10-25-2012, 01:25 AM
"Hank wants to see his girlfriend" was cute too!
Big Islander to be.
Big Islander to be.
Big Islander to be.
Big Islander to be.
Pittbulls - It finally happened to me
10-25-2012, 01:25 AM
"Hank wants to see his girlfriend" was cute too!
Pua`a S. FL Big Islander to be.
S. FL Big Islander to be.
10-25-2012, 02:27 AM
too bad. hope your prepared if it happens again. what happened was horrible and even worse how it was handled by the so called authorities. I used to live near Honokaa not too far off Pikake St and there were a ton of real nasty dogs. I'd often bike or walk into town and I had a very close call where I was chased by 2 pitbulls and had to hit one in the head. Thankfully the owner came out and was able to call them off or I'd be dead meat. I know tasers are illegal but i carried one in one pocket and pepper spray in the other from that day on. Not sure why people abuse pitbulls in particular and breed them to be mean as F#$&. I have a pitull now and she is the nicest dog ever.
10-25-2012, 02:57 AM
quote: Ah yes, he was totally unsecured in a moving vehicle as well, I believe thats a violation of code 4-59a or some such. He has so much love in his heart. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hYH45cC8rug “Setting a good example is a far better way to spread ideals than through force of arms.” -Ron Paul
10-25-2012, 04:18 AM
My goal is that everyone has the opportunity to make choices based on FACTS....I think that most on this forum know that.
If you choose to do something, that is your CHOICE, but if it is covered in the code of law, DO NOT ADVERTISE IT AS AN OK THING TO DO...It is YOUR choice, and that is fine, but to make it seem like it is legal is NOT OK. I am all for INFORMED civil disobedience... but misinformation is the heart of tyranny, and that is what you were giving earlier, misinformation on the county code...I merely corrected your misinformation...
10-25-2012, 04:52 AM
quote: Well thank you for correcting me.(Im still not convinced that "public place"="public land" I was not trying encourage people to let their dogs run free. The point I was trying to make is that leashes and fences don't make for a good dog, training and socialization do. I feel all to many people resort to control to solve problems, which will not work. These dogs were already supposed to be tied up and what good did it do when they got loose? The two lessons to be learned is that self-defense is important because the unpredictable can always happen no matter the laws or police. Secondly dogs and their owners need to be better trained and socialized. “Setting a good example is a far better way to spread ideals than through force of arms.” -Ron Paul
10-26-2012, 04:47 AM
11-01-2012, 04:33 AM
I have been trying to get an appointment with the Mayor regarding the animal welfare and lackadaisical employees of the humane society (HS) for a few weeks now. Once I am able to either get an appointment with him (assuming he is reelected) I would find it beneficial to get peoples stories regarding the HS.
I found in Maui and Honolulu Counties the HS have full authority to arrest, cite and remove animals from the property without having to call in the county or city police. Laws need to be changed and people need to be held accountable for their actions, as well as their dogs. I have volunteered for county animal shelters on the mainland and currently volunteer at an animal sanctuary on the big island and find that the laws here are ridiculous and often used as an excuse for people to not behave like civilized human beings. I hope your puppy is okay!
11-02-2012, 08:12 AM
quote: Hank looks like a super smart awesome pal ![]() It is a regular sight where I am at to see people take their dogs out to the end of the road where there are no houses or other roads and very little traffic and run them the same as Hank. Whenever another car approaches the vehicle running their dog pulls over opens driver door and calls the dog to the vehicle until the approaching car passes. Keep Hank safe and happy, as he obviously is in heaven running!
11-02-2012, 09:04 AM
Dogs are very smart and eager to please - its been something like 35,000 years of teamwork - all the dog needs is a clear explanation as to what the job is, where the danger lies. They usually take it from there.
In my experience on the day to day simple tasks - may display more teamwork, insight and drive than some folks I meet along the way. (or have had in my employ) Never had a dog throw me under the bus to protect his.... or waste my time with greed and small mindedness - there isnt anything that cant be solved over a cookie.... cant say the same for some my very distinguished peers - grin http://www.wired.com/wiredscience/2008/12/dogenvy/ "While biologists have long thought that mammals experience primary emotions like fear, more recent studies have found strong evidence that a range of animals also feel more nuanced, secondary emotions like a sense of fairness. "Our results suggest that species other than primates show at least a primitive version of inequity aversion, which may be a precursor of a more sophisticated sensitivity to efforts and payoffs of joint interactions," wrote Friederike Range" Parting shot from the read: "With researchers discovering humanlike cognitive and emotional characteristics in all sorts of mammals, Bekoff said humans will have to come to terms with what makes us unique. "In two areas, we’re unique," he said. "We’re the only species I know of that cooks food and [we have an] incredible propensity for evil."
11-18-2012, 02:10 PM
So, the humane society picked up the dog, atleast that's what the guy said he was going to do when he called. I haven't been able to walk the 100' up the road to see if he's there. They deemed the dog a "dangerous dog" after all; they weren't planning on doing that originally.
I can tell you that I have absolutely no pull with the Hilo 'authorities' and have a VERY difficult time understanding the system...get ready, I'm gonna do it....it wasn't like that on Maui! My life changed so drastically, for a while, after this happened. I think I have, like, post-tramatic whatever. Because of that I'm assuming they took action because of my post on this forum. And I can tell you, I thank this forum, as an entity, and each individual, from the bottom of my heart! Because the dog is gone, the most viscous one anyway, I'm leaving it at that. I don't think I can heal without letting it go. THANK YOU!!!!! |
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