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Moped HPP to Hilo?

"Also told me has seen telephone pole ID plate numbers 'printed' in reverse ... Ugh."

wow scary how even text can send the shivers down your spine!


U can be the safest most experienced rider, but if someone in a car makes a mistake and or doesn't see u etc,........well your scre.........d
same holds true for lifted 4x4 / SUV vs Toyota Corolla ... Or any car in a head on...Two metal projectile going 65MPH ... Point is how much of a risk are you willing to take? Anyone riding a scooter to hilo and back in the puna area would be a great bet for life insurance.
That got negative very quickly. Thanks for the feedback.
Hey YurtGirl, Whats the make and year of the car and truck you're selling?
I ride a motorcycle from Fern Forest to Pepeekeo everyday. No troubles so far, but let's talk about this rain thing. There's something to be said about staying dry.
Originally posted by oink

My thoughts on this are #1) For that trip in that traffic I wouldn't suggest anything less than a 250cc. #2) If she is a new rider you really need to be aware of the risk factor for new riders. #3) Riding in the rain is a whole different ball game from dry road conditions. Stopping distances greatly increased and vision greatly reduced. #4) Throwing a new rider into a rush hour commute is a bad idea. That's the wrong way to learn riding.

Big Islander to be.

I agree![^] and ditto (just as Big_Island_Bound said). Unless you plan on burying your wife.[?]
He who hoots with owls at night cannot soar with the eagles in the morning.
Moped ride from HPP to Hilo isn't my idea of a very positive experience. Tho... Tried to be to straight up with my comments ... Good luck... Let us know how it works out!
My 17 daughter wants to get a scooter when we finally get moved there and I told her not no, but hell no. The last couple times I was there I drove the route from Hilo to Nanawale several times, in many different conditions.....rush hour, day, night pouring down really makes me want to re-evaluate my decision to bring my wide glide, let alone let anyone in my family ride on anything less than 4 wheels there. Just something to think about.....
I'm not one to encourage others to ride motorcycles or scooters. But as stated, I started riding off road at eight, and got my street permit in the Pacific Northwest of Washington State at 15 1/2, and have never been without at least one motorcycle since. I have never had a street accident. I think learning to ride off road is the best way to start riding. You WILL go down dirt riding, but you will learn so much about how a motorcycle handles in an endless variety of conditions, that it will give you good survival chances once you hit the streets. Now there are idiot motorcycle/scooter riders too. Some riders seem to have a death wish the way they dart in and out of lanes etc, etc. I do not, and never have, ridden that way.

But, I'm a little surprised about the negativity to riding here on this forum. I'm still alive and well after riding for 51+ years now. I won't try to talk anyone into riding. But, 80 miles per gallon is a good thing. As I said, I also ride a bicycle and will be riding it more and more. Saturday I rode from 23rd and Kaloli to our Saturday chess club at the Pahoa Neighborhood Facility (next to the pool), and back. That's about 16 mile round trip. I've ridden to the Keaau Post Office to pick up our mail from our PO box too. I'm planning a trip to Hilo soon on the mountain bike also. Running errands on a bicycle 1.saves wear and tear on the car, 2.uses zero gasoline, one a good workout, and 4. is FUN. Could I get run over by a bus? Sure, it could happen. But how many people die by slipping and falling in the bathtub??
For my Mother's 80th birthday I paid for her and her best friend to go up in a hot air balloon in the Kent/Auburn Valley of Washington State. She did it and had a great time. She lived a long and full life to the age of 91+.

Jon in Keaau/HPP
Jon in Keaau/HPP
I've ridden plenty in my life, street-side and off-road as well (a very different animal than a Hilo moped commute...).

There is not a single chance, in any reality, that I would let myself or anyone that I cared about (and had a chance to voice an opinion to) ride a moped on that route, and many others here. It's a death wish - the variables increase far far too much when compared to vehicles (which aren't exactly safe here either, given the ineptitude of the majority of the drivers - and that's the thing: it's not you; it's them.).

-- rainshadow
-- rainshadow

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