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Tree Removal Needed?
A bit confused. All over the news and social media are images trees down - blocking roads, on top of houses, and all over the powerlines. This can lead one to believe that there is a much needed service out there for tree removal and chipping/mulching, especially if the organization is also willing to help with supply delivery and Iselle relief.

I saw a need, and decided to connect the right resources together in order to provide a way to fulfil the demand at a needed time.

Yet, almost no response.

This isn't about making money off of people who are having hard times. This is about providing a service to those in need, while helping an organization willing to jump in to help.

Are these services already being fulfilled?

“What you do speaks so loud that I cannot hear what you say.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson
I would say there's probably lots of help needed, but ordinary avenues of marketing don't work so well down in lower Puna. It might be a matter of getting out there, boots on the ground, and word of mouth and/or referrals will get you into the flow. There will probably be lots of this type of work for the next year.
You may have discovered that many of the people in need are very wary of strangers offering help right now. Do you have insurance? that could be another sticking point.
Yes, the business is insured, licensed, and registered.

It is not my business. I am a spokesperson, and playing a game of connect-the-dots. I am trying to serve a need, while helping an already established company, and creating work for people who need it, myself included.

Arthur Wierzchos
“What you do speaks so loud that I cannot hear what you say.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson
Just want to say Arthur (Lava Guide) is an incredible guy with a great work ethic. He was nominated for top eco guide in Hawai'i last year (very short list). He has always done things right (permits and insurance) in the guide business.

I've known Arthur for maybe 7 years. He is solid, ethical, and as for stamina, he can lead a very long hike over lava for eight hours, in the dark. [8D] He's also very safety-oriented. I have personally seen him volunteer his time for years.

Highly recommend.

Arthur, will you still be guiding for Volcano Discovery if the lava becomes accessible again?
Right now there is a huge amount of coordinated work both by volunteers and public workers... If you are looking to volunteer, there are a number of groups working on this, I have found Iselle Recovery assistance group to be awesome:


Administrators (all are volunteers):
Jennifer Hussong, Cody Osborne, Courtney Larson, Pattie Hickey Rechtman, Bryan Revell, Courtney Larson, Nicolas Kale Los Banos ; Group Created by: Darcy Vines

This group of east siders came together quickly & has really worked their tails off!

If you are looking for employment, if you have not contacted the county & state groups hiring help, do so!

Some of the recovery work on homes must be coordinated with insurance, and may take a bit longer to get up & running, I imagine in the next couple of weeks paid saws will be busy.
right, as Carey points out, property owners are likely reluctant to pay for removal until it is clear who else might pay for it. If I were one of them, I would want to see how much would be addressed by HELCO, and the volunteer community, and then get the insurance goahead -- and then I would get in a line for hiring tree removal.
Maybe people that need help don't even have internet or a way to see your offer
Contact all the HOA's to have them put you on a list for absentee owners needing work to clear their hazardous trees. Also any Albizia abatement lists. Once they see you can properly rig an Albizia for safe drop and removal, you will probably need a bigger crew and chipper. Once roads are clear, and things return once more to the previously crazy world we knew before the storm, the phone will start ringing. People tend to get the immediate creature comforts back into routine, then work outward. Most in shock mode that it happened, and still dazed from the hit.

Community begins with Aloha
For some of us the tree cleanup is on a future to do list.
For example: Neighbor's trees are lying all over our place, but they live on Oahu and have seen the property once in 15+ years, we want them to pay for cleaning up they mess their trees made on our land and don't want to pay someone to do that until we know the neighbors will cover all or part of the cost, including replacing our fences. They probably now will owe all the neighbors more for damages than their lot is worth and how do you get money out of people on Oahu?


Every time you feel yourself getting pulled into other people's nonsense, repeat these words: Not my circus, not my monkeys.
Polish Proverb

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