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If this is not a correct topic or location, Im sorry, I dont spend much time doing computer forums. Hey Guys, Oregon family of 4 here. Have 2 sons and a wife of 20 years, and of course like so many others, we are looking to live on the big island. I know some are going to think, "god" no more people" But we are country people, that are concerned with the direction our state and mainland is heading. My health is a bit bad, but nothing serious. We are looking in the HA. Beaches area in Puna. But we are looking to be stealth active in our community. We like being around people that believe in Honor, Loyalty and respect. What I mean by Stealth Active, is to be Great neighbors, but not in anyones business. I really hope the people of Puna, and the Big Island are what we have read about. As we are the Oregon equivalent, if their is such a thing... We will be "very" good neighbors and residents of your Beautiful spot of the world.
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What?? Cave Junction??!! LOL ;-)
Hale O Na Mea Pa`ani
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Thx for the Hello Royall, funny as soon as you posted, the views doubled. Were going to come stay for 6 months, and need a bit of advice on those 4 grouped neighborhoods. Any sudgestions would be great... all but the, "dont come, drugs prostitution, and all types of major crime. You will hate it here" even these will be understood. ;D
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hubby and i are ex oregonians from molalla.. we are now in HA and love it. i always say puna is a warm oregon. been in mt. view since very late 70's. never regretted the move although hubby goes back at least once a year to visit...
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Iquade we live south of molalla, down by Albany Lebanon area. Were sitting a bit east of Sweet Home, right at the base of the cascades. Secluded, but as you know, the cold temps are getting to me, and my native born home of Oregon has fallen to the corrupt and greedy as much of our nation. But, I do dream of making the jump over. Hope the 5 post maximum does not make any one to upset. Thx fellow Oregonian, good to hear you.
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Aloha AD, the 5 max is an average for a day... so you can be fairly an inactive poster for a while, then a little hyper-active one day.... just not absurdly hyper-active!
It sounds like you are starting your search wisely, and I have one thing for you to really consider, as many who move here return to the mainland due to health issues & our health care... Currently there are some very good doc, and some good specialists. Please make sure that your health issues are covered by the available practitioner pool... an remember that practitioners also have the habit of returning to the mainland due to one issue or another, so do not count on just one!
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Welcome to Puna. Don't worry, there's plenty of room, especially for good neighbors.
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Aloha AD...We're from the rural area near Grants Pass...Bought our little slice of the BI about 4 years ago, spent the winters here for 3 of those 4 years, then made our move permanent a year & a half ago. We're in Ha. Shores, & like it here a lot! We really love not having to go out & haul in the firewood every winter. The warm weather really agrees with us both.
Being Seniors, finding medical care givers was a bit challenging, but we managed to find a good G.P., Dentist & Chiropractor.
There are fewer choices for general shopping, but we have a mall with some major anchor stores, as well as Walmart, Target, & a brand new Sports Authority just opened. You can find just about anything you need here, but anything you need that must be ordered... well.. you just have to develop a little patience.
Hope you find everything here to your liking...& welcome!
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I have been posting here for a week, and have found a bunch of information from great folks, we too are planning an escape from the mainland mostly because of health reasons. I just can't do winter in Iowa too much longer.
I would go to Wiki and look at the comunities demographics, and there are a few that "fit" as far as income and crime. As well as other criteria. (we are mixed race). I have found out that race is not an issue in Hawaii compared to what I am used to and how I was brought up. As a matter of fact the only real issues are with the natives, and rightfully so, since I am 1/4 American Indian I get it![8D]
I specifically picked Leilani Estates, HPP, Pahoa, and Orchid Lands as prospects.
We will be making an extended visit soon to figure it out.
Good Luck
I started out with nothing and I still have most of it.
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Thanks to those of you that replied to this some what useless topic. seems as tho we have a few real concerns with our move.
1) Im not going to claim to be a saint, but our family tries our best, not to judge someone based on their race. I fear for my red haired family. Wife and sons are "red"..... I mean red.
2) Like Carey stated to me, health care is a serious one. Dont know what we are going to do for the first few years.
3) Learning to adjust to the lack of availible recources. Budget wise, not the actual act of being off grid. Our family went on a 5 month "camping" trip in the cascades. btw: it was a bit cold, and resources can be a bit difficult in the mountains in the winter. But everyone will tell you, it was one of the greatest times in their lives.
I dont expect anyone to reply to this any more, infact, let it die... But thanks, our family will be taking a vacation/research trip around Febuary of 2013.