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Woman's body found off Kalapana
Boaz is innocent until he is proven guilty, please everyone keep that in mind. Unsubstantiated comments and remarks will not only hurt the family, but it drags Bo's name through the dirt, a name that is clean.

There will be a Judgement Day for what took place on that lava, as well as every other murder, crime, and sin.
Did the police disable because they were angry that it was actually publishing the facts on this story? like that the girl's left leg was already completely eaten by sharks when it was found?
Originally posted by alonak

Did the police disable because they were angry that it was actually publishing the facts on this story? like that the girl's left leg was already completely eaten by sharks when it was found?


He who hoots with owls at night cannot soar with the eagles in the morning.
He who hoots with owls at night cannot soar with the eagles in the morning.
spicoli voice ... ugh gnarly ... Alonak >>> Your point ???

I predict 30K before Monday ... If only we all payed Rob a penny per view.


plot thickens...

"Police believe Boaz David “Bo” Johnson of Petersburg, Alaska, strangled his girlfriend, Brittany Jane Royal of Tustin, Calif."

"For the first time, police said Johnson “is considered dangerous.”

Well... I usually side with law enforcement. We probably will never get the real story till this guy turns up.
were they by the water's edge when she was murdered? and why would they have gone there? to fish? It's a hard walk on the lava to the water from their tent. i am sure these questions have been answered already, but can you refresh my memory, thanks
Minette, she was murdered at the campsite, dragged to the cliffs and thrown over, If that isn't 1st degree murder than someone will need to explain why....I hope we get to that stage in this miserable journey. To get there someone needs to be caught, found guilty, then the judge has to make that determination. Cant come soon enough for our family. Facebook: Justice For Brittany Jane Royal...

ted royal
ted royal
I would bet that building a timeline of events based on evidence is what has led the police to name Bo as prime suspect & dangerous.

We have the last call he made to his family. Phone records would be pulled to confirm.
Date that Brittney was found tangled in fishing line.
Approximate date of death determined by autopsy

These things alone would tell us if Brit died before Boaz made the call to family. These things alone would incriminate Bo. Then any blood evidence at campsite and on the lava may tell more of the story.

Good luck getting him off any of the Hawaiian islands! It would be to a foreign destination rather than back to America I would think.

terracore, Thank you for the kind words, which is something our family really does appreciate from so many who don't know us or Brittany. It shows me what a wonderful people the Hawaiian community is. We will never forget that part of this bad nightmare. It is what also drove Brittany to finally settle down from her world wide travels and want to start her family, and new roots in the Kalapana area. We are having a burial at sea, with Hawaiian lei's on all family members, a service following where only shorts, flip flops, and Hawaiian attire is recommended...and a celebration afterwards at a local friends home. Wish those who have been so nice to us could be there...and you will be our hearts, that day!!! Keep up the conversation and keep your eyes open and if you hear anything you know who to call! Thank you all again.

ted royal
ted royal
The police seem to be basing their suspicion almost solely on the phone call made by 'K. Ed' to Bo's phone after Brittany was found. And therein lies the solution to the murders. Get the recording from the NSA (difficult? I don't know) and identify the voice of the person who had Bo's phone and said that Brittany was with him. That will be one of the murderers. Case closed.

But our police have chosen to not verify it was Bo and instead to vilify his memory. He was a nice guy. He and Brittany would have been welcome assets to our community.

I know the Johnson family is grieving, frustrated and appalled that the police aren't doing more to solve this heinous crime.

Brit's Mom and Dad; how can I get your phone #s?

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