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Orchidland road association EMERGENCY 911
Your road dues go towards maintaining the lower roads near the highway. By the time the equipment and materials get up the hill towards 40th, there is nothing left. If someone were to drive down 40th after making a right from Orchidland Drive and you told them that you pay road maintenance fees, they would call you crazy and not believe it for a moment.
Originally posted by terracore

Today marks exactly one month since I successfully reported the puka to the neighborhood road association without any action. A neighbor put an orange traffic cone out to mark the puka for safety but it kept getting run over/moved. So many kids run up and down the road I couldn't wait any longer and filled the puka in myself using two wheelbarrows full of rocks and cinder. Honestly the only reason I waited so long was that I wanted somebody with more puka experience than myself to try and determine if it was just a puka or the start of something larger. After seeing three children run over it today (fortunately not falling into it) I couldn't wait any longer. I'm not upset about having to fix the problem myself (especially since I have plenty of fill) but I'm pissed off that my road dues are apparently going towards absolutely nothing. Here we have an obvious leg breaker reported and nothing is done about it for a month. I have two lots in Orchidland and I'm considering not paying the road dues anymore. Why should I, when I have to repair an obvious liability using my own sweat and materials? I believe if they took legal action against me I would have enough pictures and documentation to show that they aren't entitled to road dues from me. Feel free to comment.

-Veritas odium parit”(Terence 195–159 BC))-"Truth begets hatred".
-Veritas odium parit”(Terence 195–159 BC))-"Truth begets hatred".
Thankyou for filling it in. At least you didnt call the county or something. 39th is really bad also, but no huge, human eating pukas.
The problems go back to the very initial, corrupt establishment of the subdivisions. See "Land and Power in Hawaii."

I could not find the amount of back dues owed, but it is somewhere between $500,000.00 and $800,000.00--that could do a lot of road work. What roads get fixed? Its a balancing act. Not enough money, so try to find the worst and or most trafficked.

Go to a road meeting (second Tuesday of the month 5:30 at Blaines,) go to a board meeting. Join the board. See for schedule and location. In my experience the unpaid, volunteers do the best they can with limited resources. How does it help to say "I won't pay until you fix MY road?"

The County and State have subdivision residents fighting each other over crumbs when the roads should be a County and State responsibility.

Art and Orchids B&B
>How does it help to say "I won't pay until you fix MY road?"

I have no expectations of them maintaining the road I live on. In fact I prefer that it is not paved as to keep the traffic down. What I do expect is that when it's reported that an imminent danger to children exists that creates a liability to the association (if a child broke their femur by falling into this puka and the association knew the danger existed, the parents would sue and the association's insurance would go up), that they at least take a look at it.
The board consists of people who volunteer. Many of them work full time and do the best they can with no pay. All they get is $%^&*=. If there is a large puka that is in danger to children, the right thing to do is what you did, fill it yourself. Do you think there is a receptionist to answer the phone and full-time staff to fix roads immediately?

I have fixed my road lots of times. There isn't enough money to pay for what you expect.

We need to get together to get the county or state to deal with this. Why get angry at volunteers who are doing the best they can?

Why don't you volunteer to be on the board?

I plan to go to the next road meeting to ask if they can put some cold patch somewhere so I can load it up and patch 35th and Laniuma myself.

I plan on fixing my road myself also, as the funds become available, but I also feel I should pay the dues. I absolutely DO NOT want the county/city involved. Look at the mess in HPP from a complaint. ON the other hand, I am in favor of a "fee" put on the helicopter flights or something, that goes directly into the HOA funds of the independent subdivisions (under the guise of "noise pollution or something"). I dont think it's unreasonable to "expect" the HOA to fix the roads since we are paying them, but I just figure that "if they dont do it, then I will have to".
Thanks for taking care of it Terracore. You're a good person and I will be happy to have you for a neighbor if we ever get there to stay.
God bless the volunteers who work on the road. Even though I'm not an "official" volunteer, we do mow and/or weedwhack the adjoining property easements that seem to have no owners, and prior to this last incident I have put fill into one of the lakes on the road down from our house. I'm definitely not slamming the volunteers... as I am one of them. But this brings up a good point... where do the road association fees go? Why are we entirely reliant on volunteers? Why can't they pay somebody to check out an imminent danger?

I work two full time jobs. I am not able to join the board or go to meetings. The time I can dedicate towards the road problems thus far have been spent writing checks, filling holes, taming the road jungle, and bitching about the problems here.
If we each took care of our frontage ourselves, then we'd barely if at all, need an HOA. I suppose we probably do benefit from "economies of scale" somehow when the HOA buys road materials. Whatever, I'd rather be in ORchidland with our problems then HPP with theirs!
Orchidland and HPP are so very different. Different issues, different problems, different people, different sized lots, different HOA's.

Also, one of the issues of this puka is that how far does it go? Is there a lava tube underneath this section of the street? Is a car going to fall into the hole?

It's more than just "filling" it. We filled it, we're HAPPY to fill it. Hopefully if it's a larger puka no one can sue us for filling it and disguising a larger problem.......

Terracore stuck his arm up to his armpit into this "tube" that was not straight down. Frankly, I won't be driving right over the area.

Dayna Robertson
At Home Hawaii
Real Estate Sales and Property Management

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