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Kitty confrontation in Keaau
Cats kill a median of 2.4 billion birds a year. More birds and mammals die from cats than from automobile strikes, pesticides and poisons. Humanely euthanize them....
If HAWC can stop my neighbor from raising the 75 or so fighting cocks in his backyard I'm all for it. Its sad the County will take on the feral cats but refuses to do anything about people raising fighting roosters in their yards even though the noise and smell is disgusting and unbearable.. Even with video records and audio recordings they could care less as its not next to them. You should hear the remarks I get from people on the mainland on the phone, even they can hear them and never expected to hear so many roosters going off. There is no legitimate reason to have more than one rooster as fighting roosters is illegal. If feral cats would take out my neighbors roosters I'd go pick them all up today.
Ha Ha Oink. The last snakes I remember here were brought by a marine on Oahu and they were humanely captured and shipped alive back to their home.
I've long been curious why my diet and lifestyle of trying to practice compassion for all life makes people upset. Believe me it does. As I said earlier (I understand you probably didn't see it) that circumstances often compromise morals and ethics. That's just the human condition. I am most certainly in favor of fencing and removing the ungulates from Mauna Loa but not by killing them. I'm also in favor of putting the hinters who brought them here in jail. If that's how it would have been done if the state had abided by six federal law suits, I would have no control over it just as I would have no control over you bringing your guns and killing attitude with you when you move here. I also have no control over anyone who decides to shoot the feral cats for sport. But I most likely will voice my opinion when I know it is wrong.
And again whoever lectured me on the cat/bird priority in Hawaii, It's HUMANS who have caused by FAR the most damage and extinctions to birds here. By your logic we should shoot the feral humans in Puna. Did you know that the Alala at Keouhou will most likely never be released as they have no generational memory of the I'o who consider them food. They would be gone in a week or two. This is one of those circumstances that seems to compromise ones ethics.
In addition, the birds at KBBC are very inbred. I believe the founder stock comprised of 11 individuals, not really enough genetic diversity for the species ever to recover. A vet I know who worked on the project said that the birds are showing genetic abnormalities due to relatedness. Sorry for not staying on topic....
@ourdoc the roosters are only allowed because of the zoning laws in HPP. In order to change the rooster situation one has to change the zoning laws. In residential areas one is only allowed to have 1 rooster.
However people aren't willing to give up their zoning rights.

As for the cats situation, when was the last time a cat killed a Nene? Using that logic them we must feverishly use euthanasia and starvation on all the tourist and locals who kill the native speacies with their cars. I was not aware Aloha stopped at feral, abused and neglected creatures.
Jackson, I don't know if you go round talking about your diet or not all the time but certainly NOT mentioning/advertising it would be a good way to avoid having a 'conversation' about it if you were bothered by as such.

I don't know of any carnivores who feel compelled to let people know so much as Non-carnivores do unless something is brought up first and debate ensues.

o.k. carry on.

You know how you can tell a "Vegan" at a party?.............

Don't worry, they'll let you know!..............

[Big Grin]
Same same for Engineer !

Pog, I quite old, have been living as I do for a long time and definitely don't need your advice on what I should and shouldn't talk about. As a matter of fact most people don't know about my lifestyle unless they eat with me. I made a small mention that I don't eat meat in a post as a pre-emptive comment as someone ievitably will say, Oh, if you don't kill animals why do you eat meat? So I said "no, I don't eat meat either." Paul and Oink than made a big stink about how I live my life and I only tried to patiently explain. If you get it or not I really don't care and I don't care a bit about how you eat. I was merely stating my point of view. But it happens to upset a lot of people that I try to live without cruelty.
Sheesh y'all. I just read the few previous posts. I'm not making fun of anyone or jokes about anyone and I don't believe I'm judging anyone for how they eat. I never said you were wrong for eating meat. This is my religion people. Insert yous in the jokes and see if it feels good. Why such a strong reaction to such a simple thing. I am not bashing you for how you eat. But talk about shooting feral cats for sport and we might have a problem.

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