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HPP Special Assessment Proposal
Originally posted by DanielP

Has there actually been direct communication from the County to HPP on this issue, with demands, or is this all speculation or conversation. Links to said items requested.


ANYONE with more than rumors?
"The rationale for this proposal is the dust issue which has resulted in the State threatening to fine HPP for "fugitive dust..."

The "dust issue" being what, exactly? The State making WHAT threats?

Smoke and mirrors?

From an easily found article at this link:

Hawaii’s Department of Health is remaining steadfast on its position that Hawaiian Paradise Park control its dust problem.

Health officials told June Conant, president of the Hawaiian Paradise Park Owners Association, at a meeting in Honolulu on Thursday that it is still looking for some action by the group, which says it has few, if any, resources to address dusty roads on the sprawling subdivision.

"The agency gave the association a notice of violation June 14 after noting “fugitive dust,” essentially airborne dirt particles that drifted onto nearby property.

The notice was the second given to the neighborhood group in the last two years.

No fines have been issued, but that’s still an option if no action is taken by the association, said Jill Stensrud, an enforcement supervisor with the DOH.

Penalties can involve issue field citations of $300 to $500 for the first violation, or a formal notice of violation of up to $25,000."


edited to fix a weird formatting glitch.

Every time you feel yourself getting pulled into other people's nonsense, repeat these words: Not my circus, not my monkeys.
Polish Proverb
Originally posted by DanielP


ANYONE with more than rumors?

It was suggested at last week's meeting that the HPPOA establish a FAQ page about this issue on the hui website. I just checked, and nothing is there. Scott, our general manager, does post here on Punaweb when it suits him. I asked some questions in response to one of Scott's posts three days ago, and they went unasnswered. This may not be the most appropriate venue for official news, but then he does post here, so I asked. It is within the ability of the BOD and management to keep us informed, but they choose not to. My cynical side says that may be because they don't want to or don't have a plan.

Meanwhile, what Carol says about the roads rings true in my experience. Since Tommy Spencer took over the road crew, I have noticed a dramatic improvement in the unpaved roads I travel most frequently, especially the one I live on. And yes, there is more speeding that goes along with that.
Thanks, Carol and Jerry

It would be interesting to see the data that was collected associated with the notices. Fugitive dust allowances are generally in allowable quantities over some specified time period.

Hose the complaintants.

Given the potential culpability by the County in allowing all of the subdivisions to be established in a sub-standard manner, it seems like there might be plenty of liability for them to share, all over Puna.

Sticky wicket indeed.
Originally posted by JerryCarr

Originally posted by DanielP


ANYONE with more than rumors?

It was suggested at last week's meeting that the HPPOA establish a FAQ page about this issue on the hui website. I just checked, and nothing is there. Scott, our general manager, does post here on Punaweb when it suits him. I asked some questions in response to one of Scott's posts three days ago, and they went unasnswered. This may not be the most appropriate venue for official news, but then he does post here, so I asked. It is within the ability of the BOD and management to keep us informed, but they choose not to. My cynical side says that may be because they don't want to or don't have a plan.

Meanwhile, what Carol says about the roads rings true in my experience. Since Tommy Spencer took over the road crew, I have noticed a dramatic improvement in the unpaved roads I travel most frequently, especially the one I live on. And yes, there is more speeding that goes along with that.

Maybe it's time we stop paying the road fee until we get honest working "Board Members" to follow through with what they promise to do, instead of giving us lip service
If we want changes in our association, then we need to stop rewarding them for "LOUSY JOB PERFORMANCE" If they want to keep their position, they should work for their paychecks, just like we do.
Just because they show up, doesn't mean they deserve a paycheck, and it's obvious, they don't know what the hell they are doing!
Board members don't get wage
Originally posted by JerryCarr

Originally posted by DanielP


ANYONE with more than rumors?

It was suggested at last week's meeting that the HPPOA establish a FAQ page about this issue on the hui website. I just checked, and nothing is there. Scott, our general manager, does post here on Punaweb when it suits him. I asked some questions in response to one of Scott's posts three days ago, and they went unasnswered. This may not be the most appropriate venue for official news, but then he does post here, so I asked. It is within the ability of the BOD and management to keep us informed, but they choose not to. My cynical side says that may be because they don't want to or don't have a plan.

Meanwhile, what Carol says about the roads rings true in my experience. Since Tommy Spencer took over the road crew, I have noticed a dramatic improvement in the unpaved roads I travel most frequently, especially the one I live on. And yes, there is more speeding that goes along with that.

I am currently working on the Q&A for the website from last weeks meeting. I think you will be happy with the results[:0]

If you think health care is expensive now, wait until you see what it cost when it’s here come the taxes.....
Having served as a VOLUNTEER on a road board previously, I can assure you, one and all, for the most part it is a thankless job. Damned if you do, damned if you don't
Originally posted by Kahunascott

[quote][i] I am currently working on the Q&A for the website from last weeks meeting. I think you will be happy with the results[:0]

Thanks! I look forward to seeing it.

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