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Is this another crazy?
Some of you know that Damon Tucker has a Missing Person's link on his news blog. The strangest comments have come in the past two days. I don't know if this is just another crazy story or if we need to take another look at crime and justice on this island (I'm speaking of an independent look into the law enforcement here).
I am going to copy and paste this woman's two comments found on Damon's site. Interestingly enough, her SECOND comment appears to have been removed by Damon!
First comment:
Kate, on July 8, 2013 at 12:04 pm said:

My name is Kate. I am not 100% sure what happened to me, but the last night on the island I fought for my life. i think I almost got sucked into being taken without it being connected to these folks I got to know. I think they work in human trafficking. But I am not sure, but I think so. I think they have a guy on the island who they call in when they “have one” (a person who they might be able to take without much trouble) and then he uses voodoo to slowly capture them in a way that it goes unnoticed. I think the ring extends to CA and down into Mexico. I think they are very well funded and organized. I am scared to make accusations for a few reasons. But I also want to talk about it all. The first day I went around the island with the guy- Ms. Royal died that day and I was fed a Pig who was slaughtered that day and who there was a picture of. It WAS THE ODDEST DINNER I HAVE EVER BEEN TO.

Sarah Johnson, on July 8, 2013 at 9:39 pm said:

How can I get into contact with you Kate? I am Boaz Johnson’s sister, please contact me. Interested in this

Second comment (appears to be removed, now):
katenicholson309 commented on MISSING PERSONS!. This comment was sent to my email at 12:30 this morning, 7/10/13.

in response to katenicholson309:

My name is Kate Ellen Nicholson. I experienced intense trauma on the Big Island in Hawaii. The police were involved but were not helpful, more so they inflicted more trauma. I wanted them called both times, as I was fearing for my life, and I never have before. I am 30 years old. I maintain that the island has a major issue with NOT recording by the police. All across the Unites States cop cars must record the situation via voice and video. On your island, there is none of that. I find it highly odd and problematic.
The island is like all of the world, it is controlled by a few, who are connected to a bloodline. I am a geographer who went to the George Washington University, I work with demographics. The situation in Hawaii is analogous to the apartheid when it comes to the ethnic stats- when it comes to the minority ethnicity ruling. I have a story to tell and am not ready to tell it. Damon Tucker is harassing me and being extremely rude as he wants to get himself all involved and wants the story. He has treated me with intense disrespect, threatening to post my IP address, when I have already stated I have PTSD and do not feel safe. He is threatening and harassing. And he swore at me. Please find it in your hearts to send me positive vibrations and to be kind and understanding. Thank you for your time and understanding. May peace and joy be in your hearts.


Any ideas about this?

He who hoots with owls at night cannot soar with the eagles in the morning.
He who hoots with owls at night cannot soar with the eagles in the morning.

the person, not the story...

we have a high % of loonies here, and some of them can actually write sentences, so do fool some

aloha Smile

save our indigenous and endemic Hawaiian Plants... learn about them, grow them, and plant them on your property, ....instead of all that invasive non-native garbage I see in most yards... aloha
save our indigenous and endemic Hawaiian Plants... learn about them, grow them, and plant them on your property, ....instead of all that invasive non-native garbage I see in most yards... aloha
maybe that gal should stay away from the 'shrooms and ayawaska on her next 'trip'

save our indigenous and endemic Hawaiian Plants... learn about them, grow them, and plant them on your property, ....instead of all that invasive non-native garbage I see in most yards... aloha
save our indigenous and endemic Hawaiian Plants... learn about them, grow them, and plant them on your property, ....instead of all that invasive non-native garbage I see in most yards... aloha
It's an odd letter to be sure. But there are more questions raised than questions answered. There is nothing specific in her description of events, no names, locations, nothing. If this was a viable threat to other people, wouldn't it make sense to provide some information so that others could be warned and not fall into the same trap? Why would she want this to happen to anyone else? All she does is tells us a tale of horror and leaves us to fend for ourselves.

* "I think they work in human trafficking." Why?
* "I think they have a guy on the island..." Did you meet him?
* "He uses voodoo." ???
* "Ring extends to Mexico and California." You know this how?
* "Same day Ms Royal died." Coincidence, or not? You're just now getting around to telling us two months later?
* Dinner... Pig... photo. Who invited you? Where did this take place? Because I don't want to go there.

What I read is a woman reaching a lot of conclusions with guesswork, and assumptions.
I have to agree with bananahead, if you added shrooms to the story it would certainly make a lot more sense. Bad shrooms.
"I'm at that stage in life where I stay out of discussions. Even if you say 1+1=5, you're right - have fun." - Keanu Reeves
Sounds like someone who wants people to wake up and realize there is some scary crap that happens here. What if this is real? Who would you turn to who wouldnt think your crazy?

Big Island has more murders per capita then anywhere else in Hawaii. More missing persons. There is a reason for that.

Hear about those women in the mainland who were held captive for years, even having children by their kidnappers? Being tortured and raped for years. Crazy things happen.

Human trafficking is very well documented in both California and Mexico by the way.

Funny when we hear something that we don't understand or have ever dealt with how we jump right to the "crazy" talk. That is why crazy stuff happens and goes unnoticed so often.

If this is true, God bless this woman for having the courage to try and warn others. This CERTAINLY would not be the first time someone has talked about this on this island. There are people here who are powerful and that people fear like God himself. But the same can be said for just about everywhere i suppose. It would be nice for this incident to be recorded and properly documented for future reference.

And about Damon Tucker making threats about her ip address? That is his go to thing so her credibility on that is spot on. He has made that threat before, even here on punaweb going back to KathyH, exposing peoples ip addresses. Why would she be spot on with that aspect and be lying about every thing else? Some questions to ponder.
I find it rather funny for anyone to claim they will "expose" your IP Address.

Other than it allowing unscrupulous vermin from potentially hacking into your computer, you would need a legal reason, thru proper law enforcement to determine just exactly who the person is for any disclosed IP Address.

Perhaps that is the real end game desired?

Off the top of my head, and in no particular order:

- your IP address is not "yours", it belongs to your ISP
- your IP address is (usually) temporarily assigned and subject to change at whim;
- your IP address is left behind in the logs of every website you visit;
- hackers can trivially compromise your system without knowing your IP address;
- advertisers "fingerprint" your browser to identify you without knowing your IP address;
- the "legal process" to unmask your IP address is often a sham (eg, Big Content filing a suit against "John Does 1-1000" suspected of sharing files).

It's quite similar to a phone number: if you don't want anyone to know your phone number, DON'T CALL ANYONE, problem solved.

That said ... it would not surprise me in the least to discover that human traffickers have a local "recruiting" organization; Hawaii is remote, with plenty of natural hazards, and lots of unmonitored coastline...

I agree about human traffickers etc.

But for one to claim that they can be exposed thru the publically posting of ones IP address is just a ploy to scare the uninformed.


...and like all the best ploys, it's got a grain of truth.

In most cases, unmasking the "owner" of a given IP address would involve a subpoena to the ISP -- but sometimes the IP address is actually registered to a business (or individual).

In the case of an ISP, the IP address can divulge enough information to be useful -- more so in a smaller population where broadband availability is limited.

Example: how many Telcom DSL users are there in, say, Keaau? Remember DSL has a distance limit of about three miles. A remote DSLAM (like the ones in Orchidland or Ainaloa) typically has its own IP block; these addresses might not be publically SWIP'd, but it's pretty trivial to make an educated guess.

Cable is a little more difficult because DOCSIS is flat L2 all the way to the CMTS...

Wireless is even more difficult.

Then again, with the massive total surveillance, how do we even have crime anymore?

Which was exactly my point.

A person threatening to do that is doing so to unleash the vermin who would spend the time to track every computer user in a 3 mile radius.

And I bet he hates Snowden for doing what he did!

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