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Moped HPP to Hilo?
We are still debating, but are leaning towards purchasing a car that we hope is gonna run for a year or two. My wife has been riding off road on ATV's and such so she is not new to the road, however we do appreciate the comments, just some got a little iffy towards the end. We still ride our bikes around HPP, and will continue doing so. However, as birdmove stated there are risks to doing this, but there is risk in everything we do in life. Also, after paying attention to the drivers during the "rush hour" time in the morning, there is plenty of poopy drivers to certainly make us think twice.
I can understand the temptation, but I wouldn't do it. All it takes is someone making a left from the opposite lane who doesn't see you, or even more dangerously likely, someone on your side coming up behind you who doesn't see you or who is forced into the shoulder by not paying attention to a stopped car turning left. I hate the say it, but I myself have had to make an emergency swerve into the shoulder during rains to avoid hitting cars making left turns on two occasions. If someone had been in the shoulder, they would now be deceased.

I know the monetary aspect is a hassle, since you're looking at between $5 and $15 per day gas cost, depending on MPG, but the risks are just too great.

You only need to observe the level of traffic going back to Pahoa late afternoon to realize that road was never intended to handle that many cars.
True there are risks to everything in life, sky diving, rock climbing, hang gliding come to mind, motorcycle riding on busy public roads, we do have free will as to how much we value or don't value our life.
Most of the responses to your enquiry were genuine, a little graphic but it showed concern! Over the years there have been so many accidents on this highway and around the Island, caused by drivers speeding, racing to pass in the no passing zone, on drugs or drunk!

You mentioned the rain, when we moved back to Keaau it rained a steady downpour it seemed nonstop for weeks![Sad] Driving a car in good condition in bad weather is difficult enough, in torrential rain it is a nightmare! Another problem is to be aware of the cars that have not been kept up, worn tires, windshield wipers not working properly and speeding trying to overtake you!

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