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I am doing a fundraiser for Hilo Inter that involves donations from everyone that buys a pizza from "Hilo Dominos" on April 30th. (automatic donation from the cooperation of Dominos) The "pizzabuyer" does not even have to mention the school to have Dominos give us the donation.
I have to put up 200 flyers and am looking for suggestions as to the best way/places to do this. Mahalo!
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HCC and UH-H have quite a few bulletin boards throughout the campuses....and a lot of hungry students!
Some of the churches & missions will post them
Abundant life might, and it never hurts to ask the other shops in downtown if a flyer can be posted in their window (esp along Kink Kam)
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Thanks for the suggestions!
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Thought I'd update. Ok, 200 flyers is an enormous amount. I could only put up about 50 while using thumbtacks on telephone poles before my hands were really hurting. Also, the potential rain is a problem. I put them up on the road going into downtown and then some around downtown also. The KTA downtown has an outdoor board that you can post on with permission, but you must use tape, not tacks. I left some in the office of the elemtary school, and the intermediate school as well. Also, the covered bus stops structures seem a good place, but there again, you need tape- so bring it with you. Anyhow, I have distributed most of them, so am hoping for the best! The fundraiser is next tuesday (30th) and it's through "Dominos Pizza" in Hilo, so anyone who orders anything on that day will be helping Hilo INter's science club! Thanks!
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You could also try the longhouses also the mailboxes
My first thought was "one at a time" boy that's Gota be tuff on the thumb!
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A staple gun would be easier than thumbtacks.
><(((*> ~~~~ ><(("> ~~~~ ><'> ~~~~ >(>
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I hope that part of the plan is to take them all down afterward.
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Although staple guns are easier than thumbtacks, there is a tendency to just tear off the sign and leave the staples. This creates many problems. In Pahoa, for example, when businesses wanted to paint their exteriors, they had to remove tons of staples and some were so tightly wedged that they had to be pried out, leaving pukas in the wood. Needless to say, the building owners/lessors were upset. Some of them will never say 'yes' again. It is illegal to post on utility poles, by the way. If workers have to climb the poles they can get cut by the staples. Tape or thumbtacks (bring a small hammer to tap them in)are more host-friendly.
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Maybe it would be easiest to drop flyers from helicopters. The ultimate irony would be if the flyers were about the helicopters.