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well written - hit the nail.................

It should become a separate topic but the State of Hawaii DOT is not particularly wanting a roundabout. The roundabout is being put in due to considered community study and input. It may be that the DOT is trying to ensure the roundabout is badly designed and takes a year or more to build, perhaps as punishment for being forced to take community input. The state does not value community input highly.

If you want to discuss it further please start a new topic.
Assume the best and ask questions.

Punaweb moderator
One strategy is to just leave your opinion or comments and don't check back for any feed back. You will avoid all sorts of arguments that way. People can take your opinion to heart or not and then no need to justify what you say one way or another. I do that allot on the Big Island Tripadvisor forum allot because it seems there's always some one you will pick apart anything you say just because they have all sort of time on their hands and nothing better to do.
Thats a sound strategy Theodore, I appreciate your input. I really appreciate everyones input on this topic. I think the idea put forth by a few that: 'it takes two to tango'. is really accurate, and something I should be more aware of no doubt.
County and/or State definitely have a problem with "community input"; I mention the roundabout only as a symptom of this larger issue.

This thread behaves almost exactly the same way: some people have just tuned out...
Originally posted by Rob Tucker

The state does not value community input
Here's how community input was valued before the state didn't value it:,_1897.jpg
"I'm at that stage in life where I stay out of discussions. Even if you say 1+1=5, you're right - have fun." - Keanu Reeves
Right: it's so much better when the State can just ignore public input locally, rather than having to go all the way to Washington DC to have our public input ignored at the Federal level.
Originally posted by kalakoa

...Pahoa has traffic problems, so it's getting the state's first roundabout....

Actually Kapaa Town on Kauai has a roundabout and it has been in use for more than a few years. When first installed most drivers were clueless despite the county's best educational efforts. The intersection where it was placed was not a major one, but the corners were off-center and the layout contributed to a greater number of accidents in proportion to its usage. Nowadays most residents use it no sweat and it - from what friends and family tell me - has indeed made a positive difference in traffic flow and accident reduction.
Bingo OrchidIslander! There is always a steep learning curve with roundabouts, but in the end they work out. The steady stream of barcode vehicles heading to kapoho, pohoiki and kaimu might gum up the works, but at least us locals will figure it out.
Nothing left to do but
Original post: Share your thoughts and opinions on a 'block' or 'ignore' button for the posters you don't like!

This is what I love about PW from one topic to a conversation about roundabouts!

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