of multiple sclerosis, according to preclinical data to be published in the journal Neuropharmacology.

Investigators at Complutense University in Madrid assessed the impact of WIN55,512-2, a synthetic cannabinoid agonist, in an animal model of multiple sclerosis (MS). Researchers reported that the treatment moderated disease progression and reduced MS symptom, including spasms and tremors...."

This is why criminal, justice professionals and their politicians should not try and play doctor.

Lee Eisenstein
Lee Eisenstein

"Be kinder than necessary, as everyone you meet is engaged in some kind of strudel."
Meanwhile, in Spain...

Rasquera implement approved marijuana crops for home consumption
The mayor of this town of Tarragona ensures that there are five or six projects interested in collaborating with the City,"Rasquera.

(Tarragona) (EFE). - The mayor of Rasquera , Bernat Pellisa (ERC), said that five or six projects interested in collaborating with the city after the full last night approved a land lease Barcelonesa Association cannabis for own use (ABCDA) to plant marijuana.

At a press conference after the plenary Pellisa explained that "there are five or six projects behind" the adopted today, "not all about cannabis, but on hemp seeds" as those sold in specialty stores -grow-shops are all imported, and "want to produce in Rasquera".

Pellisa has detailed the farm chosen for the project covers an area of #8203;#8203;7 hectares, "but not all will be devoted to cannabis, as there will be an alternative eco-cycle crops such as beet or grain," and specified that the cannabis plant will be "only for ABCDA partners."

The project will create five direct jobs "and 35 more indirect" because the company Rasquera Gestió economic "environmental policies or management of forests."

Also, the mayor of Rasquera said the delegate of the Government in the Ebro, Xavier Pallares, this informed "and said charge their reports" on the subject.

"We will maintain loyalty, but we demand our sovereignty," said Pellisa, who added that the project to overthrow the Government will need to "rebut the legal reports our" based "in Spanish jurisprudence, where the crop for oneself does not a crime, even a sensitive issue, "according to one of the lawyers who drafted, Oriol Casals.

Pellisa has said it has a social majority in the town that supports this project and said he was "a pioneer at European level" and "confident of setting a precedent." "And responsible for my obligations," he added after finishing the full. ..."


Lee Eisenstein
Lee Eisenstein

"Be kinder than necessary, as everyone you meet is engaged in some kind of strudel."
we are the least free people in the industrialized world. every country around us is moving ahead, but america is strangled by the big corp and the government and military propping up the big corp. we all know it, we all know why things work the way they do, but nobody is bothering to take to the street. in syria they are doing it, why not here? what do you call this phenomena? meek rats living in their homes, as long as i got my TV and something to chew on, i am all right. are we a nation of idiots? i am coming to think that it is so.

Cool, we now get to discuss national and international politics. But seriously, you equate the situation in Syria with the USA?

Big Islander to be.
Big Islander to be.

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