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Woman's body found off Kalapana
A financial reward (the larger the better, duh)for information leading to the arrest of the person(s) responsible for the death of Brittany would be very helpful. Post flyers, everywhere. It can easily be done, and I am confident it will motivate someone to talk in this cash strapped area.
Great news! Dateline is picking up the story! I have met with an associate producer and got the good news today. This is a process, since they do investigative reporting, but this is HUGE for us. Getting some much needed help to solve this. Justice for Brittany Jane Royal.
That's terrific! Whatever we can do to help, just ask.
Originally posted by Britts MOM

Great news! Dateline is picking up the story! I have met with an associate producer and got the good news today. This is a process, since they do investigative reporting, but this is HUGE for us. Getting some much needed help to solve this. Justice for Brittany Jane Royal.

This is the best news so far in this horrible case. Yea!
I think the glare of the national spotlight on this case via Dateline will shake up some answers.
Keep us in the loop.
Congrats on Dateline picking this up.
Will do. Or you can follow any updates on Facebook "Justice for Brittany Jane Royal"
I am very hopeful that they can help out with this case to find the truth.
My understanding is that large cash rewards tend to generate many false leads.

I do wish both bereaved families the best possible healing and peace that can be found in this life of course, even if the killer never is.
Let's hope that the investigators from Dateline will put some pressure on the HPD and get us all some answers. It's a relief that there will finally be a mass of people aware of this tragedy. If Dateline follows through with the broadcast it might get the attention of other newsmagazines.

Congratulations! Heres hoping their work bears fruit.
Nothing left to do but
Its a longer process since they do investigative reporting, but this should help get exposure to the case and help bring Brittany's killer to justice.

Please consider giving what you can to the family of Brittany; all donations go to expenses and possibly a private investigator. Nothing is too small or too big; every little bit adds up and helps. Mahalo! Peace and Love!
From HawaiiNewsNow this evening... on upcoming Dateline program:

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