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Very very scary experiance today in OrchidLand
In light of the situation that was at hand, I think Dayna and her daughter performed admirably.

Now, as for anyone who thinks that under the same circumstances as what Dayna and her daughter were faced with and that it’s a good idea to stop and confront the crazed lunatic – I say go for it!

Just noticed this thread...
Dayna, I cannot commend you enough for the way you & your daughter handled this...

Many may have overlooked the fact that Daynas' daughter was/is still LEARNING how to drive & that Dayna was already in a worry area (every one of our friends & relatives hair seemed to turn gray during the months when their children were learning to drive... ours has taken much longer...we only rent children!)

Also - IF the guy was interested in the soft top, screaming loudly & so that the dispatch could hear over a cell phone might not be a good way to get someone interested in SELLING the top to you.... Chasing them??? OK, I have no idea how that would fit in, so I think I will discount the local guy interested in the soft top theory....

Sounds to me like a situation that was handle very well by 2 people that should never have expected the scenario they were put in...
Given the amount of violence against women in various forms that happens here would it be a idea for someone to hold some kind of woman's self defense classes in puna
you did very good.....good quick thinking. keep your head up and if you see him again, no eye contact. his day wil come. peace
sorry for being off topic...

'haole' is someone who cant chant that their ancestors are from the aina they stand on.....

200+ years ago it use to be used for everyone not from Hawai'i, but many here now and in last 200 years are hapa (mix) and the only ones that can easily be ID as haole, are haoles....

other terms used for malihini haoles ie 'sharkbait', 'FOB' (fresh off boat), and 'barney' are slightly racist, but are more surf lingo...

haole is a very old word.....
some need to read some old books (from the Hilo library)...


save our indigenous and endemic Hawaiian Plants... learn about them, grow them, and plant them on your property, ....instead of all that invasive non-native garbage I see in most yards... aloha
save our indigenous and endemic Hawaiian Plants... learn about them, grow them, and plant them on your property, ....instead of all that invasive non-native garbage I see in most yards... aloha
BH My understanding of Haole is "one with no breath (spirit/soul)" ha = breath, ole = none. But this is another topic.
Another take on the different nuances of "haole":


A superior man is modest in his speech, but exceeds in his actions--Confucius
jDayna, am so glad you and your daughter are okay. Major Resoect for you both handling it so well. Hope to hear from you. Pam

I want to be the kind of woman that, when my feet
hit the floor each morning, the devil says

"Oh Crap, She's up!"
I want to be the kind of woman that, when my feet
hit the floor each morning, the devil says

"Oh Crap, She's up!"
Originally posted by DoryGray

BH My understanding of Haole is "one with no breath (spirit/soul)" ha = breath, ole = none. But this is another topic.

This meaning was concocted well after the word was established; "no breath/soul" is hā-`ole, while "foreigner" is haole with no stress or okina. It doesn't have a cognate in other Polynesian languages but is found in pre-contact chants and sayings.
Back to topic ...

Red, older( no black plastic on fenders )jeep, black soft top, Oakland Raiders sticker on back window, beady eye guy in his 50s + leaning forwards as driving and yelling at cars forward ......????

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