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Dropping your load in Public Restrooms
It's really not so bad, as long as the afflicted can reach the facilities; I once found a massive load in the WalMart parking lot.
To TheodoreJay "Wondering how you know the McD's employees don't wash their hands?"
I have been in the Puainako McDonalds a few times with my little children. Little ones always need to do number one or wash their hands. Anyway, On most every one of these times a worker would be dropping her load and walking out without even washing her hands. This made me glad, I am no longer a McDonalds eater.

EightFingers, Man you must be scarred for life like I am. Gross, no one should ever endeavor such a scene!

Kalakoa, What the heck is wrong with people? I am amazed at how nasty people can be.
Enjoy life, smile, show compassion and most importantly be grateful for the things you have!
I much prefer the Pterodactyl conversation to this one ;D
Well than you should have posted there and not here!
Originally posted by coppercoin40

I much prefer the Pterodactyl conversation to this one ;D

Enjoy life, smile, show compassion and most importantly be grateful for the things you have!
So Rob,

Is this the kind of topic you work so hard on PUNAweb for ?

Most sincerely,

I consider this topic, selfish and very inconsiderate! I have friends who are living with serious illnesses, taking numerous medications that are wreaking havoc on their bodies. Many people here are living off the grid, the homeless are eating junk foods, poor diets, malnutrition causes stomach problems!
That is why I would never think of criticizing anyone using a PUBLIC RESTROOM!!

As far as hand washing,

[quote]Originally posted by Shoresresident

Well than you should have posted there and not here![quote][i]

Well since your thread is in a public forum I can weigh in... I think your post STINKS! If you don't like people using a restroom for what it is intended for, perhaps you would prefer standing in the checkout line behind them while they are attempting to make it home before they gas you out ;D

I think you trolled folk into a useless insensitive topic for lack of anything better to do. What does this topic have to do with Puna? People poo everyday, in every location on this planet. It is a natural function - quit being so prudish.
Originally posted by hikatz

I consider this topic, selfish and very inconsiderate! I have friends who are living with serious illnesses, taking numerous medications that are wreaking havoc on their bodies. Many people here are living off the grid, the homeless are eating junk foods, poor diets, malnutrition causes stomach problems!
That is why I would never think of criticizing anyone using a PUBLIC RESTROOM!!...


You have now brought this forum to a new low. This is by far the most tasteless thread yet posted in the history of Punatalk.
Some people just seem to find pleasure complaining about anything. Kinda feel sorry for the little ones washing their hands.


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