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anywhere from a few 100 to just over a 1000 for a really good one, but nowadays "they have an AP for that." Literally, there's a geiger counter attachment for Iphone (not sure I'd actually trust it though).

I have this one, but got it used and for about half the price. What's pretty key is the wand it has a larger "window" for seeing radiation. Most will do, to some extent but it's harder differentiating between backround radiation from the Sun/Earth, and actually detecting something... When I come back I'm definitely going to spend a day messing around. The beaches, the Makuu Market, Malama, maybe some places in town. Believe me, if I found anything I would not be able to keep my mouth shut. Well, maybe until I sold my house >Smile (evil laugh) Neah I doubt, at the moment, there is much radiation at all, but this thing isn't over yet.

Thanks for the article SBH. Nothing really new, but it's good to see more and more news surfacing. I find it crazy that there hasn't been an international response from the get go considering they're an island in the biggest body of water on this planet. Just crazy.

There will be a mass seppuku before this is over, and that will be the easy way out.

Living on the side of creation.
Living on the side of creation.
We need to write to our representatives to urge them for the US and the international community to use all of it's resources to help Japan with this emergency because it could effect the entire planet eventually.

"Wall St. Journal: They don’t know where Fukushima’s melted fuel cores are, or in what state — Expert: “It’s important to think of worst-case scenario”… Even greater levels of contamination may be on the way — Plant “built on a river”

"Nuclear Experts: Portion of Fukushima’s molten fuel believed to have “moved into earth” — Melted cores contacting groundwater may be cause of recent spike in radiation levels"

" UPI: “Fukushima plant is approaching a worst case scenario” — Top Japan Nuclear Official: “This is what we have been fearing”
Sure, spend your money on a geiger counter for Hawaii. Be sure to let us know what the results are.

SBH, have you looked at a map? Have you ever flown from Hawaii to Japan? I don't think you realize how far away it is.
If you think we're at risk then how come the whole of Asia isn't in a panic?

afwjam, I have an aversion to exaggerations and fear-mongering. And people who can't separate fact from fiction. Or read graphs.
SBH, why are you so obsessed about where you think I'm from? What's it got to do with anything?

You would be better off reading the BBC than that hysterical website you keep quoting.
Originally posted by PaulW

If you think we're at risk then how come the whole of Asia isn't in a panic?

The SAD facts are that here in Japan 99% of the news media INTENTIONALLY play down how serious Fukushima is. Has NHK and the other TV news stations in Japan reported the jump in thyroid cancers in children in Fukushima Prefecture from like one a year before the tsunami to about 15 to 50 per year now? Answer: No.

Very quietly America has "raised" the allowable radiation in fish caught for sale in America. Headline news story? Answer: No.

Therefore: "No panic."

What purpose does panic serve? How do you report events that you say will occur in 15 to 50 years?

I am willing to accept that a nuclear meltdown in a country which is an effective neighbor to Hawaii is relevant. What I'm not sure of is
the purpose of fanning a sense of panic or alarm.

For my part I stopped eating seafood a dozen years ago. But if you like a substantial amount of Pacific Ocean catch then you have reason to pay attention... better yet get your own Geiger counter (why trust any information source but your own?) and let us all know when your Mahi-Mahi makes a loud clickety-click sound.
Assume the best and ask questions.

Punaweb moderator
I don't think anyone is trying to cause a panic, but rather just raise the alarm since this issue is not on anyones mind and certainly not on the news. I myself am well researched into alternative theories, some may call them "conspiracy theories" as coined by the CIA, however I was not aware of the severity of the present problem until this thread prompted further research. From the models I have seen, it will be about another six months to a year till we see effects in Hawaii, we can start preparing and educating people about the potential threats to our safety now, since the government and media are not doing it. No harm caused by being aware of it and looking into it. As some say more international pressure may be necessary, especially if it actually has a chance to effect the international community, given that its the pacific this chance seems likely and the US is first up including Hawaii.

I did not learn one thing from your post. What effects are you referring to? Are the seas going to glow in the dark? Will our hair fall out of our heads? Will the price of orange sherbet at KTA rise or fall?
Assume the best and ask questions.

Punaweb moderator
Why don't you look into it Rob, the articles talk about some of the problems. A lot of it seems unknown, just like it was unknown that thousands of tons of radioactive water were being released, that water was measured to be dose of a five year maximum in one hour. Why don't you want people to talk about it? This thread has been much more informative then some of the other popular threads at the moment. No harm in being informed. I am not anti nuclear energy myself, there are many modern, safe reactor designs that have been taken off the table do to fears over 30-40 year old designs that have been completely mismanaged by electric companies with government immunity. Some very interesting ted talks that go over some of these future reactors. However we have to deal with these dirty mismanaged reactors now, one of which is leaking highly radioactive water and possibly has fuel burning its way into the groundwater. I believe this is the reason it was recently publicly upgraded to a 3 status from a 1, much lower then the initial 7 but still cause for concern and a recent issue at that, one that Hawaii is down current from. Certainly some room for solidarity with our Japanese neighbors who will no doubt bare the brunt of this, my own father is in Japan right now, not Fukushima, but still this island has strong ties to that island outside of ocean currents.

No effects here 3000 miles away after 2.5 years but you say there definitely will be an effect felt in Hawaii in 6 months from now, that's February 2014.
At least that is testable, if you specify what effect you mean. Conspiracy theories bore me, testable predictions don't. They bring everyone closer to the truth.

My sympathies are with the people of Japan, but scaremongering so far away doesn't help, it's even insulting to the people who are having the real problems.

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