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HPP Special Assessment Proposal
Since most long term residents don't follow the Hui's drama closely, they need to be made aware. like something in the paper.
If people know about this i dont think it will make it as far as a vote
If this was happening in NY i would think it was a move to create hostility against the dust complainers.
But then again Machiavelli was in the "how to" section back there
Agreed...But then what? HPPOA files bankrupcy and then its the states problem? The state isn't gonna want to take on an expensive paving job anymore than HPPOA wants to. They will just turn around and force everyone in the subdivision to pay and fix the problem just like HPPOA officials are trying to do now.
Good question, who would be responsible for the dust if there is no
home Owners Association? Since the DOH is pushing this I would think an answer from the AG's office is needed.
its an election year. make it an issue!
A case can be made that there is CoH responsibility. At the time the subdivision was formed (along with many others) the laws in place required developers to do macadam road surfaces. There was specifications for thickness of gravel base and top surfaces. The then Board of Supervisors violated the ordinance by approving the subdivision without imposing the legal requirements on roads.

According to the codes at the time should have had at least two more main boulevards parallel to Makuu, Paradise and Kololi.

Fact is that at the time they started selling lots many areas had no road of any kind at all.

It was all kind of a joint venture by the county and large landowners to make maximum profit (and taxes) with minimum cost.

This has been basically ignored and swept under the rug for fifty years. To date only Dominic Yagong has recognized the liability of the CoH and is trying to move forward with a Grant-in-Aid program to begin bringing fuel tax revenues to the assistance of our private road corporations.

Dominic Yagong has also noted that the CoH owns several rock quarries and could be in a position to provide gravel at little cost.

Billy Kenoi has shown little or no interest in the subject.
Assume the best and ask questions.

Punaweb moderator
Jerry - thank you for sharing this disturbing news.
I'll be at that meeting for at least 3 minutes.

-- rainshadow
-- rainshadow
Originally posted by JerryCarr... Others have expressed a lack of confidence in the present BOD and management to competently oversee such a big project....

Jerry - the only issue I see with your reasoning, is the line above - HPPOA does have a general manager now that is competent to oversee such a big project (dont have any knowledge of the BOD competentcy), and has done so before on other large projects.

I dont live in HPP so that is my only comment on this situation.

Thanks Jerry for bringing this to our attention. My 2 cents is that there may be many more solutions to this problem than the possible one suggested by the board. For instance, could there be a public/private fund that would be earmarked for the eventual paving of all roads in the county? Could we bring in new commercial development in the set-aside areas and assess them a portion of the costs for paving. Could a less dusty material or a coating of some sort be used on the existing dirt roads. Is there an avenue to eventually transition private roads to public roads. Is there cigarette tax money that could be used since this is a health complaint? I'm pretty sure that our new council members would love to work with our hui to come up with solutions.
Does anyone seriously believe Neil Abercrombie is going to destroy his chances for re-election because some third tier beauracrat has mis-interperated an administrative rule?
This rule is for construction projects,not subdivisions. If Neil tells this guy he has read it wrong you can bet he will wet his pants and change his tune.
Where are our Republican Candidates? If they campaign on making a law exempting subdivision roads from stupid rules ill vote for them. Call it the "catch a cloud" revolution. I would be willing to bet the problem is resolved by November if they do. I havn't heard anyone even mention this in the primary except on the Council level.
HPP is the tip of the iceberg, this will catch on in all the other dirt road subdivisions too. Any disgruntled crank can make it happen. The Counties have dirt roads as does the state. How about those unpaved conservation lands in dry areas, Ive camped there and the dust bothers me when it is windy. The State should fine itself!

Watch out for HPP votes! I got my ballot for the driveway ban on Saturday a day after the due date. I was told the manager mailed them on Tuesday. The League of Women voters wouldn't certify the results, but they went into effect anyway.

Child molesters will have higher approval ratings if they sneak this through, and they won't be able to sell there houses and move away.

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