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What about mangoes?
I have read a lot of pages and threads on here, and little about mangoes. I also have read countless real estate ads, and many have a variety of fruit trees, but very few mention mangoes. I LOVE mangoes, and wonder if there is some problem with growing them there or what?

comin' your way soon!
comin' your way soon!
There are many many varities of Mango trees you can grow here. Some do better than others at different areas. Some do better with the rain than others.
Pick you favorites and than match what is best for your elevation/rain amounts etc.
One of my favs is the Keitt mango, be sure to check it out.

There is one thing about Mango trees, don't have too many near you. While they are great and everything, one trip down to Pohoiki or N. Kohala at the right time of year will tell you why. Slippery roads and a sickening sweet smell are left from rotting fruit, not the best smell or advertisement for Mangos in you yard lol...
I had a large Mango tree in my yard in Keaukaha years ago. The tree produced massive amounts of mangoes. Had a hard time keeping up with it. Every day there were hundreds on the ground swarming with fruit flies. Major wild pig attraction. Tore up the yard. Wheel barrow loads got mulched. Impressive quantity. As I recall the tree produced every other year.
Assume the best and ask questions.

Punaweb moderator
Plant It Hawaii has a good info page on the mangos they carry, which is a portion of the types that CAN grow here....

If you are in most parts of east side of Hawaii Island, you will want to limit your search to anthracnose resistant varieties (ADDED) or you will not have any - many mangoes....and there are many varieties that can remain very small, even some that will bear nicely in containers on a lanai....

The Plant It HI mango link:
I have been in HPP for a litte over three years. I see tons of mango trees, but no mangoes. What gives? I know that the rain can knock down some flowers, but to the point where there are no mangoes left? Has anyone ever seen a mango tree in HPP that actually had a bunch of Mangoes?
Originally posted by 2liveque

Has anyone ever seen a mango tree in HPP that actually had a bunch of Mangoes?

Most definitely. Our tree will birth in a couple years, and we're fortunate to have close friends with mature trees in HPP and we reap their harvest too. Be aware... they can get... b.i.g.

-- rainshadow
-- rainshadow
I live on 3rd and purchased 2 from Plant it Hawaii 5 years ago.
One has produced one time giving me 13 4lb beautiful mangoes (don't remember the name but green when ripe). It hasn't really reproduced again. I prune the tree to keep it at 6ft. I'd rather have one or two mangoes than 1000 that rot on the ground. The other has never produced and shows no signs of flowering. I'm about to give it one mean hair cut. Not sure if it is the area or weather. Had a hell of a bumper crop of Mountain apples off one tree this year, filled the freezer. I prune that too. Not sure if you are suppose to do that.I'm just too old to climb trees anymore.
WE have a large nonproducing mango in our yard in HIlo. We're up at about a thousand feet elevation. Does anyone know the exact types that will produce fruit at 1000 ft elevation? (my lot in Orchidland is about 800ft)
The common name (I don't know the exact specie) is called "winter mango", these will fruit at higher/colder elevations than "regular" mango.

In most cases, the east side is just too wet.

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