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I think what's being referred to is, Jehova. Spellings vary. The documentary film, "The Life of Brian", is centered around Jehova worship.

There may be links online, with information about Jehova and his followers. Good luck!

Lee Eisenstein

"Be kinder than necessary, as everyone you meet is engaged in some kind of strudel."
Lee Eisenstein

"Be kinder than necessary, as everyone you meet is engaged in some kind of strudel."
Yeshua is used almost exclusivey by Messianic Jews or in the vernacular, Jews for Jesus. It is a somewhat arcane biblical name for Jesus and found in the Old Testament. In modern times it is almost a catch phrase for Messianic Jews. If one is Jewish, this is a rather strange cult as their belief would imply that they are Christian as Jews are still waiting for the Messiah to come. Some say he will show himself as a piece of toast, or perhaps a strangely growing vegetable. And apparently there are those who are looking to a malformed, yet beautiful, piece of pasta.
I like to mock peoples faith too, people of faith are obviously silly and ignorant. We should make rules against faith, maybe set up camps that we can send them to...

“Setting a good example is a far better way to spread ideals than through force of arms.”
-Ron Paul
My brother has been a Messianic Jew for about 10 years now, and they are absolutely NOT the same as Jews for Jesus.

Jews for Jesus are a sect of fundamentalist Christians who have converted from Judaism to Christianity (my best friend in college was an Orthodox Jew whose parents got sucked into Jews for Jesus to her great dismay) and frequently aggressively try to convert other Jews. Messianic Jews think Jesus really was the Messiah predicted in Jewish scriptures, but that most Jews missed the boat, and that Christians also got it all wrong. Very small sect, complete with Rabbis and keeping Kosher.


Every time you feel yourself getting pulled into other people's nonsense, repeat these words: Not my circus, not my monkeys.
Polish Proverb
Originally posted by jackson... Some say he will show himself as a piece of toast, or perhaps a strangely growing vegetable. And apparently there are those who are looking to a malformed, yet beautiful, piece of pasta.

So its true? If we eat pasta, god is in us. Finally a reason for carbs to be a good thing.
[Big Grin] @ you pastafarian freaks ...

yeah, the Jews for Jesus folks I have known were converted to Christianity, which is different surely from Messianic Jews, a sect of Judaism.

Yeshua (Yahusha?) is the old form of Jesus, whereas I see YAHWEH (YHWH) in YAHUAH and also the upper case spelling is like YHWH.

Not being Jewish or Christian either -- I know everything I sort of think about YWHH from Philip K Dick's novel "The Divine Invasion" -- and if the "book club" ever gets together I think it would be a great read!
For the record, I believe that we should NEVER make rules against faith. That would deprive us of the genius displayed by the likes of George Carlin.

Keeping it Puna, I've noticed that the New Age folks catch a lot of flak from both atheists and folks of other faiths. Is there a double standard? IMHO there shouldn't be. Everyone should be fair game, including believers of all faiths and non-believers alike.

Here's my take: If someone gets offended when their faith is attacked perhaps they have doubts about their faith in the first place? If they truly believed, wouldn't they just laugh and brush it off?

Lest you accuse me of being a hypocrite, I deeply respect the right of believers to make fun of me and proclaim that I'm going to hell. It doesn't offend me one bit because I truly believe in being a non-believer! That said, if there IS a God I sure hope he/she has a sense of humor, otherwise I'm in deep $hit. Smile

A superior man is modest in his speech, but exceeds in his actions--Confucius
That said, if there IS a God I sure hope he/she has a sense of humor, otherwise I'm in deep $hit. Smile
Make that an everlasting pit of deep $hit!
What if that IS the manifestation of said sense of humor? [:0]

Originally posted by Chuysmom

I feel like I'm trying to read Japanese, here. LOL! I don't recognize many of these faiths.

Last Thursdayism:

Both developed in response to fundies [Wink]
Isn't this thread about a zip-lining piggy?

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