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A Bill to Protect Keikis
I have a request to the Big Island residents to help me amend the Child Protective Act to prevent unlawful and unreasonable removal of children from families and placed into foster care in Hawaii.
This kind of atrocity happens all over the country because parents are not aware of the application of the 4th Amendment right to be secure in their homes when CPS comes calling based simply upon
a child abuse hotline report that is too often a false allegation. If you have not, or don’t know anyone who has been subjected to a sudden removal of a child to foster care that results in a complicated legal nightmare, I would implore you to take my word for the fact that this happens in communities all over the country. Many times, the children are never returned simply because the parents are not informed of their rights and are coerced into signing away their rights. I have a packet of information and evidence to show legislators why a change in the existing statutes needs to tighten the liberties that are now taken by child welfare services to remove children from their parents based upon information that does not qualify for a warrant. Child removal IS child abuse unless the situation is a dire emergency for the well-being of the child. The current law does not guarantee that.

If you are willing to give this information to your legislator, email me and I’ll send it to you.

I recently met a broken man who's daughter was illegally removed by CPS with the threat that if he complains, they'll take his son too. He is a good decent man and it's heart breaking to see this situation play out over and over again. Mahalo for reaching out to help, jusbecuz. Don't know what you mean by "willing to give this info to your legislator". Why not just post it and anyone/everyone who feels the tugging should take action? Not sure of the process, just a suggestion. We need to protect our kekeis, especially from the vultures.

"An idea whose time has come cannot be stopped" Dr. Ron Paul 2012
The reason is that it's 6 pages of evidence for a change of the law on 4 different word docs. Do you have a plan as to how I could put it all together for a post? If so, no problem. What about this man you know of. CWS CANNOT threaten him to keep quiet or lose another child. Does he have an attorney? I need to get some information to him if you can facilitate that somehow. He has RIGHTS and needs to exercise them.
I was told by a student, that Kea'au H.S. has two "Security Guards" on the sex offenders list. Why is this happening? Why didn't they do background checks? Administration have not done their homework, yet the kids that attend are AWARE of WHO THEY ARE! Parents aren't doing a damn thing about it! Why???
First, has this been brought to the attention of the school? Did you know that there's a sex offender registry online for Hawaii? The bill that I'm trying to get into the legislature is to prevent unnecessary removal of children from families by CPS, but I'm willing to listen to and suggest to anyone a solution to protect children from abuse anywhere, anytime.
"I was told by a student".

I hope there's a little more evidence behind the accusation than this, especially given the further accusations that have been made.


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