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Woman's body found off Kalapana
I have been reading all these posts and being a local, I am curious to know why Bo's family hasn't posted a reward or put up pictures of Bo all over Hilo and Kona?! I would put them up at the local hangouts and markets.I have a younger brother and if he was missing his face would be all over the place! It seems to be that Britt''s family are the only ones who have been in daily contact with the police and now they have Dateline!! Can anyone answer me about the lack of publicity of trying to find Bo?
I can only speak for our family and would never speak for the Johnson's, but from my point of view the reason I have been so public with my dialog and comments is that someone MUST know something and the more we talk and never know. I make it a point to keep in contact with local Hawaii media as well as media here in CA. Having an active "Justice for Brittany Jane Royal" Facebook site has gotten a lot of attention all over the US (I even had someone from Denmark reach out) and is what ultimately got Dateline's attention to contact me and start the process. People feel connected to Brittany and want to help out, no matter how small. Believe me the last thing I want is for this to be all over the media, but if it helps raise awareness and helps find Brittany's murderer, than so be it. Sometimes I feel useless as to what I can do to help out; I do the best I can to do what I can.
Peace and Love!
I am frustrated that there has been no more information regarding Brittany's murder, I feel like she is being forgotten. Its been over 2 months and nothing has been solved. I am BEGGING anyone with information to contact me personally via Justice For Brittany Jane Royal (Facebook). Is there any talk out in Puna/Kalapana as to what is happening? HELP
RIP Brittany Jane Royal, I love you!
Hi Brittany's Mom. The drama of Brittany's death has seemingly subsided and that is normal and natural. For everyone else, life goes on. But NOT for you. I can sense that in your post. I cannot imagine your grief and desperation to get answers to who killed you daughter...I'm so sorry. But, this case will be solved. Tell yourself that. I fear that no one who REALLY knows what happened or knows where Bo is (dead or alive), is going to tell you or they would have by now. It's been over two months, if someone had something to tell you I think you'd have heard it by now. But I don't know. I do think you should post a mailing address for people who are not comfortable with e-mail, internet blogs, or FaceBook. Some people have suggested a snail-mail address. You've done a lot already...why not post a mailing address to offer more privacy for someone who might want to contact you, but is worried about privacy? I also think you need to post flyers ALL OVER Pahoa, Hilo, Kalapana...a photo of Brittany saying she was murdered on May 28 and tossed into the ocean. I'm sure one of your contacts over on the Big Island can help you do that. The flyer could say: "If you knew this girl or saw her prior to May 28 and have any information about her, contact Brittany's Mom (name and number), etc." A lot of local people still don't know about his story. The flyer should have a photo of Bo as well. Both of them, side by side--people knew them together. Say: Bo has been missing since the murder. "Has anyone seen him? If so, let the police know. He was Brittany's boyfriend and wanted for questioning. He may also be a victim." Get those flyers out. Anyway, either those who know what happened have told the police and the police are following up or they are not. If they haven't contacted you yet, it's probably because they are afraid too or simply keeping quiet and aren't going to say anything. One thing is certain, no murder is ever a complete mystery. Someone usually knows what happened or has good clues or information that helps solve the case. There is someone, or are people, who DO know what happened or have information that could help solve this case. I'm guessing people are divided into three camps: (1) Bo did it, (2) Bo was killed too, (3) Really don't know. Can anyone out there tell Brittany's mother who she and Bo were hanging out with the night she was killed? Someone has to know this! The family has been told Brittany and Bo were hanging out with two guys and a girl. I have posted this before. WHO ARE THESE PEOPLE? They must know something about Brittany's last night alive. I'm sure Brittany's mother would like to know how her daughter spent her last night on earth before all the horror happened. We all know how it ended, sadly. People know stuff. People aren't talking. Brittany and Bo weren't alone that night...they were out and people saw them with others. At some point they may have been alone out on the lava... However, it's been said someone or some people were "camping" with them--these same three...the two guys and the girl. There are pieces missing from this puzzle for sure. I really think the case will be solved. But it might take a while. Forensics, when they come back, should provide more answers. Be patient and keep the faith. Aloha.
Last post was thorough and very well put. Excellent suggestion about the flyers, good chance many of the local stores would post them.

Many people in the Puna area, do not have electricity, television, radio, computers or cell phones, if anyone did know anything and wanted to contact either family ANONYMOUSLY, it cannot be done. On the flyers if a P.O. BOX address was listed, it may draw a response!

(e.g. I am not a member of Facebook)

Well said truth seeker. I will do a po box, try to reach more people and flyers too. Great suggestions
Do you have people who live here that can put up posters for you? I know that there are a lot of people that really feel for you and would want to help. Just a could make a poster and attach it so that people here could put it up in the places they frequent on the Big Island. me ke aloha
I have some contacts that are working on it. How would I attach a flyer to this site. Local help would be great. I feel this isn't as cut and dry as it appears and that is disheartening. Well, all of this is. My family appreciates any and all help.
Does anyone know about them being at the Black Rock with 2 guys and a girl the night of May 27, memorial day?????? She was killed later that night.
Originally posted by Britts MOM

Does anyone know about them being at the Black Rock with 2 guys and a girl the night of May 27, memorial day?????? She was killed later that night.

I don't know if I can copy and paste here "legally" but I thought you might be interested in this woman's comments on Damon's missing persons site. This by no means helps you with resolution to Brittany's death but this woman has begun a FB page that might give you some strength to continue relentlessly in finding the killers.
Cheryl Trulove, on August 7, 2013 at 9:15 pm said:

Hi Damon, I don’t know if you remember me, but I just did a interview about my sons murder in Honolulu on 7/1/2006. Well my story differs greatly from what the police say. They did have enough evidence to pick these people up and I can prove it, but that is not why I’m here. I have made a FB page for Mothers who are victims as well as their children that have been murdered. It is called Mothers Seeking Justice for Murder Victims. I just started it and it is a place for Mother’s to find support from other Mothers that have gone through similar situations with the authority’s and have not found Justice. It can be very lonely when you are trying to find answers and no one is on your side. So Thank you for all of the work you are doing for for the voiceless. A Mother Seeking Justice.

I have two adult children who are both single, work and play, travel to all corners of the earth (almost) on a whim and I know a tragedy could happen to one of them. My son is into the extreme winter sports and all I can do is enjoy his dare-devilish stories, silently thanking God that he is safe for another day. My daughter is so trusting of all people, I thank God for her love for others and for her personal safety daily.

I can't walk in your shoes today but there are many of us who are just a little more insecure in the thought of our children not outliving us because of what has happened to you and your family. Stay strong, fight discouragement, pray for answers. Hold onto the memories.

He who hoots with owls at night cannot soar with the eagles in the morning.
He who hoots with owls at night cannot soar with the eagles in the morning.

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