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absolute, irrefutable proof that Helco is Satan
Over the last several months we have been struggling to stop the Helco "auto payments". The last few months were especially disconcerting as sometimes they would auto-rob us, and sometimes they would not. While trying to GUESS if we would be paying manually or through "auto payment" we accidentally owed them $0.02. Yes TWO CENTS.

Their reaction to owing them 2 cents? First off, they spend 46 cents telling us that they are going to shut off our power. Secondly, charge us 16 DOLLARS for it. Need proof? Here it is:

We have tried to dispute their $16 charge for raping us in this manner and all that they would agree to is that they would not shut off our power until we had a chance to give them their two cents.

We paid the two cents plus the sixteen dollars. Our advice to you is: GO OFF GRID. GO AS QUICKLY AS POSSIBLE. DO NOT PASS GO. DO NOT USE THEIR NET METERING. OR GO DIRECTLY TO HELCO JAIL.

For the record, the only "returned payment" referenced in their letter is their own fault. Some months they would cash our mailed in checks and still charge us through their auto pay, after they had promised that auto-pay was turned off. Each month we were guessing how the heck we were going to pay the bill and every month we called them and received another lie. Frankly, it's a miracle that under this system we only got TWO CENTS in arrears. And look how they handled it!

All this, and they are holding our huge deposit we had to put down to get service.

NEED TO ADD! Their letter was dated 04/03/13... with demand to respond by 04/08/13. BUT THEY DIDN'T MAIL IT UNTIL 04/16/13... LOOK AT THEIR POSTMARK BELOW! They are purposely setting up their customers to FAIL.

that is terrible. isnt there someone you can complain to such as the public utilities commisioner?
I've been on the phone so many times. Online so many times. It's been so stressfull for me. Causing me huge amounts of anxiety. Each month around HELCO bill time I get stressed. Not because we don't have the money to pay, we do, but because I never know where it's going to have to come from!

Dayna Robertson
At Home Hawaii
Real Estate Sales and Property Management
I'm sorry you two have to deal with this kind of nonsense! Any plans for converting to solar? I'd recommend talking to solar man - Paul Moore about your options.
yes yes... we know... go on solar if you can afford it! Wish I could right now. I'd do it. How do you get a 2 cent charge?
terracore - I wonder of the Hawaii Tribune Herald might be interested in the story. I used to see stories like this in the UK press when I lived there many years ago and they often ended up with the company making an apology and offering some deal so that they didn't look so ridiculously pedantic. Might be worth considering.

Kind of misleading. You blank out the first line and the second line says the $16 was for a returned payment, not for the 2 cents. It looks like it was a bad check or online account balance that was short, and in the process of making good on it, you were short 2 cents. You decided to go up the chain, so HELCO transfers that to HECO when that happens. HECO is in Honolulu, and of course, they have absolutely no idea who you are. You could have put 2 pennies in an envelope and mailed it to HELCO in Hilo. Yes, 46 cents each way for the fascist mail extortion. Best thing to do is move to a place where there is no society and you can have solar if you want. Heard there were some cheap lots on Devil's Island.

"This island Hawaii on this island Earth"
*Japanese tourist on bus through Pahoa, "Is this still America?*
Angry man posts again.
Originally posted by rainyjim

Angry man posts again.

Thanks for the warning that you are back.

"This island Hawaii on this island Earth"
*Japanese tourist on bus through Pahoa, "Is this still America?*
Cost for any services from a "regulated monopoly" must include copious amounts of your "free time" as necessary to argue the finer points of your payment arrangement.

When I dealt with HELCO, it was always in person, at their offices, for cash, and with a receipt. Inconvenient, sure, but cheaper in the long run.

I do the same thing for property taxes, GET, vehicle registration, etc.

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