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House hunters shot at in HA
I think you still miss Hawaii. That or there's not much happening where you are.
Or, I'd like to save some good folks the misery of spending their all on relocating to a place that is just not that great. Consider the statistics; why do so many people move back?

You guys, you're so defensive of this place! The place sucks in my opinion. The frogs, the rats, the bugs, the neighbors, and the local attitudes are ugly over the top, and the government is without moral fiber, are you kidding me?

If you like it there then more power to you. Some don't. I'd have to say that an equal exchange on something called a "forum" is valuable. I'm letting you know that some people read this forum with visions of once or twice experienced vacations on the BI in their heads, and they're basing move plans on that experience. And that is not the real world. Are you really so clueless?
Don't get me wrong, your warnings are very valuable. If it saves one person
from making an ill-advised move then it is worth the hours you have put
into monitoring this forum and posting your negativity about everything.
Please, keep doing it!

Unfortunately some people really are so clueless as to move here without
doing proper research.

When it doesn't work out, most just try to learn from it and don't turn it
into a personal vendetta against a piece of rock sticking out of the ocean.
I agree there is no need to be defensive. It is good to remember that other places can be incredibly enjoyable and that Hawai'i has trade-offs. People come here on vacation high and don't want to leave, and are amazed at the thought they could come back and be here all the time.

What's wrong with a little of the counter? If a place is so great, there is no need to be defensive or to put down those who don't like it.

The worst thing, if you live in the perfect place on earth for you, is to have everyone else on the planet decide to come there, including people who aren't a good fit.

Back in 1969, I moved to Taos when thousands of people had poured into the place looking for a dream. The climate and the culture made quick work of people who weren't cut out for it (I sure wasn't ready for that winter, and left).

Moved to Mendocino in the 70's with many many people looking to live on the land. Again, after 5-10 years, those who were suited for life in the country stayed, while others went back to areas with a bit more going on. The Puna dream is much like what I saw 35 years ago. Only instead of bugs and ratlung and weeds, it was chopping firewood, coastal fog, battling mold and mice, and a two hour drive to real shopping. Instead of stink-eye and ice it was redneck loggers, fishermen, heroin and speed, mean bikers and crotchety old-timers who didn't truck with newcomers. But ... those were great times due to the incredible sense of community.

Speaking of crime, my first intro to local style corruption was in Taos. Some local kids who were related to the police gang-raped a hippy girl at one of the hot springs, and the police would not prosecute it because of who the perps were, and the girl was just a hippy. That's when my dreams of utopia got a reality check ... and it happens here too ... the culture is rather similar except at least here there is the idea of Aloha which presents an ideal towards which we can aim.
In the interest of balance, I think we should all join forums back where we used to live and tell the members how much their lives suck and why they should move somewhere else. I'm sure they'll thank us.
I think what bothers me about Brad's posts is the smug "Your lives suck and you are just too stupid/deluded to realize it" attitude that permeates his posts. I don't think that makes me defensive, but no one likes having a total stranger tell them how bad their lives really are if they would just wake up and bow down to Brad's superior wisdom. It is one thing to want to give potential Punatics fair warning, but Brad goes far beyond that, all his posts are about how crappy our lives are and how great his life is. He should just start a thread called "Everything Brad W. hates about Hawaii" and leave it at that.


Every time you feel yourself getting pulled into other people's nonsense, repeat these words: Not my circus, not my monkeys.
Polish Proverb
The first thirty-five years of my life I lived in twelve different cities, in nine different states. The last twenty-six years have been spent in Puna Makai.

I believe it's more important to be content within one's self than any geographic location. I've had good and bad times everywhere; But here in Puna the good times come with a warm ocean, a rich and diverse cultural experience, and no need for heating oil.


Quinn: They come here looking for the magic, hoping to find romance, when they can't find it anywhere else.
Robin: Maybe they will.
Quinn: It's an island, babe. If you didn't bring it here, you won't find it here.


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