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Email from Helco - a scam?
Anyone received an email from HELCO about account and software changes? It looks authentic enough but it's suggesting I need to make account changes in the near future plus it was sent to my old email address, not the one HELCO now has on file, so that set alarm bells ringing.


I got the same email a couple days ago. It sounded a bit convoluted so I thought I'd just take a wait-and-see attitude. I went paperless with HELCO awhile back and everything gets done online so if it's all changed when it's time to pay my May bill, I'll deal with that then.

You can tell yourself anything is too difficult, or you can just do it. And you do not need to reconstruct your worldview or take issue with others. ~ SUSAN GREGORY THOMAS
I don't know how I got over the hill without getting to the top.
Tom, call HELCO'S business office and check if they sent the the email. If it is a scam they can alert the police and the public! Any email that asks for information, I call the company and confirm it is genuine, have learned it is best to be on the safe side than sorry.
Will do, Hikatz. I'm looking at the email again and there's enough there to make me think it's a scam. Definitely a much more professional job than the usual Nigerian scam.

I also got the same email.
Looks legit to me.It's on their website.
If that's the email content then why does anyone think it's a scam? I didn't notice the usual two spelling mistakes per sentence. I have a theory they do that to weed out anyone with more than half a brain.
Originally posted by PaulW

I didn't notice the usual two spelling mistakes per sentence. I have a theory they do that to weed out anyone with more than half a brain.
LMAO! Somebody told me they put all the smart ones in revenue management and regulatory lobbying so as to extract the maximum amount of money from the consumers.
I think Tom was questioning the fact the email was sent to his old email address, not the current one Helco has on file!
Yep, I think Hikatz gets it! I don't know about anyone else, but something sent to an old email address telling me I'll have to go to a website and change my login details tends to make me a little suspicious - plus the fact that I couldn't find anything on the HELCO site about the change when I received the email. Now that they have something on their site makes me a little more comfortable but this is something I'd expect to receive in snail mail, not email.

Paul - I'm not sure I can ignore the possibility that one day a literate scammer will email me. I know it's rare but suspect one or two are out there. I'd rather be safe than sorry.


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