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The BIAN (Big Island Association of Nurserymen’s) plant sale will take place Fri & Sat. - Sept 6th from 5pm to 9pm and Sept. 7th from 9am to 2pm - At Edith Kanakaole Tennis Stadium in Hilo.
Admission Free - Cash, Checks & Charge accepted
INfo link:
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><(((*> ~~~~ ><(("> ~~~~ ><'> ~~~~ >(>
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Just remember, only buy for what you have dug holes for first (really reins me in....cause I gotta dig the holes first)
Ifn's I only dig a coupla holes first...can only get a coupla plants... & they gotta fit where & how the hole as dug... so far it has worked at reining in the purchasing, esp th "never got that plant int he ground & now it is growin' through the pot" issues I had...
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I always laugh when you say that--it shows the mighty gap between the ways our minds work.
My mind: "How can I dig holes, when I don't know what I'll buy?"
Your mind (at least in my mind): "I'll get a Whatchamacallum verigatum, three Gizmo rubrums, and a Somethingorotherum tallgrowus to shade the Gizmos."
At least it's less likely that you'll be competing for that special plant that nobody expected to find for sale...
Don't worry, I'll give you a cutting.
><(((*> ~~~~ ><(("> ~~~~ ><'> ~~~~ >(>
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"...I can always just up-pot this and plant it somewhere later..."
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"My mind: "How can I dig holes, when I don't know what I'll buy?"
Your mind (at least in my mind): "I'll get a Whatchamacallum verigatum, three Gizmo rubrums, and a Somethingorotherum tallgrowus to shade the Gizmos."
Do you accept trophies or baked goods?
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Lee, I am way not that planned... I am just trying to fill holes in the yard plantings & fill with something fun...
Without the holes rule (which I do break for some things) I would end up with a lot more wonderful plants than I had yard space available at the time....with the hole rule, I know the space I have & what I need (ie, plants that like full sun, or shady, or dry windy side of the lot....) & I do have the "BOY, would I love to get a ____ for this spot" list.... but if I find something like last BIAN sale blueberries (which were not on my radar list, but would fit nicely in 2 of the holes criteria) I get them! and am munching a handful of them right now....YUMMY!
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Oh no, so you WILL be competing for that Whattheheckisthatus igottahaveit?
Part of the difference might be that you have a lot in town, and I have three acres where I'm trying to beat back glory bush and bamboo orchids. We tend to focus on one area at a time, clear out the weeds and replant right away, so it's good to have a variety of plants on hand.
I recently set up a potting bench near the house (the one down by the greenhouse is covered with plants), so I have everything at hand to repot plants as I get them, and space to put plants of similar needs together, ready as soon as we clear a space for them. The shade plant inventory is building up, so I think that's next.
><(((*> ~~~~ ><(("> ~~~~ ><'> ~~~~ >(>