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Please make sure that ALL of us vote for the OHA seats that are up this election. We not only vote for Hawaii Island, but Maui, Kauai, Oahu, and "At Large". We all get to vote for OHA representatives due to change in law, all registered voters, not just Hawaiians elect OHA Trustees.
In this time of economic recovery, OHA has more money than the State of Hawaii, and really does not hold the beneficiaries (Hawaiians) as a priority.
Everything OHA does affects us all. Every district, every person, no matter race, color or creed. This is an important race, and we need NEW Trustees in there who have the vision and ability to change the status quo at OHA.
As a Hawaiian, I am sickened by OHA and their ineffective management who takes care of their own. Percieved back room deals must come to an end, millions lost in bad investment must come to an end, the original purpose of OHA must be brought back to the forefront.
In my own opinion, after watching OHA over the years since it's inception, we humbly ask that all registered voters NOT leave the OHA space black.
I am voting for Hulu Lindsey for Maui, she has Keaukaha/Waimea roots, and will effect changes for our Hawaii island through her vote. Please help us make changes. She's already bucked the norm at OHA in her first six months! She's old school. Remembers her roots, and teachings.
No matter who you vote for, just please vote on the OHA ballot! Thank you!
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When we moved to Hawai'i 11 years ago, being confronted with the OHA portion of the ballot was a total mystery. I had a similar reaction to Maui's ballot that had us vote on council reps for each district, rather than just our own. At this point, I'm much more familiar with some of the names on the ballot, but not the politics behind them. Thanks for bringing this forward. I look forward to hearing more from you and others on this issue.
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janeadams, mystery is a perfect word for this kind of structure. I don't understand it at all. However, this OHA election is indeed crucial to not only the Hawaiian people, but to all of the people of this State.
The funding for so many OHA projects employ not only Hawaiians, but all kinds of "subcontractors", small businesses gain revenue, etc. What OHA does affects each and every one of us that resides in the State of Hawaii.
The funds are what need to be watched. New blood needs to be in leadership positions, and there is some "new blood" in there by appointment. Hopefully, the slow change will encourage a complete overall of OHA and the status quo. Unfortunately, the politics of OHA, in my opinion, is worse that one can imagine.
The beneficiaries, which are really all of us, must vote for change in OHA. I'm also voting for Cal Lee, At Large Seat, as he will also do what is right and not because he is a coach, but his dedication to the keiki of Hawai'i. Bob Lindsay is also a very "true Hawaiian" in his ways, and needs support to carry on with his vision for all of Hawaii's people.
Bottom line, I guess, is to please at least vote. (Shhh...if you recognize the name, it may not always be a good thing. Just sayin'.[  ]) Please don't leave it blank!
Mahalo for sharing your experience. I can't imagine voting for a Council person for each district! Good Lord!
ETA: Olelo TV is a great source of information:
Tomorrow, all of the OHA candidates will be speaking and interviewed. Just go to link above and look for the OHA section on the right. In general, it's got some really good information on all the upcoming races.
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*PLEASE VOTE FOR OHA SEATS! It affects all of us!
Oiwi TV is making the OHA Trustee-at-Large Candidate Forum available to everyone online. Tune in tomorrow to at 6:00 p.m for their coverage of the forum.
Please do NOT leave OHA races blank! VOTE FOR CHANGE in OHA!
(Psst....Cal Lee for "at large" & Carmen "Hulu" Lindsey for Maui. JMO.[  ])
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Walter Ritte, the tireless activist, has my vote.
"An idea whose time has come cannot be stopped" Dr. Ron Paul 2012
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Aloha, change. First, our prayers for the Pomroy ohana on Kauai and Niihau.
Respectfully, as to the candidates you support, my question to Ritte would be: What is your position on wind farms on Lana'i? (I already know the answer, thus, will not be voting for Ritte). Cal Lee is my choice due to NO ties to the old OHA regime, and he has integrity.
Maui needs tenure (on the island, as in long time resident), solid background, and land use background. Hulu Lindsey is my choice, and is already bucking the "old OHA network" (ie. Stender who works only for himself. jmo)
Kauai lost a good candidate, may she rest in peace. Doing research now before voting for Kauai trustee.
OHA needs change, that we agree on. Apoliona needs to be replaced. Status quo is no longer an option for us kanaka maoli.
Ke Akua Pu.
Royall, mahalo for your insight. Not surprised at the confusion. OHA voting process is indeed very convoluted.
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Aloha kakahiaka, change!
As to Cal Lee, my opinion is only based on knowing him (and his family) for over 40 years (almost 45). He really is not for the public speaking, however, his na'au is good. His skills from coaching will enable him to work through the OHA "maze", protocol, whatever you want to call it. No one tells Cal Lee what to do, he will make his own decisions, for the good of all. Just my opinion, now, based on my own personal knowledge.
Contrary to your assumption, I do not support the Akaka Bill in any form. It was so gutted beyond the initial intent it was deemed worthless in my own mind. I could go on and on about that darn bill, such a disappointment. We all know who to credit that with, right? (wink)
Perhaps you're right about leaving the ballot blank, but that also has consequences. OHA's voting structure really needs to be changed.
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I would never be so presumptuous as to speak for Cal Lee, or anyone for that matter. These are valid questions and concerns. "Na na i ke kumu", look to the source. Ask him directly on his website or call him. He's really very accessible, and will respond accordingly. I am just sharing my mana'o from personal experience and knowledge. My support for Cal Lee is because I know him as a person, his values, his morals, and his ethics.
As to OHA in general, some of the latest votes were not unanimous by any means. Just one example, the purchase of the last building OHA bought, thanks to Stender. Curious purchase, and voting process on this issue. Contentious, to say the least.
As to Mililani Trask, what agenda do you speak of, please? She is not running for OHA, thus, apologies to all for the off topic. (Am interested in your response, though.)
Enjoying this discussion, change, respectful dialog is always productive. If only all kanaka maoli could agree to disagree with each other, and join together for the overall common good, despite the differences, we'd be a strong force to deal with.
Onipa'a, as it were.
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Aloha (waving to Kauai) change,
Websites are indeed too general, and do fall into the "norm" of campaign time. Perhaps writing specifically the concerns you have, he/they can respond as to his position. I'm voting purely on basic human values that will carry one through any challenges. Be it in OHA, or life itself.
Specific issues don't affect me as much as the much larger charge at hand, for all of us, including non-Hawaiian residents. OHA has not served our people well, in my opinion, and in this trying time, we need strong character to make the required changes.
With 400 million dollars in OHA's control, the Akaka Bill, nor any other one issue will make a representative (Trustee in this case) a good one until they start hearing the people they serve. I believe Cal Lee knows how to listen. Carefully.
I wish all of the candidates the best, and absolutely understand your point of view. Unfortunately, we are only one vote each, that's why it's imperative to continue this kind of conversation, not take anything for granted, and exercise our right to vote. ALL of us.
As to Mililani Trask, one could not have a better warrior on their side. Her record speaks for itself. One of the most brilliant women in our time. She has dedicated her life to the betterment of indigenous people around the world, and championed many causes for our people. That is a true warrior.
All we can hope for, change, is change in OHA. Our people are suffering, our holdings are at stake, our children and mo'opuna will suffer long after we are gone, if we all don't make ourselves heard. KU'E!
All just my opinion, of course.
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aloha, change,
I read that article and noticed Mililani Trask has responded to Ian Lind. Did you see it?
As to your opinion of Cal Lee, you are certainly entitled to it. However, I take umbrage with your name calling and judgemental tone. We are allowed to disagree, and this is another reason why politics put upon kanaka maoli lead to separating us as a people.
Kill our language, kill our culture, and turn us against each other.
Perhaps a better choice of words would have made a sensible argument.
As to your charge of "lying", he may well be against geothermal. How do you know he's not? Is it perception because of who is backing him? Mililani Trask has a long, long list of causes, and it's unfair to judge Cal Lee and Mililani Trask on one specific issue. Go read her response, you may find it enligtening. I did.
One good point is that Haunani Apoliona was "unseated" from power by the other OHA trustees! Remember?
There's always a spin during election time, and Ian Lind is no stranger to this kind of timing, as a writer. Bet his site got alot of "hits", huh?
As far as deception? This article is totally deceptive. Seriously, OHA needs new blood, as the SOP still remains with those who carry the five votes (right now). Condemning anyone at this point, without them even having a chance is premature. I trust Cal Lee will prove you dead wrong.
Just my opinion. Best to all of the candidates, and may Akua guide them.