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If you have a dog
I certainly don't think Tom is at fault and though Tom would never help me, I am trying to help him and the poor abused dog. I am guessing the dog has not bitten anyone yet or it would have been stated, that is a very good sign. It is not the dogs fault either, I don't wish it to be hurt, especially if it has not bitten anyone. Usually after you read "vicious dog attack" as opposed to threat or intimidation as much as in this thread you assume the dog has bitten, I wanted to clarify that. Tom when the dog rears up to bark at you, do you turn around and try and retreat? This would be a usual response and what the dog is hoping for in this game. If you feel comfortable, again most likely depending on if the dogs teeth have ever made contact with anyone; next time the dog comes to attack you, face it straight on standing as tall as you can looking over him, not making eye contact and use the airhorn or a very loud stern "no" or "go home". Keep the cricket bat between you and the dog, blocking is the most effective training technique. Hopefully the dog will show some signs of retreat or submission, if this does not work and he goes to bite you need to immediately hit him on the back of the neck, not the head, the neck. If the dog shows signs of retreat or submission at a forceful verbal warning there is hope for the dog and by association you and your neighbors. This is probably to much for you to take on yourself as I am guessing you are not a large dog person, if this is the case let me know, I will come down and meet this dog myself. Its important to realize this dog learned the behavior and it is most likely being reenforced by yours and your neighbors reactions. This is the owners fault not the dogs, it would be best if the owner helped you be friends with the dog. Im sure your relationship has soured past this point from what I have read. Leashing it is a temporary solution if the owner would do it, but it wont retrain the dog, and the owner does not sound like they care.

If I owned that dog it would be both off the leash and not attacking anyone. Im sorry you have to deal with this Tom, but I feel much more sorry for the dog who will end up paying the ultimate price. The dog just wants somebody to be in charge and love him since no one seems to be.

If you follow my advice, do so at your own risk taking responsibility for yourself, I don't need to be sued by someone who can't.

I will most likely come over and try and meet this dog myself anyways, as I doubt he has anybody willing to advocate for him. I will film it on the GoPro so you can see what happens when somebody try's to care and love for the dog. Maybe I will be attacked viciously and torn limb from limb bleeding to death in front of Toms house.

“Setting a good example is a far better way to spread ideals than through force of arms.”
-Ron Paul
The documenting issue is neither noteworthy or not, just the 4 requests were a little bit of an overkill.

My main idea in the earlier posts were getting the documentation to the PROPER people, in this case the landlord....

& my observation that the police do not seem to be able to do much with the dog scenarios on this even when the dogs are confiscated, they are re-leased by animal control & if the dogs are killed, the owners just get really is a vicious cycle for these very few dog owners that seem to have no clue....

Really wish the law would include mandatory owner training & socialization for those that are repeat offenders... but that ain't gonna happen!
I never thought the law enforcement would do anything, I was just trying to figure out if the dog had bitten anyone. I thought if I requested the information as if being submitted through the "proper" channels I might get an answer from Tom, I did not, but the vagueness is enough for me to assume the dog has not bitten anyone. I am a leaving in just a few minutes to try and meet this dog. I feel sorry for Tom, but I feel really bad for this dog and all the other dogs that become the victims of stupid humans. I have a lot more respect for abused "vicious attack" dogs then for most well meaning humans in this world.

“Setting a good example is a far better way to spread ideals than through force of arms.”
-Ron Paul
Originally posted by Midnight Rambler

Originally posted by DickWilson

have agree with Tomk. viscous dogs that are attacking you need to be dealt with at that time. Anyone who poisons a dog should get a bullet behind the ear and a oneway trip to a lava tube. period.

F&*k that. This is one thing about Hawaii that I really find disgusting - the attitude that the life of a dog is worth more than that of a human.

I am in full agreement, MidnightRambler. If that was my neighbor's dog threatening me and mine, that dog would already be dead - but not by poison. And the hell with the owners; they made their own (and their dogs) bed.

See you at the top of the lava tube...

-- rainshadow
-- rainshadow
TomK, I was not referring to you at all. For I have read your post and see that you are banging together and trying to make a change, just so you know. It was towards those who wish to harm the animals. and " a mean dog will always be a mean dog" is backwards thinking. I have rehabilitated numerous dogs of which had aggressive behavior towards people and dogs alike. And in the mean time write to the paper, keep posting on here regarding the situation which have been encountered and numerous other things. I have lived here for little over a year now, was disgusted with how animals are treated and how the HS has no authority except to cite tickets. What have I done about it? Given proposals to all county council members, help rehabilitate those "garbage" animals, and call out crappy owners.
Well I was unsuccessful in meeting the dog today. I saw two dogs in a dog run in a backyard but the largest looked to be no more then 50 pounds. I will keep trying to meet this 120 pound dog, nice neighborhood to walk Hank in. Im sure a 55 pound cattle dog will attract attention from this dog soon enough.

“Setting a good example is a far better way to spread ideals than through force of arms.”
-Ron Paul
I'm not surprised you didn't encounter the dog. Since the eviction notice was served on Wednesday it has gone very quiet. Neither tenants or dogs were at the house today.

Thanks for the clarification, Canuck, much appreciated! Carol - spot on. Andrew - the dog is loved by the tenants and will obey commands from them. They stopped it during an attack on me once and also on the property manager simply by shouting at it. The problem is that they leave it loose when they are not there or when they are inside and cannot react quickly enough to an attack. As I mentioned, this thing attacks silently until the very last second - there is little or no warning you are under attack until it is almost in your face and unfortunately the geography of the property allows the dog to come at you without you seeing it, either in the street or in my yard.


“Setting a good example is a far better way to spread ideals than through force of arms.”
-Ron Paul
Thanks for that Andrew. I was actually going to be helpful and email you a picture of the dog and probably also a video of the dog being called off an attack on me, but will no longer do so because it's clear you are of the same mindset as the dog's owner and not someone I want to know. Goodbye. I will also pass this onto the neighbours so they know why a strange guy we've never seen here before has decided to check out the neighbourhood. (edited for grammar)


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