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Geothermal Public Health Assessment
Any health issues aside, Geothermal energy can only strengthen our benevolent provider HELCO, and therefore benefit our society. What's good for giant Corporations must be good for everyone on this island. If Puna must become the "Detroit" of Hawaii for the good of the many, that's an acceptable trade. Most of the inhabitants of the area are poor, uneducated, and ethnic, anyway.

HELCO is blessed with cutting edge technology, such as the "grid distribution system", developed in 1886 to safely distribute power to grateful customers. This also allows HELCO to maintain total control over this precious resource; We can't have something as vital as power generation fall into the hands of the untrained masses.

It's also beneficial for HELCO to keep this time honored system, because they profit on all the power they produce; even the significant amount that is lost over the grid. Please don't conserve by using other so called technologies, because that would diminish profits.

People may think they are being "green" or "progressive" by using so called new technology, but they are in reality, hurting HELCO, which hurts us all.

I say; Turn up those air conditioners and Grow lamps. Enjoy the prosperity that our Utility company provides us with. Who knows best? The unwashed, ignorant, multitudes of common folk, or the exalted Corporate Boards of Honolulu?

Your rant while accurate seems rather out of place on this topic.
The Shipman plant is located on Banyon drive across the street from Suisan,

Never noticed that before. It isn't totally hidden but they did go to a lot of effort to keep the cover around it. Very awesome piece of property there, wonder what it will be once the plant is removed. Those old oil-burning electric plants are very impressive examples of late 20th century technology. You can't hear the diesels running from a few hundred feet away, you can't see the exhaust. But it is a contaminated site right next to the harbor with all kinds of stuff leeching into the bay, especially when they clean the stack.

HELCO is also upgrading their hydroelectric with a new, more powerful generator. The main hydroelectric hasn't had any upgrade since the 1940's.

"This island Hawaii on this island Earth"
*Japanese tourist on bus through Pahoa, "Is this still America?*
Mahalo Pete and Ted for your responses. If only our local elected officials had the intelligence and critical thinking ability that you both display in regards to this study.
Imua IDG!
Nothing left to do but

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