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What has Fred Blas done ?
The argument "they never did, so they never will" has not stood the test of time. Kings do not build armies not to use them and governments do not make laws not to use them. Selective enforcement of draconian laws is a good way to suppress people and keep them in line. The selling point for building codes is the safety argument. Weathered paint is not a safety issue but it is still a violation in our new code. I do not like people who vote for laws designed to oppress citizens either through their ignorance or by design.
Any of the three other candidates, from what I have seen here, are more interested in representing Puna than toadying at the County building, and hence a better choice than Fred.
I tried Googling Fred Blas . All I could find on vote smart is: that he was born in Guam, has a wife Betty and five children, and is on the Hawaii County Council.
Did he finish High School, serve in the military, walk on the moon? From what I can find "did not respond" was his second most important qualification for office in the last election, and aparently "he is not Emily" was his first.
In this election he is left with #2
Can anyone unlock this mystery? Who is Fred Blas?
I saw him at the last council meeting regarding geothermal.. He just sat there and said nothing. Kind of hard to tell if hes got much going on as far as representing our district...

“It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society.” " Krishnamurti "
“It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society.” " Krishnamurti "
Her is some info on our mystery Councilman

"Fred Blas

Party: Republican

Age: 61

Job: Self-employed owner of several tire and automotive centers and Sears Auto Center manager.

Born in Guam. In Hawaii since 1999, arrived from California"[/b]
Source: Hawaii Election 2008
This would mean he is 65 now
The term "Mystery Councilman" intrigues me. I don't think Fred is a mystery at all. He just doesn't say much. He's not interested in listening to people. I think it bores him. And I don't think he's a clever thinker. He seems to me to be an Army COE guy. Unfortunately, the subdivisions in Puna WERE NOT planned by the Army, the were carved out for maximum profit by land speculators. I'm not saying bring in the Army COE to build roads through Puna, I'm saying voters in the 4th council district can do better. I appreciate his personal financial support for our PCMC. But his votes on the 2% Land Fund are a total betrayal of Puna voters. Fred showed up at an HPP membership meeting in Feb. promising street lights like the old time politicians do in the movies. He paid no attention to the meeting agenda, he was running his own agenda, and when he FINALLY LISTENED AND PAID ATTENTION he learned our By-laws don't permit them. Duh!!
This time around I'm not voting for Fred.

Fred has apparently been working on a “Lower Puna Community Relief Center" which may be built in Leilani Estates to provide an emergency response center for disasters and temporary emergency shelter for 300 people.

Considering that the CoH has civil defense capacity for about 20% of residents I would such such a facility is needed.
Assume the best and ask questions.

Punaweb moderator
Yes, Rob, such a facility is needed...
No, Rob, Leilani is the wrong place to put it.

Let's think this through together: in a geothermal blowout, Leilani residents evacuate their homes to evacuate to....Leilani! Better options would be to stay home with doors and windows closed, or pack an overnight bag and visit friends or relatives in Hilo. Residents of other surrounding communities would have to get closer to the disaster if they evacuated to Leilani. It does not compute!

After the blowout the EPA sent a team here and they said we needed an emergency evacuation plan for the neighboring community. That has not happened. We have been waiting for it for 21 years! And one of the things a plan like that should address is the siting of evacuation centers - ten miles away! Putting such a facility in Leilani before a comprehensive emergency response plan is drafted and approved is bass ackwards (aka cart before the horse). And therefore a total waste of money. It will also distract from the real work of creating a viable plan.
Fred does lack the verbal skill that some of the councilmembers can bring to meetings but that doesn’t mean that he isn’t genuine in his concerns for Puna. Everyone on the council was elected to promote those issues important to their district and they all have to compromise on budget items brought before them. I am thankful to him for his support for the idea of a community based emergency relief center. By the way, this relief center concept is in the very early stage and is just one idea for a community to become more self-reliant without spending a ton of cash.

Fred's unwillingness to interact with his constituents, refusing to respond to written or verbal communications made to his office or to even listen to a citizen at pubic events like ribbon cutting, means he isn't genuinely interested in the concerns of Puna residents, unless they happen to fall in line with the desires of the small circle he has always listened to.


Every time you feel yourself getting pulled into other people's nonsense, repeat these words: Not my circus, not my monkeys.
Polish Proverb
Yes, but there are other disasters/emergencies/ etc... other than the feared geothermal blowout.


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