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They're baaaaaaaaaack!
Boo Hoo. America is not the rainbow unicorn fairytale country you thought it was. Welcome to the real world. Now either deal with it or work to change it. Whining about it on a public message board is not getting your cause anywhere.
Nothing left to do but
Originally posted by dragon2k

No thanks. I will however, be overjoyed when they switch to drones. Peace and quiet and the growers still get popped. If y'all have an issue with the feds, write your congressperson to have marijuana removed from schedule 1. Just for starters.

I think they are already listening:
Mandatory minimums are a good place to start the reformation.
Nothing left to do but
Political action is the opposite of what I believe in these days, sorry dragon. Education is the only way to fix this, and by education I don't mean government school indoctrination. By the way dragon, you sound like a ***** bitch.
Careful jam, that kinda talk will get you nowhere but banned. Try and grow up beyond the infantile, pre pubescent name calling. You'll like yourself better when you do.
Nothing left to do but
my neighborhood was buzzed from 10:30-11:30 this morning. I guess they stopped for lunch, but they're back now at 1:30. The noise is so annoying!

><(((*> ~~~~ ><(("> ~~~~ ><'> ~~~~ >(>
Originally posted by dragon2k

No thanks. I will however, be overjoyed when they switch to drones. Peace and quiet and the growers still get popped. If y'all have an issue with the feds, write your congressperson to have marijuana removed from schedule 1. Just for starters.

At what cost are you willing to see spent, being that you want to make sure every tax payer pays his fair share, to employ drones over that of helicopters - so you can live in quiet?

Just consider, although I know convincing a block of wood would be easier, but assume for one moment the benefit that the State of Hawaii could gain by taking the method exactly as employed by the State of Colorado with respect to marijuana legalization.

I know its baseless asking you to consider such an alternative, but your war on drugs is a complete and total failure, and now you are proposing spending millions to put drones in the air and remove helicopters so you are not bothered by noise.

I will be the first to make sure you pay "your fair share!"

Again, convictions and a spine would help you in life tremendously!

Originally posted by dragon2k

...Now either deal with it or work to change it. Whining about it on a public message board is not getting your cause anywhere.

That's where your wrong, evidently you fail to see that United states is already in the midst of a Revolution that is working to "Fix it". Revolutions begin with spreading the word and awakening others, that disrupts the puppet masters control over public opinion as we see occurring here. Another aspect is defiance and exposing corrupt agendas (whistle blowers). The final aspect is removing the puppet masters control over the Police and Military, a peaceful result is the voluntary act of defiance towards the puppet masters by Police and Military. The non peaceful result is going to battle with the puppet masters police and military. There is no changing this corrupt system through the former methods of democracy restrained by the Constitution, that system was destroyed some time ago by the corrupt. We cannot have a democracy restrained by a Constitution when the Constitution is treated like toilet paper by Government and democracy is subject to black mail via spying on everyone. If you think your vote "counts", you're a fool, it only counts as a charade.

- Armed citizens provide security of a free State.
" ...assume for one moment the benefit that the State of Hawaii could gain by taking the method exactly as employed by the State of Colorado with respect to marijuana legalization... war on drugs is a complete and total failure..."

a lot of progressive thought here ... if only Russel was reading our message board...
Eh you bugguhz! Start your own civil liberties thread.

Can we get back to the flyover updates? [8D]

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