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Woman's body found off Kalapana
Originally posted by jlgerk

Originally posted by hikatz

There has been far too much speculation...
I do not believe Boaz is still alive, and I do not believe he is responsible for Brittany's murder!

just more speculation

Round table speculation could provide some possible answers. You never know when the speculation might hit a nerve and something explodes wide open...
"I concur about innocent until proven guilty. As mentioned before we are not crucifying the kid, it could all be an elaborate plot to kill them both. If that is the case none of this makes sense at all. There would be NO reason or motive to kill them both. I just don't get it!"

Actually, you have it backwards. There was no reason for the boy to kill your daughter.

There was ample reason for others to kill the 2 of them: they were trying to make inroads into some other people's business territory, they were not local, they were trying to buy land that someone else wanted to buy, they might have had $10,000 on them, they might have offended someone, and they might have struggled and seen the identity of the robbers. In some cases robbers will wear masks, but if the victim does not cooperate and tears off the masks, the robbers will kill them. Any 1 of those reasons is enough to kill them, add them all together and you have so much motive it is not funny. Can you provide even 1 motive why your son in law might have killed your daughter?

You need to stop thinking like a civilized person and think like a savage instead.
@alonak - there is never any reason to kill anyone. None of it makes sense at all. There has been talk about his buying the land and it encroaching on others territory, yes that would certainly be a motive. As for Bo killing her, there is NO motive at all, I agree. We just don't know, YET. If others killed them both it would be very thought out since she was dragged over the lava. She was a little girl, the dragging was done maliciously I feel.
Again, I plead to anyone local that has heard anything to private message me on Justice for Brittany Jane Royal. Lets explore all options!
It is strange that she was apparently dragged. Why would you drag someone, want to avoid touching the body? Malicious intent? Was the dragger also carrying another body or something at the same time and not want to make 2 trips? Want to make the body bloody so sharks would come? A knife could have been used to cut the bodies somewhat before throwing them in? Where would be the best place to cut the body with that in mind? Near the water? Sorry to ask the question, but what happened to her clothes? Was she dragged naked or with clothes on? According to the police filings, her left leg was missing due being eaten by sharks, right?
I think you're going a bit too far with this. Please show some restraint.
Remember that there is still a lot of evidence that has been sent out for DNA results. This could radically change or enhance the local authorities position. It isn't JUST the local PD that is under the microscope. The State of Hawaii Prosecutors office also has its hands on this case. So there is a lot riding on the data that not only has just come back but WILL CONTINUE to come back. Unless someone is arrested no one closely involved in this case is off the suspect least in our families opinion. One phone call will not solve this. There will be a lot more presented to the state soon, as data comes in. So for now we wait and let others speculate. For me and all of the close and extended family on the mainland we will hold off our judgement until this is in court...and the second worst part for now may never be in court. The WORST IS, we will never get our daughter back no matter what the outcome.

ted royal
ted royal
Paul W, thank you for the restraint reminder. The family and close friends watch this daily. We want to know what the local interested parties think. For me unfortunately the horrible way Brittany not only died but the gross events following her death not only to the sea, but in the sea, we cannot ever change in our minds. We tend now to focus on finding facts, planning for her burial at sea, memorial service, and celebration of her life following the service on the 27th. And her mom has done..and continues to do a fantastic job updating the Facebook page "Justice for Brittany Jane Royal". We hope you are all following that as well. REMEMBER that page also shows many pictures of our sweet little girl....and just as important as the death we focus on here, it shows how she LIVED too! Check it out and see for yourselves that Brit wasn't just a strangulation victim...she was so much more. It is a great integration of the case events as they unfold with mainland, and Island print and TV reports, and pictures that show what a beautiful little girl, and eventually amazing woman that she became. And pictures are FACT! She was a sweet and amazing human being, and not just another murder victim.

ted royal
ted royal
Looking at Brittany's facebook page, she was so talented, full of life and joy and had everything to live for!
In defending Boaz, I find it difficult how anyone who knew her, would be able to commit such a brutal, callous, cold-blooded act. (innocent until proven guilty)
brits dad, as you said, there is a lot of evidence being analyzed, and when the DNA results are in, hopefully it will provide the answers! You can see from the reaction of this forum and other media, Brittany has touched us all!

This crime affects all of us living here, the suspicion, the doubts. The terrible toll it's taking on the families involved, who are trying to make sense of what happened and why, while dealing with their loss. I am so sorry!
Yes, Brittany was talented, spiritual, beautiful (inside and out) and a soon-to-be mother. Truth is, you could look at this case in so many different ways, its not just clear cut and simple. There are too many variables and possibilities. Brittany has touched so many lives, those that knew her and knew her through the tragedy.

Again, I BEG anyone with any information, no matter how small, to private message me on the Facebook "Justice for Brittany Jane Royal" page.

I, just like Brittany, believe that most people are good. Someone come forward and do the right thing.

Peace and Love!
Like everyone else, I can't wait for the murderer to be brought to justice, it simply must be done for the families and for us, the community, it goes without saying. I just can't wrap my head around the idea that one person could carry a deceased body over the treacherous lava, from where the tent was, over to the ocean. Boaz did not have a car, right? maybe there was a trail to the ocean, and how it could be done without anyone seeing him?

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